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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Singletary has geat vision and balance. That's kind of what makes up for his shortcomings in all other areas.
  2. Just another thing to point to that shows PFF is BS. I'm an Edmunds supporter, but PFF grades are garbage.
  3. I've loved Davis, honestly. Let's say it's Diggs and him. Knox is still clearly the next best option, but has gotten limited opportunities.
  4. I love weather games. It's maybe the one thing I agree with the NFL on. I want the drama.
  5. Rooting for the US, obviously. Interesting that a lot of folks tend to root for Netherlands as well. I am also one of them. I like their style and Robben was one of my favorite players. I'll try to watch most of the games and just root for the underdogs. My son will actually be into it this year too, so that'll make it more enjoyable.
  6. And then there's Jeff Wilson Jr. in Miami, but he also went to a very familiar system. James Robinson in NJ got used right away, although not too impactful.
  7. I have faith they'll figure it out and the offense will be rolling into the playoffs. That's been the trend the last 2 years. It's arguably just as much on Josh as it is Dorsey.
  8. With the lack of threats at WR behind Diggs, it made sense that Knox would be used more. It's puzzling. Getting an explosive player like Hines involved shouldn't be a big ask, either. I think the Bills need these guys to step up now and Dorsey has to get creative in using them.
  9. The Bills beat the Colts in the snow bowl of 2017. Lost to the Pats in the wind bowl of 2021.
  10. I agree it's weird it takes so long for new players to contribute, but Hines definitely fits the offense as a speedy pass catching back. It definitely made sense. I assume they'll be trying to adjust his contract, or else it's him and Cook as the starting running backs next year, probably with a draft pick.
  11. When the vaxx issues were going on he asked the players directly about it multiple times and they denied what he was claiming. It became very annoying. He didn't get his story, but continues to claim it was valid. No one needs to simply accept his claims. If he had a story with valid sources and wrote about it, then that's acceptable for sure.
  12. Didn't pull it out of my behind. Last time I got into a back-and-forth on here with you was because of that. It was a number of PCs in a row, but I'll bet the under. I'd love to read that story. If you have proof it happened, please come ahead with it? Halftime at Tampa was definitely a big moment for the team.
  13. Did you ever write about Josh putting his foot down? I've never heard that specific story. Sounds like it would've been a memorable one. I remember you asking in multiple press conferences about the vaxx issues and the team giving you the same answers every time, not giving you any interesting sound bites, but you kept beating that dead horse. And now you're still at it. You were the only reporter who kept pushing it every week in hopes of getting something juicy. I think the players were more tired of fans and media shoving this non-issue down their throats. Beasley and the vaxx stuff was distracting, but didn't "almost tear the team apart." That's so dramatic. Keep working at getting to the bottom of that delicious hint. I'm sure you'll find something. ☝️
  14. You think people who disagree with you are not trying to see the big picture? Its just left leaning folks?
  15. I agree he's super popular. I guess I didn't realise that was the point you were trying to make. Kari Lake, Blake Masters, etc are not the same type of candidates. And Arizona demographics are not the same as Florida. We're surrounded by blue states and blue migrants. They can't make it too obvious.... Duh...
  16. The voter demographics in Florida and Arizona and Pennsylvania are obviously very different. You can't make an apples to apples comparison and then just blame the actual results on a conspiracy. Florida is in the heart of red state country. Just look at a map.
  17. Wasn't Bills vs KC the game of the year before this? Bills came out on top. There's always gonna be a next game of the year.
  18. Has @john wawrowposted in this thread yet? I love when he brings his BS to the board and then gets all mad when people call him out on it. The vaxx stuff never "nearly tore the team apart" but it was a story Wawrow tried to force down our throats and now he's doubling down. He's of the belief that if you write something down enough times, it becomes fact. That's the kind of journalist he is. He doesn't chase the TRUE story, he chases what he thinks SHOULD be the story. He knows it's the perfect time to hint at trouble right now (as the team hits a rough patch) because that's when he can get the most reaction from readers. Drama, drama, drama.... It just doesn't work as well when the team is winning.
  19. Why neuter your star player? The only way he's going to get past the struggle is by actually working through it. Allen is not someone you try to cover up. You call it the way you know he can play because he's going to work through it eventually. And that's how you get him ready to make all the right decisions in the playoffs. He has to learn from it now, not later. He should've take what was given today. If he didn't that, no one would be blaming coaching because the fact is that coaching had them in position to win.
  20. There's no replacing that coverage. He also leads the Bills defense with a 1.6% missed tackle percentage.
  21. You're just choosing an arbitrary line between coaching and player execution. It doesn't work like that.
  22. And all Allen had to do was step to his left and take the 2 yards. You're screenshot is late in the play. He was in the mindset of needing the TD when all they needed was two. Then he even said in his presser "it's fourth down there, no reason to take the sack or throw it away." I love the never say die attitude with Allen when they're down in the game and it's 3rd or 4th and long, but in this case they are up by 10 pts and have the Vikings pinned in their own end. The reason coaches don't mind going for it on 4th down there is because if they miss it, they still have the other team pinned. Josh has to understand in this situation that it actually IS okay to throw it away. Not force an INT in the end zone and give away the good field position.
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