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Everything posted by PlayoffsPlease

  1. From schoop and bulldog to the buf news to a bunch of posters here, the bar of success seems to be the very best of any QB in the league. He has read defenses and react like Brady, move in the pocket like Aaron Rogers and have Drew Brees pinpoint passing precision. Anything short of that is a "huge problem" that he must correct. Apparently putting up 42 points with a direct hand in 5 TDs just doesn't cut it.
  2. Does he hold the career record for most penalties called?
  3. The regular season if fun. But the off season is better. The Bills always win the off season.
  4. Good coaching is better than sticking with bad coaching. Its that simple. Continuity of bad coaching just continues bad results.
  5. Getting a better coach beats the crap out of stability. Case in point, Baker Mayfield doing a hell of lot better with a new staff than the original staff, and that was a midseason change.
  6. The main statistical truth that is not factored in here, is that Josh Allen is the largest percentage of his teams offense of any QB in the league (for the games he played in). The stress and duress that puts a player under (let alone a rookie) is tremendous. He has responded fairly well to that. This does not change the other statistics, but it provides important context.
  7. Yes, but the Rams and Bears did that in 2018. As Bills fans we must use view things through the lens of an 80 year old fan that wants to have Vince Lombardi running power sweeps, and pretend free agency isn't a thing.
  8. One thought is hiring coaches that can work with a variety of type of players. "fit the mold" coaches, generally suck.
  9. I hope you are right. My main concern is that lessons don't seem to be learned. Same issues week in and week out. Even in a game, nothing seems learnable. I practically lost my mind on the fifth jet sweep that went for a big gain yesterday. That seems like incompetence, not someone simply on a learning curve.
  10. Your question on coaching and talent levels are not mutually exclusive. The Browns in fear of being embarrassed hung on to a coach that was 3-36 during his tenure and the guy replacing him has gone 5-2 since. This is exhibit A in the case against the insane idea that good coaching needs many years to show up in the results. McDermott has a number of pretty ugly strikes against him. Never winning a challenge. His ridiculous inability to separate Allen from Peterman and McCarron early on, clock management issues, and the problem he has with the team committing penalties. Personally I think he is a prima donna that will never deliver the goods. I will be happy to be wrong.
  11. If you do yards per "catchable" it drops quite a bit. A top 10 first
  12. Draft picks are the basic currency of the NFL. Kahil Mack was worth a two firsts and some other picks, even though his salary is full market value. That is a pretty good player. Other than Josh Allen, do the Bills have a single offensive player on the roster that would garner anything better than a fourth round pick from another team? I don't think they do. That can't be a good thing.
  13. Players get whistled for strange roughness calls before the whistle blows, on a regular basis. Its easy to imagine a player getting whistled for smashing into a guy laying on another guy. Shaw66 is right about the need to change this rule.
  14. McCoy retired about the same time Vonta Davis did. He still wanted his paycheck though.
  15. What is the change of pace you are looking for? Because having an old guy who is slower and less powerful than the starting RB, would be a change of pace, but I doubt it will be effective.
  16. 25% of his rookie contract is used up. The Bills did not get the production you would hope for from the draft capital invested in him this year. If had been excellent this year, people would still expect an improvement next year. His performance this year is consistent with a third round draft pick who was a surprise starter. Nothing suggests he is going to make a great leap forward from here.
  17. No sold on McDermott yet, but McCarthy is not good.
  18. The season could have been much better. If McDermott had committed fully to Allen at the beginning of camp and spent the entire season focused on Allen, he would be further along and the team might even be in the playoff hunt. This season is a failure as a direct results of the Peterman debacle. This season has to be McDermott's mulligan. If next seasons is a a debacle, I don't want to hear about progress the team is making. If the Bills do not win a playoff came next season, I will consider the McDermott reign a failure.
  19. Not always. Russell Wilson is a running QB. So is Cam Newton. Both have been very successful. Jackson just doesn't have anywhere near their talent.
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