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Everything posted by PlayoffsPlease

  1. Not to take anything away from Trent. But this article is mostly about the writer trying to show that he sees everything better than you do. And maybe he does.
  2. We won last week (in their house actually) and they lost. This week we have mocking rights. We are fully exercising that right pursuant to the 37th amendment to the USA Constitution.
  3. https://www.clevelandbrowns.com/news/browns-mourn-loss-of-petara-cordero-girlfriend-of-browns-de-chris-smith
  4. Browns DE Chris Smith’s Lamborghini crashed on 90W this morning, after he reported a tire blew. Police say Smith and his girlfriend, Petara Cordero, were standing in the berm when another car hit and killed Cordero.
  5. Its lucky for us that Giants fans are homers and not astute analysts like Bills fans.
  6. Does the NFL really that think that 6 minutes of the shittiest hip hop music possible during halftime shows is going to result in people who don't care about football to tune in.
  7. with responses like this your random opinion of someones guilty or innocence is sure to be highly respected.
  8. If your opinion is based on only what is published in the media, and not on personal knowledge, however it is probably not an opinion you should expect others to respect.
  9. You are. If you asked to be on the jury you have to set aside that opinion or tell the judge you can''t be fair.
  10. Depends on the circumstance. If you are the police and someone calls and says "there is a guy pounding on my door screaming he is going to kill me" I would expect the police to respond without asking for proof.
  11. An ethical prosecutor would not bring charges against someone he presumed to be innocent. Evidence maybe what created his presumption. But prior to a conviction, it is simply the prosecutors presumption that the person his guilty. I don't know why you are offended by the idea that the legal presumption of innocence is only a requirement of the juror and judge.
  12. Prosecutors opening always include some version of "this person is guilty". Jurors don;t have to believe them. If the prosecutor is knowingly lying he is a criminal and an evil human being. The prosecutor presumes guilt.
  13. You can disagree, but you are still wrong. Presumption does not mean proven. You are making a case about the word proven, not presumption.
  14. People are always confused by presumption of innocence. In reality this presumption is and always has been very limited. Police arrest people they "presume to be guilty" Grand Jury's indict people they "presume to be guilty" Prosecutors prosecute people they "presume to be guilty". 12 jurors and a judge are duty bound to presume innocence. No one else is obligated to provide such a presumption. Outside of the legal system in press, and among the public at large the presumption of guilty increases in direct proportion to the accused's fame and wealth. In terms of general human fairness, there is no actual reason to presume anything unless you are personally familiar with the facts and/or people involved.
  15. I will stipulate everything you say here is correct. Unfortunately, false accusations are also a thing, and also entirely consistent with this typical fact set.
  16. As a I society we have almost completed the circle. We have gone from a society where only relations between married people were acceptable, all the way through the sexual revolution back to a society where at least any public person is practically insane to be alone in the company of anyone other than their spouse.
  17. So you are in the guilty until proven innocent camp. Personally, I am on the side of "I was not there and don't know" In a civil suit, one side stands to make money. One stands too lose money and reputation. Both have motives to either lie or tell the truth. It is the literal definition of prejudice to make a judgement based on one sides claims only.
  18. You are evaluating him on the 100% speculation that the team will fail down the road because of decisions made now. Teams have two goals. Make money. Win games. O'Brien is one of the small group of people who has demonstrated success for winning games in the NFL for at least a five year stretch. How many other coaches have 3 division titles in the last five years. Or are all coaches compared to BB's success? In which case every other NFL coach is a failure.
  19. In the world of feeling and emotions, O'Brien is a failure. In the fact based world he has moderately successful results as a head coach. If McDermott wins 3 division titles in his first five years, Bills fans will be angry that Canton will not revise its rules to allow for the immediate inclusion of McDermott, you know because of feelings.
  20. Does anyone know if any other NFL team has gone this long with such a streak. I had no idea that 200 yards passing was actually a feat.
  21. This last Sunday, the Patriots were 30 points better than the Steelers. The Bills were 1 point better than the Jets. Most observers think the Steelers are better than the Jets. While they wont see them until playoffs, I am guessing the Patriots fear the Chiefs more than the Bills.
  22. He would definitely sign with us for a big contract now.
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