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Everything posted by mykidsdad

  1. Even good teams play eggs sometimes. The Eagles game was our mulligan.
  2. I'm feeling good right now. So good, but one game at a time. Realistically, we should win 2 out of 4 and be the 5th seed. Its jus so freaking good not to be 6 and 6 right now like we seem to be every other year, hoping 9 and 7 might get us in on tie breaks.
  3. Double Edlemen and put a nickel corner on White = win. The Pats offense lacks playmakers and Brady is good not great anymore. I LOVE this NFL season so much so far. The KC O is very good, but we may beat their D like a drum. I wish it wasn't in KC.
  4. Bill's beat the Pat's in the playoffs and go in to beat SF in the SB by 3. You heard it here first.
  5. Wow. The fact that any of this is on the table after 12 games is amazing. One game at a time, but we have come a long way.
  6. Spy Lamar with Poyer. Play Lamar first on ever read option. Man the tight ends with one free. Make Lamar beat you to a WR. We win a close one.
  7. I sped read a bunch and the opinions on Josh Allen seem mixed. Some folks over there seem to be treating him pretty fairly. I would take Josh above everyone but Jackson in last years draft. And honestly, Jackson is one hit away from being off the list altogether. He runs too much. Darnold may be better in the long run, but as of now... 1. JACKSON 2. ALLEN 3. DARNOLD 4. MAYFIELD 5. ROSEN So we did a okay considering. THIS LIST WILL CHANGE! We need to evaluate the list in another year to see how we all did.
  8. Boys get a warning, but not our Bill's when Dak didn't even slide. The bias makes me so mad. Glad we won. Tough to beat refs and opposing teams.
  9. I think there are various biases that come out from certain referees. I think it is undeniable; and, although, it is unlikely that a widespread conspiracy exists, these spirits of bias sometimes produce results that might appear consistent with a conspiracy. If any conspiracy actually does exist it would probably be because league forces might imply a desire for certain results. For example, an official may be less likely to call a penalty on a star player or may feel there is pressure to keep a game moving by letting things go uncalled at the end of game. These biases can end up being strung together to help or hurt teams that may have fewer stars or need fair calls in crucial moments. Bottom line, whether intended or not, referees are human and the bad calls tend not to balance out, because biases that favor some over others do exist. Tim Donaghy of the NBA seems to be an interesting case study. While everything he has said on this point needs to be taken with a grain of salt, I think some bias to benefit the league as a whole is pervasive in every professional league. While long term strategy should mean refs putting the integrity of the league first by making fair calls, I speculate that benefit to the league through short term, tactical, officiating that benefits a certain team or player happens in the NFL. This kind of bias may be followed by a slew of other biases like a belief that certain players and teams are good or bad, likeable or unlikable, etc. As an example of plain old biases that are largely innocent on the face, on Thursday Josh Allen was not protected by the refs when he slid but Dak was protected when he did not slide. Why? Perhaps because of the bias the refs have regarding an unknown player compared to a star. These decisions are made in an instant, and I think it is impossible for them to be made in a vacuum, so influences of all kinds sometimes produce unfair officiating. I also would not be surprised if from time to time gambling played a role in how games are called. If this makes me a conspiracy guy, so be it.
  10. He was channeling Peyton Manning out there pre snap. Wow. What a win!
  11. Go Bills! I'm not going to the game, but I'm so nervous I feel like I'm playing tomorrow.
  12. It was a Pat's home game. It doesn't have to be a conspiracy. One guy trying to help his team, maybe. It certainly stinks and is in line with Pats history. That's what happens when you get caught cheating so many times. You lose the benefit of the doubt. Whether it was an honest mistake or a full blown crime or something in the middle. I dont like the look of it. And the ball spotting things makes no sense. Theh made the Cowboys go 11 yards for a first down. Very bad look.
  13. GREAT WORK! I'm a loser, so stats are for ME!
  14. I refuse to accept this thread as factual. It hurts too much.
  15. A lot of good teams have bad losses. At least we're not there. We are winning the games we're "supposed to" and not every "good" team does that. We just need two more!
  16. Don't slur people, but even if, you shouldn't smash the guy in the head with his own helmet. Would that actually mitigate his punishment? I hope not. Two wrongs...
  17. Excellent article. I think a lot of players like to think of themselves as "misfits," but as long as it works! Carry that chip on your shoulder all the way to the playoffs!
  18. I agree with the substance of what Tomlin said, but it strikes me as callous and arrogant. His players can learn from anything. Have some perspective. The more I hear from him the more he rubs me wrong. Who knows he could be a great guy, and he's obviously a good coach, but I don't like the way he comes across here.
  19. Kyle Brandt (GMFB) on the One Bills Drive interview says he believes that all of his three co hosts (Kay Adams, Nate Burleson, and Peter Schrager) have NOT watched a SINGLE snap of the Bills all year. For all of us who read and listen to the media make stale comments on the Bills and wonder what is going on, here's a little proof.
  20. Allen watched too much film of myles garrett before the game. He wasn't seeing just an old ghosts, he was seeing 95.
  21. Its must watch YouTube every week!
  22. If you were to type cast a human being to be an offensive gaurd, you couldn't find a better one. RI is a great player. I find few guards fun to watch, RI is one of them. It is a shame he is a head case.
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