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Everything posted by mykidsdad

  1. Do we know who the all-pros are?
  2. Although it may be true, it seems like a post without taste considering the man just passed away. If there was a thumbs down option, I'd have to give you one. --- We just watched his Football Life Episode as a family. Remember those Steeler teams and some great Bills Steeler games in that era. RIP Kevin Greene
  3. I feel like the AFC championship this year will be harder to win than the SB. The teams at the top of the AFC are as good or better than any team in the NFC. TIER 1 CHIEFS BILLS TIER 2 TITANS STEALERS TIER 3 PACKERS SAINTS COLTS THE REST SEALTLE BROWNS DOLPHINS AND ANY OTHER PLAYOFF TEAMS....
  4. I think his actual father is just trying to get his own name off his son's page.
  5. I hope he waits the year.
  6. I can't imagine the Pats losing on purpose. But I think the math is right. A tie record, means the jags draft first. Trevor Lawrence > any QB since Manning. I hope I'm wrong. I'm a Clemson fan, so I'm biased, but I've been watching the kid more closely, too.
  7. Anyone but Trevor. I think he may be the best QB in the division until training camp, then the Jets will ruin him...so there's that.
  8. Agreed. That's why I have never rooted more for the Jets to win a game.
  9. I think this video is pretty well done, and the graphs at the end are very telling. Was it Josh or the franchise that made the difference or some magical combination? I'm not sure, but one thing is for sure: poor Sam Darnold is toast in New Jersey, and we have our guy!
  10. I know I'm the minority, but I liked Marone for the Bills. I like what we have now much better, but I thought Rex was a step down. Marone was an arrogant SOB, but that isn't too unusual in that business.
  11. I also didnt like how aggressive they were on offense at the end of that game. They ran up the score and Tannehill showboated and I hate powder blue and I still hate them for the homerun throw forward....
  12. My big GREEN fear is Daboll in NJ with Trevor.
  13. I hope so where knox, kroft is concerned. It hurts watching knox play. He flashes once in a while, but 4 out of 5 plays he looks lost. I dont care either way about Murphy, he is a meh rotational player. I think Knox hurts us.
  14. I stand by original take, Knox is not an nfl quality player.
  15. I spent some time playing with espn's playoff machine and it looks likely that if we win this week AND Buffalo, KC and Pitt end the year tied at 12 and 4 or 13 and 3, the Bills would earn homefield advantage and a bye with the one seed in the playoffs. It looks like we woukd win alot of the potential three way tie breakers. If you're like me and obsessing about the Bill's chances, please check my work! http://www.espn.com/nfl/playoffs/machine
  16. and getting the first seed is like a fantasy, but a nice one
  17. agreed as long as JA's stats still look good in these games.
  18. this is really cool to think about. seriously. i never thought about the difference really of a linemen reaching out to ensure the dt or whoever doesn't get back on side. snapping the ball is where its at. very nice area of improvement.
  19. He had a good night. Hope blooms eternal.
  20. Please watch knox in PP and running game. I would love to let him develop but not at the cost of games, and unlikr Klein, we DO have a better option in Kroft. he is so bad in PP. He looks lost. L O S T lost.
  21. Knox can NOT play. He is marginal as a receiver, and he seems to be lost in the running/blocking scheme. Lost. Like so lost.
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