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Everything posted by VaMilBill

  1. Class act and I think one of the lone bright spots for the Bills of the last eight years. For the younger generation of Bills fans, myself included, he has to be probably the favorite. I would say only Kyle Williams or Aaron Schobel could compete
  2. Not much of a fan. I couldn't even consider just ceasing to become a Bills fan. Even when they suck. Which is all the time. This baffles me how you can just switch teams unless you have a kid or family member who is in the NFL and switched teams
  3. In his defense, he probably didn't like the atmosphere of working in Dallas. I knew a WR, Danny Coale, in who played in Dallas and was injured his first two years in the league and got cut. He went to Pittsburgh and he said Dallas treated him like garbage where Pittsburgh actually cared about him as a person. So maybe Orton felt kinda the same in Dallas and didn't feel like he owed anything to them.
  4. Well... At least 12 days of Simpsons are on FX
  5. This is one if the worst quarters of play the offense could show. It's looking like that browns game where we lost 3-6
  6. Corbin Bryant having a good game. Good swarm by defense
  7. Jeez. Our interior d line got blown off the ball
  8. Pears not looking good at all at guard
  9. Robey is a play maker. Keep this guy on the field
  10. Their offense does match-up really well against our defense. Especially Forte and Bennett on our LBs. But if our offense can put points on the board we may be able to keep pace with their offense. That's a big if though
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