What worries me is once this new stadium is built, you'll lose a lot of the tailgating and the stadium will resemble more of a club you'd find in Boston or Baltimore than a simple, blue-collared stadium to match the blue-collared people of Buffalo. I agree with what you were saying.
But by moving the stadium, if you lose all, or a majority of the tailgating capacity, you're certainly going to lose fans coming to the stadium. I'd argue that the only reason The Ralph can get filled in late December is because of the tailgating and people having fun. As soon as you get rid of that, people will say screw it. I'll have fun at home.
Also, new stadium means probably higher ticket and concession costs which could prevent people from coming to games. Buffalo will never host a Super Bowl and we don't have problems with the current game day experience of filling the stadium so I don't understand why the NFL is pressuring us to get a new stadium