I don’t know how China always gets away with this crap. If I were the WTA head I’d cut this tournament.
This is obviously a small item that the Chinese do. If you look in the new Topgun movie, the patches on the back of Tom Cruises jacket is supposed to have a Taiwanese flag on it but Hollywood changed it to appease China.
Obviously, the genocide with the Uigher Muslims is an atrocity that’s being ignored world wide including by the NBA who choose the be social justice warriors but don’t care at all about human rights if it’s gonna cost them money. That’s why I think every single NBA athlete is a joke. No credibility.
All these people seem to look the other way when it’s China because they don’t want to upset them and lose money. I say F$&@ that!
I really think China is evil. I think they are willing to kill millions, if not billions, of innocents for world power. And I think everyone should be training themselves, consciously and subconsciously, to hate China like we did the Soviet Union during the Cold War.