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Everything posted by rfk

  1. I think he should lay down in the end zone and play dead.
  2. Serve Pettine right after queefing the Bills for f'n Cleveland that his owner stuck him with a living cadaver....rip Johnny Foosball...cause thats what you'll be playing soon. And no I am not a Pirate, just a old mental patient with itchy fingers.
  3. I just can't stop watching that clip of Kyle Williams just pushing Mr. Football and he collapses and plays dead like in the school yard... I love William's restraint, he could have ended Johnny's career before it happens which will not be a long one anyhoo (see RG III). Doesn't Johnny know that his bizarre hand movement mimics Tardive Dyskinesia in old neurolepticly poisoned mental patients. And hats off to Kyle Williams, It must have been tempting to just save us all from a million hours of the rise and fall of Johnny Football on ESPN.
  4. manning will put on a clinic but hey its manning future hoffamer..enjoy the show just think about all the qbs who have failed since manning became manning ..its beyond comprehension..he needs a cape
  5. Well, Boss..... We're not talking slavery here (that would be an insult) but their are similarities. I hope that as time goes on definitive information on outcomes is available to young men who play football so they know what they are risking.
  6. I'm sure that there is head gear that soccer players could wear that would limit concussions and high schools could easily have a more than one team to accommodate every student that wants to play (at a cheaper cost than FB). I love football but it's now apparent that we are watching mostly African Americans from poor economic backgrounds sacrifice their health and longevity so we can get a taste of ultra violence from our couches...
  7. Well, Robots will take over the sport by 2030 so just a couple more generations of wussie humanoid injuries. Why not a force field around the player's body so the impact is muffled. How about using ISIS prisoners as players. No chopping heads allowed. Lets all have a pint and watch Soccer and Lacrosse. Perhaps contact Golf. Have a device that delivers a genital shock to any player who exceeds a certain impact velocity. I could go on but I'll get nasty replies
  8. Brady will be a trade option soon...then
  9. all i know is that if i were an exceptional athlete in high school.and seeing whats going on .id be thinking about some other sport than football to pay the bills..
  10. With the weight training, nutrition, equipment, and painkillers these guys have been turned into weapons and victims..What about the Canadians ....do they have the same outcomes. I'm glad my Grandsons play Soccer i loves me some bone crunching tackles but.... Perhaps naked football is the answer..
  11. I'd prefer to see more fan concussions and less player injuries...Nothing like getting waked with a Guinness bottle
  12. I suspect that anybody who works has some concern for their own well being no matter what that work involves. Workers apply for Disability and Compensation all the time and there are always lawyers ready to sue for unsafe working conditions that cause injury and death. NFL players are in the media spotlight and the issue is not going away. I have to think that as time goes on, any exceptional athlete with half a brain is going to consider other less dangerous professional sports to play. Sorry, you'll have to enjoy your maiming and such at work.
  13. People get pretty crazy with soccer..
  14. Is it possible that the NFL can be made safe and yet still as compelling to watch as it is now?
  15. He's another canary in a coal mine...We now know that these NFL guys are sacrificing their health and their longevity to play football for our beery eyed amusement. I loved Talley as a player (those crazy eyes) but I'd prefer to see a public fund for research into making the NFL safer. Athletes with half a brain (to start with) are going to start thinking twice about opting for the NFL as a career. Now having said that I am happy to see the outpouring of goodwill and money to Mr Talley.
  16. The Longest Yard which would be an appropriate team for all those guys..Peterson is def in that group (how could i forget him)..I think i could field a whole or hole team of these ass...O, Woody Allen for Gaiter Aide Boy. Mike Vick...he beat dogs not people and weirdly got the most punishment. That other guy shot himself in the leg and went jail..hmmmm.
  17. And thats the way it should be, no favors, stop being a Beeeeoch.Perhaps snow will move the game to Met Life
  18. Ray Rice, OJ, Burt Reynolds and Cosby
  19. and orton would puking his guts out
  20. I called OJ and he said Si Si Si let him play (he's some latino guy's B word)
  21. Give him OJ's Number
  22. Orton EJ and Tuel plus a mid round draft pick
  23. Trade em for Mike Vick and doggie to be named later.
  24. The Packers are a great organization...a coop owned team in a freaking snow bound cold place where half the people are alcoholics.. Sound familiar. We should be happy for them. Who better to rub Brady's face in the turf and cause the Hoodie to soil himself. What do you want Dallas in the SB? NE and Dallas and you'll have to fight me for that cave.
  25. He's just responding to the voices in his head.
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