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Everything posted by rfk

  1. True he knew this was coming...not the way the NFL wants to present itself . When confronted with making this kid with a rape suit as the face of the NFL on draft day I suspect Goodell told him to stay home.. If the glove don't fit to beating women in elevators the NFL is becoming the face of violence against women..
  2. Ha great... you haven't been a fan long enough if: wide right..is japanese for wild night jim kelly is just a guy who beat cancer
  3. For the guy trying to make a roster its high drama...for the vets its like professional wrestling for the fan its another excuse to drink beer
  4. he made a bold fashion statement...his hair will join the great one in the hall of fame
  5. C- for taking Sammy now with a bad hip for this years first rounder when he could have taken the guy the Giants too Odem for nothing
  6. i like that idea...sand football...Mike Sam...women officials...Tom landry is spinning faster than a Staubuck football...bum phillips just sh*t in his hat!
  7. he needs to go to canada a la flutie then he can come back and have his own cereal...johnny fruit balls
  8. Not EJ until he proves that he can the broad side of Kim Kardashian's a$$
  9. if an ant had nuts he'd have to walk on his hind legs
  10. well lets see when he has Suh in his face
  11. Spend it now because when the Bills finally get a decent QB they will have to pay him..
  12. Easy load up against the run and intimidate a mediocre QB
  13. Number of snaps till season starts available makes 4 QBs in competition a bad idea.
  14. Hand off to Shady 60 % of snaps...then pray that one of those guys can occasionally throw an accurate pass. OR Orten will be ready to come back after perfecting his butt slide on his couch and after preseason.
  15. Yep he has a lot of heart and that is not insignificant but do you think that swayed the hoodie...no....he builds teams with his brain and casts off guys who don't fit just before they tank a la Wolfork. Will Buffalo be the team with heart or the team that wins...I'll take the heart but...
  17. I want to cheer TIE ROD! TIE ROD!
  18. Nutting makes sense until September..but it always seems like the Bills are making reactive moves out of desperation to be relevant...not methodically building a team a la Pittsburgh or NE...a product of instability in management/coaching perhaps.
  19. Spiller will be Spiller wherever he is 50 yards ahead and then 2 yards back ad nauseum
  20. Brady and the Hoody will always find a way...2 More years
  21. Coulda won with that douche..Lynch was a bad pick cause he was never going to be comfortable in Buffalo..I thought Marv knew talent and character but...
  22. Its all dust in the wind until Sept...I will say Ryan and Whaley have some undeflated balls right now,,next fall they can't blame the equipment guy...
  23. "Dude, Just show up so you don't get fined." (Skittle Smile) I smell an unhappy guy in Buffalo..wish it wasn't true and I hope McCoy had a say in this.. Rex better get a new tattoo.
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