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Everything posted by rfk

  1. Well maybe take a 2nd.
  2. lets not get giddy yet..one good wack and we're back to EJ
  3. space like outer or inner or just his own bench
  4. EJ and Geno's..nice name for a rib place
  5. I hate to be a Debbie Downer but this is the dumbest topic and I posted to it duh
  6. I predict he'll end up in NE ...The Hoodie will make a 3rd Down Slot Smurf out of him. Thats how he should be used.
  7. Did Hackett Draft EJ...Did Hackett name him starter? His job was to polish a turd. Let's see what happens next. The plays don't matter ifin you caint execute dem.
  8. He's a one down backer...Couldnt beat out Brown to stay on the field during passes...let him go free! Keep Pepper or are they a couple?
  9. Cut it loose indeed...he's grasping like Losman, Edwards et al...This is why we love to watch NFL...it's not easy and no shame in trying your ass off...I hear Nike needs a PR man...Sorry EJ..you have no history of cutting it loose. Pegulia needs to cut it loose. Where is that jerk? Buddy Nix...someone needs to spoil his retirement..leaving the Bills with a franchise QB..Ha
  10. I like ej at wide ...big hands tall fast, a mini megaton with some weight room work
  11. I don't think Brady's wife would ever agree to live in Buffalo. And The Hoodie would turn EJ into a winner.
  12. I'm worried Orten goes down and who do we have to replace him.. I suggest drafting all QBs next time 6 Rounds..weed them out and go with the best one or two.
  13. Wh dont they use him like Sproles...o thats right those teams have a QB
  14. OK so the guy has a social anxiety disorder that he medicates with alcohol, he likes women (no controversy there, didn't see him smooching Mike Sam), and he looks like a Freshman Pledge at a NY State Public College. I don't give a sh*t. He could be a smack injecting tranny (no offense) I just don't want to watch a replay of Houston...I don't ever want to see EJac try and kill another receiver or dump the ball off to a DE Again! Meant to say E Ject but E Jac is funny too
  15. Rex Ryan
  16. He needs to see the game from the bench. He needs to watch. Lets give Orten a very difficult probably un-winnable game in Detroit and see what he does. What the hell, what difference does it make except for the ego bruising..Marrones and Whaleys. Where is that rascal Buddy Nix...leave the Bills with a franchise QB indeed...maybe if the Bills sold french fries
  17. He's got, by accounts: Before he sucks psychotherapist After he sucks psychotherapist Physical Therapists Trainers Doctors Head Coach Offense Coach QB Coach Fluffers(?) He's a one man cottage industry thats quickly going bankrupt. I'm not saying that playing NFL QB is easy but come on...
  18. Even the guy from Oakland...shake things up ...save the season
  19. The whole (52 players) team is playing their guts out and EJ plants a big turd for their efforts Orten Now or the paper bag returns
  20. Whoever replaces the Syracuse me contingent needs to be able to evaluate QB's..I want perry fewell back! and rex ryan after the jets fire his a$$
  21. EJ sucks now ...maybe he has some potential but not now...The QB lifts or sinks the play of everyone else...Brady would kill to have the Bills Ofensive Players Start Orten Now!!!
  22. The Bills lost to the alternative universe Bills today...2 bad teams going nowhere.. Fitz is EJ with experience and courage ..what ...big hands and tall ..who cares??? Jim Kelley beat cancer to watch this??? EJ is a nice tall young guy BUST Another year of no playoffs And No first round pick. Can Pegula fire anyone yet?? I'm at peace the universe is righted again. Ortens turn.
  23. The team has been lost like losing to Fitz and a team who are going nowhere Get EJ the hell out of the way.. Orten Era begins
  24. All Marrones horses And all Whaleys men Could not put EJ back together again The Orten Era Begins Please!
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