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Everything posted by rfk

  1. I think the Hoodie will be shopping Brady next year after they bomb out in the playoffs. Get something for him while he can, it's the Hoodie Way and the Way is all powerful. So I expect the Bills to jump (like always) and give up 2 First Rounders and Sammy, pay Brady 100 Million Pegula Frac Bucks. Brady will then suck/Blesdoe out his remaining 2 years in Buffalo, injured or a statue in the pocket. His wife will hate Buffalo (no veggie chicken wings) and leave him, taking the kids to France. Brady will lose his mind and be seen pan handling on Chippewa. The Hoodie will parlay those draft choices into the next franchise QB and sign Gregor Clegan to team as a TE thus cementing another 15 years of Patriot dominance.
  2. I wish we had a few more to spread around the AFC East...Maybe the Hoodie like a Graham?. He's balls on at Special Teams.Player. Who's the next TJ? EJ? or on the OL. Plant them everywhere!
  3. Hackett or Bob Cratchett Is Marchabroda Alive? Don't matter none Cause when its all done Only the Hoodie Survives
  4. Hackett is the whipping boy Marrone's behind the curtain Orton is the puppet master Of this I am certain Even drunk he knows more than the coaches. The OL will jell once they realize that Orton is their ticket to bigger and better things.
  5. Hackett Hackett Hackett The Offense you can sack it The line you can smack it The RB's can't attack it Pegula says "frac it" Bye Bye Mr Hackett No one here knows how much Marrone has to do with the O.....Hackett is a whipping boy for all you wanna bees. Given the poor draft choices on OL and QB, he aint doing too bad..
  6. Yeah right weed really keeps the brain supple...less concussions Ive read
  7. no like me
  8. Read the SI article dude...Hackett and Orton are like Kelley and Marchibroda, Hitler and Gobels, Lewis and Martin ...well you get the idea..they are going good places together. .Screw the haters, the complainers, the nit pickers, the football genius posters who have 5% of the information and make 100% proclamations!
  9. Chan don't get up before noon now and then hits the golf course...Im sure he'd rather have all you guys calling for his head with his midget league play calling and favoritism toward some players. The grass is always greener.... Hackett is my man and from what that SI article implied Orton is THE MAN in the O meetings. Shows what drinking Bourbon straight will do for one's development as a leader.
  10. Lets bring Chan out of retirement ....make loads of sense to change coaches on a 5 and 3 team with a career back up QB at the helm...you guys would B word after a Super Bowl win
  11. well Jerry does..Ive got Save a Hackett Save a Seal tee shirts for sale..gettem while their warm...
  12. apparently the buf news supports my save a hackett and save a baby seal campaign is working
  13. Screw it I'm enjoying the victory..Hackett and Orton to the wall of fame
  14. Its all about the execution said the Texas judge You'd be bitching if he ran all those trick plays..with an offense that is just staring to jell with new QB and a line that changes every week simplicity is good. The proof is in the pudding ..they won! Hence the free will vs determinism pondering
  15. Yep , vociferously and well stated sir! Bitching is a right of all sentient beings and is recognizable throughout the history of man kind. Life is suffering and so we B word Just can't we celebrate for a moment till the next time we lose.
  16. I don't think the OL has true free will but perhaps it may operate with limited choices in a relative world.
  17. I felt a calling, if you will, to admonish those who are constantly complaining even during a winning week. My words would be lost in a sea of Hackett Hate on the other posted topic and then there are always a few folks who respond to my idiot topics anyways.
  18. In fact all you folks who find so much to B word about after win...shut the pie hole for a day or two. They won..You finally have a real QB (till he's knocked senseless). The Bills are staying put till Bon Jovi is in a Nursing Home drooling on his uke. November and Play Off talk is realistic. Play Offs? What, Play Offs? Hackett has had to deal with a crappy draft pick QB and now working with a career back up guy who's just doing his preseason warm ups. The line sucks (that's Marrones baby) and Spiller sucked, Jackson is hurt.. He's not doing that bad and we don't know how much play calling is Marrone. Let's all enjoy this moment and dream of a cold winter day in Foxboro where the Bills get sweet revenge!!!
  19. Ridickulous Tpoic...They Won... Be happy for a day...Ortons finding his Chi...
  20. Give em a break...they won..perhaps he's nursing an injury
  21. get a muzzle for bradham
  22. Parents who are serious about their son becoming an NFL player have their babies slapping a nerf ball out of their hands for hours....
  23. who knows maybe Branch will break Bradys leg in practice..gotta be a glass half full
  24. marrone and his wife get matching tats of Orton downing shots And Marrone gains wears a Bum Phillips hat..Bills win
  25. Morrone is the worst dressed coast in the NFL...an embarrassment...where does he get those tent shirts with 3/4 sleeves at Big Lots? What are the reasons other than keeping hisself massage parlor friendly
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