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Everything posted by rfk

  1. That'd be a new record 3 loses in 7 days Anyhoo I can do more productive things and not have my guts ripped out by frustration. Hmmm...I wonder what the Bills will be doing on Sunday? Watching good teams play? Reading that new Pulitzer Prize winning novel? Visiting Ebola victims? Playing Frolf in the snow or golf in FLA?? Practicing?
  2. oh i thought Mangeni the man Genius wanted him
  3. Tebow OMG have we sunk to this..maybe he can pray us into .500
  4. YES Cowher!!! A real coach with real wins a spit in your face motivator !
  5. What is the point of winning now and/or risking permanent injury to, well, some of the defensive players anyway..Full refund. to those fans who can't adjust .3rd String all the way....it's like the 4th Down "To Punt or Not to Punt" Issue...Statistics say go for it and yet no teams do cause they live in fear...Fear begone...plan next year to win by being smart...the rest of this season should be pre season for next year
  6. Yeah well the Browns would gain but really first string 3rd sting does it matter OR just start the 3rd String Offense
  7. All you McKelvin Haters, guess you got what you wanted..who says you can't will the future!
  8. Start the 3rd String and Practice Squad..think out side the box...Bills have NOTHING to play for now except next seasons roster Go Tuel Be a Tool
  9. We re just lucky that Vick hadn't found his groove yet..Start the 3rd String what the hell do we have to win this year...a big fat pile of EJ...Tuels my man!!
  10. Just start ALL the 3rd String and practice squad ..what the hello its wait till next year anyhoo
  11. Yes , sitting on the toilet crying is Nirvana Only program I need is a 12 Stepper for addicts who crave losing I realize I am powerless...
  12. Those were the days just drive down and watch..not an f'n circus
  13. need I say more?
  14. It makes sense ...rest the good players till next year... see who has promise and then clean house Only drawback is they don't have a first rounder Jeff Tuels turn!!!
  15. I love the Bills..that sick puppy you just have to pick..that homeless guy who is always smiling with only two teeth...watching them is like being drunk on the couch with no money to pay the rent...From can't miss phenom QBs who tease us to GM's who can't get their asses out of their heads to coaches who are only good at explaining failure... I wouldn't have it any other way Here's to another 15 years of mediocrity! I'm having a Williams-Malarkey-Juaron-Gailey-Marrone kind of day!
  16. My roomie be wearing the TV if they suck tonight...Hopefully Orten Hears a Hoot and makes up for Sunday
  17. I'll have my Dan Marino Hanes underwear wrapped around my head, my Jim Kelley jersey, my Sammy Watson hair extensions, my Williams' Boy's (who dey? ) tee shirt, my moronic Marrone 3 quarter sleeves sweat shirt and camp hat.
  18. He looks like he's dying on the sideline so make us happy
  19. Yep then they'll beat NE and go to the Super Bowl
  20. i thought they were5 and 4 and headed nowhere
  21. Im smitten for spitten Bill Cowher!!! Doesn't Marrone realize that his demeanor effects how his team plays....Browns fumble is like a Morrone shrug
  22. He showed NOTHING and does nott deserve to be on the field again this year..let him cry to his Psychotherapist Coach
  23. Yesterday Hackett (I love this guy) said something like the Williams is having good practices but other receivers are playing better...OK .... THEY LOST and DIDNT Get in the End Zone but once. Practice is Not Game..get Wiliams in there!!!! At this point he's another bust..
  24. I suspect Ortens 4 shots (blanks) into the end zone were caused by penalties..Gaw Dam Refs
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