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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. Exactly. No matter what happens this season, the injury concerns won't just magically vanish. If you aren't going to commit now, why would you commit later for more money? It wouldn't make sense.
  2. I don't understand how this isn't clear to some people. The power structure of the front office is no longer a mystery. McDermott tops the chain of command for football related decisions. Any GM that interviews for the position will know this as well. We can no longer complain about Pegula's "flat" power structure. We now have a pyramid with McDermott at the top. I like what I've seen from McDermott. It may all work out. However, it is somewhat concerning to me that the Pegulas hand total control over to someone who doesn't a Parcells or Coughlin level of success and experience.
  3. It has to be. If this team was really interested in him they wouldn't have declined the option. It's smart to invest in good stocks when they are low. Sammy's value could be as low as it's going to get right now. Now you allow him to prove himself to the entire league this season. His value could become inflated forcing us to pay him more than we would have otherwise. I don't see why you would take that type of risk, unless you are planning on parting ways.
  4. I'm surprised they even released that car back to the dealership. Seems like a dumb thing in hindsight now that's its become a sick spectacle.
  5. IF we find a franchise QB it will all be moot. If we don't find a franchise QB than McDermott and the new GM will both be gone eventually. Imagine if Mahomes became a franchise QB. It would be a trade they wouldn't live down. That's why I chose those words. I decided to use softer words because I felt some people were talking as if it wouldn't even sting. We can all agree on that. In reality I believe there are people at OBD who wouldn't be able to live that trade down. It doesn't really matter to me though, I'm just stating the case that it would matter to other people. I'm confident that we are heading in the right direction, and that Mahomes won't be anything special.
  6. I don't think anyone is hitching their fandom to Mahomes success in KC. There is still no denying that it will be viewed as a major blunder if Mahomes goes on to win a Super Bowl. It's not about passing on him, it's about holding the spot he got drafted and trading it away. I'm not worried about it since I don't have faith in Mahomes. If we get our franchise QB Mahomes success won't matter either. If we don't get a franchise QB and Mahomes does great we won't live it down. We will all survive, but I don't think it's fair to pretend it wouldn't sting a bit.
  7. I somewhat disagree. I'm not worried because I don't envision Mahomes becoming a franchise QB. If he does become a franchise QB it's a blunder this team might not live down. If TT becomes our solution at QB he will be 32 or 33 years of age when Mahomes rookie contract runs out. With TT's style of play I believe his career could be towards the end at that point. Regardless of what TT does for us the next four or five years we might need someone soon after. If Mahomes is a franchise QB at that point we will be regretting that selection. On the other hand if Peterson becomes our franchise QB it doesn't really matter what Mahomes does. I just can't see Peterson becoming that guy. I think his ceiling is being a good backup.
  8. Yet Whaley teams had similar records to every previous GM. We are headed in the right direction but it will McD who rights the ship. We just declined Sammy's option today. That tells you everything about the Whaley years. This team is changing course to meet the vision of the new coach. Whaley did an average job. Nothing more and nothing less. His thanks are in his bank account. He doesn't love notes from fans for doing an average job imo. Save those for the guy who wins a title. For example just don't understand how people can hate Donahoe yet love Whaley? The results were the same.
  9. " Well, that doesn't sound good Doug, but I hope you've read the thank you posts over there. You are loved."
  10. Whaley probably spent the entire day trying to trade up for a better draft.
  11. Correct, I just honestly didn't realize that opinions couldn't be stating on that post. The purpose of online forums are to discuss and to debate. If it was meant as a thank you note to Whaley for him to see (that's their purpose) it should have been stated by the OP not to deviate from saying good things. It seems slightly fanatical to thank a guy who earned millions to exactly what he did. Whaley was paid good money, it's not akin to posting a personal insult on a post memorializing someone, or sending out prayers for a loved one. The guy lost a job that made him wealthy because he didn't do good enough. Save your thanks for the people who serve and protect us while earning far less.
  12. Fair enough. I didn't really think about that. I guess they need a safe haven to discuss their feelings, and lament their lost love.
  13. Just a random question. Does anyone else find the "Thank You Whaley" post slightly ridiculous. The guy got paid millions of dollars to a do a job. He did his job and its debatable how well he did. Why would we thank someone for doing what they were supposed to do for millions of dollars? I had to vent here since the "ignorant" loudmouths were told to post this stuff here. I don't understand why a post exists where dissent and discussion isn't permitted. It would be one thing if insults and dissent where forbidden on a post regarding a personal tragedy etc... but this is a post thanking Whaley. Doug isn't sitting at home crying right now. He'll be able to pay the bills. Thoughts? The love for Whaley on this board has always been irrational imo among certain groups.
  14. Soemthing tells me we're into something bad.
  15. Yes, but we have to find out if he can play reciever at the NFL level first. Learning to play reciever in the NFL is a must regardless of how much speed a guy has. Countless receivers with tons of speed have flamed out of the league. Route running and attention to detail is so important in the pros. Guys can't rely solely on speed like they can in college. I'm not claiming that speed isn't a good skill to have. I'm just saying there is a lot more to playing reciever in the pros. Maybe we will be able to find a use for him, but in reality I think that is dependent upon his development as a reciever.
  16. I agree. The reciever corps depends on two things this season. The health of Sammy and the emergence of Jones. If Sammy is injured or Jones fails to adjust to the pro game the reciever corps will suddenly look subpar. The worst case scenario is a Sammy injury and Jones failing to develop. If that happened it'd be an ugly season. The troublesome thing is that we don't have a single proven entity at that position.
  17. This ^ For better or for worse this is McD's show. If Beane is brought that would be the reason.
  18. Dak's surrounding cast in Dallas is a lot better than Watson's in Houston. I'm not a Watson fan at all. Even if you are a Watson fan I wouldn't expect as much from him as Dak.
  19. Or Listenbee. I wasn't sure if that dude had a number. He's never appeared in uniform.
  20. Whoever we can use to troll the opponent. Oh, I forgot Rex is gone.
  21. Spot on assessment. He'll also come out extra motivated because he wasn't drafted were he thought he should be. His skill set and renewed passion will allow him to come out of the gate hot. Eventually opponents will have enough film on him to negate those advantages. At that time he will become nothing better than average at best. I don't agree that Mahomes will be as good as many in this board believe. This board loves him. Everyone seems to be certain that he will be great.
  22. Don't worry about that. Andy Reid's game management skills will prevent the confetti shower.
  23. I say no Super Bowl titles, but I wish there were on option for none of these QB's to be franchise QB's. I was slightly disappointed by the trade down at first, but we did a great job showing some restraint by not picking a QB in the first round. That's true. They play in a terrible division as well. I don't think Watson will be a franchise QB, but it's possible he can make a one and done playoff appearance
  24. I would be to if I were a man named Christine.
  25. Rex Ryan was terrible, but he had nothing to do with how bad the EJ Manuel pick was. I was commenting on another poster who said its wasn't Whaley's fault that Manuel failed. Plenty of QB's fail and there is no way the GM can know they were going to fail. In Manuel's case it was a bad pick from the start. Rex Ryan and how he ruined the team is another debate completely. I don't disagree, but ultimately the GM is the captain of the ship. When the ship sinks the captain takes the fall. Well said. Honestly it's simply easier to be GM when you have Tom Brady compared to those who don't. Some jobs are more difficult than others. Other GM's have more challenges. As Pats GM you just build around the BB/Brady system. Other GM's are constantly working on building a system of their own. When you have the Pats system you don't have to draft as well as mediocre teams. Simply find a few right pieces and everything will look great.
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