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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. He spent four seasons in Ann Arbor. If his career started here I don't think location would have been a big issue. Jimbo himself didn't want to come here. I think that fact makes this a somewhat moot point overall. Attitudes change when people actually see reality versus myth.
  2. This scenario would never happen in pro sport as others have mentioned. Just for the sake of conversation I have a question. Whaley still gets paid and has made enough money to pay the bills for a long time. Why would anyone in that position allow themselves to be demoted? People who accept demotions are people who need their job to pay the bills.
  3. Good post. You made great points regarding what McDermott needs to do to be successful. This is why I view him as a boom or bust coach. It will either go very well, or very poorly. I do believe that his success or lack of depends on more than just QB. No one is going to say that QB isn't the most important position on the field. Championship teams need to have a franchise QB. We have been looking for an answer at that position for years. It isn't the only reason we haven't made the playoffs. We have failed to field soild roster top to bottom rosters. Factor in the lack of a QB and we have been on a road to nowhere. Having a QB allows for mistakes to be made elsewhere when building a team. If you don't have one you must do everything perfectly. It's also unlikely you'll win a championship without a QB. It doesn't mean you can't be a playoff team. Look at the starting QB's on this years playoff teams. They didn't all have franchise QB's. With well constructed rosters they snuck into the playoffs. If we could be that team no one will be complaining about McDermott. A playoff appearance would buy his regime time. Eventually with time you will find a QB. Before that time you can't just raise the white flag, or say nothing else matters. McDermott's success will depend on his own abilities. It won't depend on just the luck of finding a QB. Bad GM's can find their QB and still field bad teams. Just ask Andrew Luck and Drew Brees.
  4. Slightly off topic, but sometimes I feel as if the Steelers have never unleashed Big Ben completely. The "Steeler way" is to play smash mouth football. Sometimes it seems as if they cling too tightly to this philosophy. They've has some great backs including their current back in Bell. Big Ben is an elite QB who doesn't get to run the same offense guys like Brady and Manning did.
  5. I can't believe that in 2017 people still get paid to come with these slogans. You'd think a computer program could come with some cheesy slogan.
  6. I like how the article refers to them as "residents".
  7. This^ Jerry is still officially the GM so he'll just take the credit when the team does well.
  8. I think it's crazy and scary for Pegula to give a first year coach so much power. However, I agree with your general premise. This team isn't "close". We have a a few good players, but nothing more. There are a ton of holes in this roster. It is a poorly constructed roster that was developed without a coherent plan. I was talking football with my father the other night and checked out our depth chart. I said to him "this isn't going to be a good season". We have nothing at safety or linebacker. That isn't even taking into account the offensive side of the ball. As usual some fans will overvalue our players. This causes too many Bills fans to believe that we "should be better".
  9. He'd also probably have a bad attitude while his wife would prefer to live in a city of her choice. GM's think about this sort of thing before signing a guy as a backup. You don't want a drama queen as your backup QB. Cutler isn't widely thought of as being a great teammate.
  10. That was even worse than this years slogan. It sounded like a retirement community slogan.
  11. Yeah, it's just sad how pathetic the media is these days. They don't remotely base anything on talent. Who really cares about Jay Cutler though? I don't care what he has to say. I could see Tony Romo bringing in some viewers, but does anyone actually like Cutler?
  12. He might become a great coach. I'm not insulting by any means. I just feel that actions speak louder than words. His actions show that he is very confident (arrogant)? in knowing what's best for this franchise. With Pegulas blessing he has taken over this franchise. If he knows what he's doing it will be the best thing to happen to us. If he doesn't it will be his power that is his downfall.
  13. Has anyone who hires these guys ever thought that not every ex NFL is a better analyst than a guy who didn't play football?
  14. Most successful people have confidence that is sometimes seen as arrogance. They also have humility. Without humility it's impossible to keep oneself in check, and understand their own limitations. It has been said that the true measure of intelligence is admitting what you don't you know. People who lack humility can't do that. Tyrants rarely succeed at any level. Lets just hope that McD doesn't take it that far. I think he will either be extremely successful or burn out hard and fast. There will be no in between.
  15. Yes. Whenever the Boys have had success it's when Jerry steps aside. Everything goes downhill fast when he starts meddling. As far as the Washington GM thing goes it's definitely interesting. We could probably do the same here. Lets be honest. Pegula has handed the keys to the franchise over to McDermott. McDermott runs the show here. He will essentially be the de facto GM as I see it.
  16. I don't either, especially considering that he was a Whaley guy. McDermott and the new GM have no motives to keep him. I thought he was a bad pick the second we drafted him.
  17. This reminds me of attending the 2006 Christmas Eve game vs the Titans. I remember hearing a couple drunks yelling "at least we're still good at hockey". It's been a long time since we could recover from Bills loses by taking solace in that.
  18. Jim Kelly holds a special place in the heart of every Bills fan. I am no different. He was the greatest thing that ever happened to this historically futile franchise. All of my greatest early football memories involve Kelly. On the other hand Tom Brady has been involved in some of my worst football memories. He may the greatest nemesis the Bills have ever had. It is very difficult for me to praise Brady. With that said, I would take Brady. From a purely football perspective it is impossible to compare Brady to Kelly as they played in different eras. Everyone knows the 90s game is vastly different compared to the modern game. It's difficult to know which guy would be better if transported to the others era. I chose Brady for off field reasons. I think that Brady has a unprecedented drive, and dedication to the game of football. The league has never seen a guy like Brady. Kelly on the other hand was a notorious off field party guy. Everything being equal I have to choose the player who hasn't been hung over during a Super Bowl game. Brady's devotion and leadership has led his team to multiple titles. Kelly was obviously unable to do so. I'm not bashing Jim, he's an all time great. I see both Brady and Kelly as immensely talented players. In my opinion Brady simply has a few more "it" factors going for him.
  19. I understand everyone is fearful for him, and rightfully so. However, we need to understand that true competitors can't walk away from the game. He's a guy who gives everything week after week. He plays like a man possessed every Sunday. Stepping back onto the field probably isn't the safest choice. It's just the only choice a guy like AW would make. He loved the game. People aren't good at walking away from things they love, even if it will hurt them.
  20. The problem is that personality wise Kelly is nothing like Fitz. I think he's a boom or bust type player. He's either going to be a star or a total bust. Chad is all about Chad. If he doesn't become a star I could envision him tuning out and not putting in the proper effort.
  21. Fair enough. That's the part I can't understand. Why would anyone want his Bills career to be over if he still could have a promising NFL career? You said you would have picked up the option, so we're on the same page as far as that is concerned. I didn't care for Whaley or the Sammy trade. It was a deep draft for recievers, and its all been said. However, Sammy is one of our most talented players. You shouldn't give up on guys with his amount of talent.
  22. Lots of vehicles used for crimes are sold through auctions by municipalities. So yes, it would be back in circulation. However, it wouldn't be sold advertising what crime it was used for. It was given back to the owner, and now he is selling it. Cars are taken and sold all the time through civil forfeiture. When sold at auction law enforcement pays the balance of the lien. I was just thinking that this is one time law enforcement would have been better not releasing the vehicle back to the lien holder.
  23. Yes, but isn't the tag still 4m more than picking up the option? Even if he were injured this season, that savings would make it worth awhile to keep a player of his potential for a fifth season. Does an injury this season really mean his career is over? That's what you're saying if you agree with the option not being picked up.
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