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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. Did Cromartie really have eight other children with just one woman? I find that hard to believe. The dude isn't Amish. I would think that with fourteen kids there are more than two baby mamas.
  2. I agree. It's fine to state ones opinion, but to say that you'd take any man over any woman announcing seems unreasonable. I'm sure there are plenty of women who could do better than hacks like Phil Simms. The issue is that real broadcasters aren't hired anymore. The networks to turn to any and every ex jock who's interested in broadcasting. This kills the quality of sports broadcasting. I understand why they do it, but it's not about quality.
  3. No, these guys are just our resident male models who I'm sure all have stunning wives. Just typical big man talk by dissing the appearance of mostly college girls they don't even know. Maybe some of these guys can pitch in to help with the plastic surgery bills. Then we could get new cheerleaders who look like the Cowboys cheerleaders.
  4. I think teams just have to hope they can stay relatively healthy during an NFL season. Real depth doesn't occur often in the NFL these days. It's more important to look at the starters to determine how many weak spots teams have. Even the Patriots aren't anything special in the depth department imo. Their depth chart looks something like this 1A. Bill Belichick 1B. Tom Brady.
  5. I opened the thread because I thought you all were talking about Boston. I didn't know I didn't care until I opened the thread. You say that everyone is just commenting because that's what you do on a message board. That's exactly what I did too. I said I don't understand why people care. How about that for philosophy Socrates?
  6. I enjoy Parkside and Niagara. I don't understand the Watson's hype. I don't particularly enjoy it.
  7. I agree. I find the safety position to be frightening this season. Hyde is overrated by some here imo. I really don't like our linebacker corps either. We have no clue what type of player Ragland will be. Lorenzo Alexander is also at the age where he could decline at any moment. There's always the chance that he was a one year wonder. Preston Brown doesn't impress me enough to make me feel confident. I agree. The drafting of Jones completely changed the look of our WR depth chart. Andre Holmes is not an everyday number two. Having Jones on the depth chart allows Holmes to be a soild number three. We have WR's who are in the depth spots where they belong now. Once you go beyond Holmes you have a lot of soild number three options. The only potential issue is another Sammy injury. Suddenly the position wouldn't look so great. You need to have a number one wideout. A Watkins injury would push everyone else up on the depth chart. We are are in a great situation if we can choose how to use these guys.
  8. Some of us Buffalo people/Bills fans are just too thin skinned. I've never seen such an easily insulted bunch at times. Does anyone in the rest of the country give a rats rear what the media epicenter known as Pensacola has to say?
  9. I think it's a overreaction to believe that the dismissal of our scouts is going to destroy an already moribund franchise. That doesn't mean it wasn't an odd thing to do. It demonstrates the Pegulas lack of experience. Firing ones entire scouting department isn't something franchises regularly do. How often do businesses fire their entire workforce? Layoffs and restructuring happen in business. People sadly lose jobs due to this. However, it's rare to show everyone the door because it's a bad business decision. Firing everyone means you have to start from scratch. This immediately gives you a disadvantage. The Pegulas aren't doing anything to help their reputation.
  10. I wouldn't go to a preseason for any cost higher than free. The games mean nothing, and even high school football games of a much better quality entertainment wise. Every year I get excited about the return of football. I never fail to flip the channel to a preseason game with total excitement. Every year after five minutes of watching I get bored to death. This results in my falling asleep or the channel being changed. I sit on my couch thinking that I have lost my love football. Then I realize that preseason football isn't even entertaining.
  11. This is the entire point. There are no QB's from the past who you can compare Brady. What he is doing at his age is unprecedented. If he begins to decline this season then we can talk about Jimmy G replacing him. It's ridiculous to talk about Jimmy G taking over using a scenario where Brady wins a title this season.
  12. That's true. I just have to wonder if Brady is the one untouchable. Would Belichick want to start over at this stage of his career with a new QB? I certainly would be shocked if he signed off on a decision to let Brady walk. Brady's future is actually a unique situation that hasn't been seen in league history. No one has performed up to Brady's level at this stage of their career. Letting Brady walk after another championship would be very risky. If Brady's level of play declines it would become a different scenario. I just don't count on that happening. This^ The Pats have a history of treating all players as being expendable. They have been able to operate that way because Tom Brady is on their roster. No one in the world has a clue what they have in Jimmy G. He could be the next Montana or he could be the next Trent Edwards. Lets not act like anyone actually knows that Jimmy is a future franchise QB.
  13. Regardless of age why would you let a guy go the season after winning a Super Bowl? I don't know if this theory seems plausible.
  14. Yep. These posts pop up every time someone leaves, and it always turns into a discussion about taxes as well.
  15. Not surprised at all. McDermott runs the show, and Beane has the strongest ties to McD. We shall find out if it's a good hire in time.
  16. I'm glad you are intellectually superior to Buffalo natives.I guess it takes a special talent to understand contradictory incoherent statements. Right. That's the game I'm going to bring my young child to. I would also never bring a younger child to any regular season game. Preseason games have a more fan friendly atmosphere to begin with. They'll probably smell like beer as well after the drunks spill it on them.
  17. The Pats game is a late season game as well. If things have gone south at that point fans won't be interested. The Raiders game will be the ticket to make money from. The weather should still be decent, and Raiders fans will crawl out of their holes in droves.
  18. Yes, they took something quite simple and made it complicated. That is a very confusing response if you ask me. So are there three kids days, or no kids days? I still don't know after reading that several times.
  19. I no longer have any interest in the Kentucky Derby whatsoever. There are always too many Pats * players in attendance.
  20. I loved going to football games as a kid. Now I can't imagine ever having any desire to attend without tailgating. I'd rather go to a baseball game if there were no tailgating.
  21. He does have that in common with Brady. I just assumed you were making the point that Rosen can be successful like Brady, even though he doesn't like to be hit. I just wanted to point out it's been reported that Rosen has some major Manziel esque attitude problems. Those issues will hold Rosen back far more than his dislike of being hit.
  22. Yes. Remember the 2015 home opener when we thought the win vs the Colts was a good one, or how about last seasons win vs the Cardinals? Every season is different. It's impossible to judge this seasons strength of schedule based on opponents records from the previous season. In the NFL you just have to go out and win games regardless of who you are playing. This is 6 or 7 win no matter who we play imo.
  23. I disagree with that as well, but I don't think it's too far off. Sports like hockey and baseball are the ultimate spectator sports. They are several times better to see in person compared to watching on tv. Football isn't much better or maybe worse to see in person. I don't know where I stand on basketball as I've only been to one live basketball game. I've always found a major portion of the football experience to be reliant on tailgating. I look forward to tailgating almost as much as the game. If I were someone who didn't drink I'm not sure how much I would enjoy the game. The actual game is almost like a really incredible backdrop to your party. Keep in mind that I am someone who usually takes my football watching quite seriously. When I attend a game it just doesn't work that way. I enjoy going to games because of the entire experience. The actual on field play is the part that is equally as good or better on tv. I enjoy going to games, but can easily see why someone could view it differently.
  24. I love Jim, but those intangibles are what makes me go with Brady.
  25. No. Brady has been granted special treatment by the NFL. Rosen would have to prove himself before he gets the same treatment. It will never happen since Rosen is closer to Johnny Manziel than Tom Brady. Rosen comes across as a spoiled rich kid prima donna. Brady may rub us Bills fans the wrong way, but you have to admit that he puts in a lot of work. Brady has played his entire career as if he has something to prove. Rosen doesn't seem to have those traits according to many scouts.
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