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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. Most teams keep three QB's. There are some quite highly paid third string QB's. Yates being third string QB isn't out of the question imo. The only way I see this happening is if Peterman lights up the preseason, and Cardale struggles. McD might just not want to part with Yates.
  2. Exactly. That's why I could see Yates being kept on the roster as a third stringer. I truly believe that Cardale is going to struggle enough to be cut. That leaves the team with TT, Peterman, and Yates. Why cut Yates in that scenario? Sure you could find someone with equal talent, but the conservative move is to keep the player who is familiar with the coaching staff. McD may not be comfortable with idea of potentially being forced to sign a QB off the street midseason. I understand your point. I just don't see a good reason not to carry three QB's. I'd rather have my third string QB practicing and game planning weekly opposed to sitting at home.
  3. I understand your point. TJ Yates level players aren't difficult to find. That doesn't mean they wouldn't keep him as a third string QB imo. The coaching staff might value keeping a guy on the roster who will know the offense. It seems like a better scenario than signing a QB off the street a week before a game. Personally I'd prefer to have the same three QB's on my roster for an entire season.
  4. I agree that these types of list are silly. In reality the backup QB position is weak across the league. Backup QB's in a starter role generally equal losses. Even if the list were better composed, I feel that ranking backup QB's is a waste of time. It will also be completely justifiable after Cardale stinks up the joint this preseason. I don't blame McD for wanting his own guys. Who doesn't want to have ownership over their own success or failure? It's not as if anyone on the roster he inherited had ever won anything. I'm thinking this1. Tyrod Taylor 2. Nathan Peterman 3. T.J Yates
  5. Explain. The Browns have been more poorly managed than the Bills without question. Please don't try to say it's been 16 years of bad luck though. This franchise has also made some incredibly poor decisions.
  6. I'm not saying there aren't nice guys who play football. I'm just saying that most Hall of Fame QB's have a streak of arrogance. Marino,Elway,Brady, etc all come across as type A personality guys. None of them come across as mild mannered "nice" guys. I'm not saying they aren't "good" guys, but especially as younger men they were all quite pompous. Brady still is. Alex Smith is a mild mannered type guy, but he certainly isn't a Hall of Famer. In fact when he was drafted some scouts worried about his personality. Those just aren't the type of guys who become great QB's.
  7. Overall a bad list, but all the Fitz fanboys need to get over his ranking. Fitz isn't good, never has been. Geno Smith shouldn't be ranked ahead of him, but let's be honest. Ideally you don't really want to see either guy on the field as a starter.
  8. Great post. The #BillsMafia types are generally younger guys (although I am as well) who grew up with losing teams. Losing is what they are accustomed to. They don't care one bit about wins and losses. They just want to get drunk, and be part of the NFL experience on Sunday. Devoted fans like many of us here have stood by the team despite our constant disappointment. First and foremost I'm a Bills fan, but honestly the last 16 years haven't provided all that many good times. We just happen to be in relationship that we are too devoted to quit.
  9. I think of Nashville as "country Hollywood". By all accounts it was a great place many years ago. Now it's just a tourist trap populated by a bunch of fake/plastic people who want to be stars. I'm not jealous of a rust belt city like Pittsburgh being successful at sports. Many Buffalo fans are simply jealous. I like to see a passionate sports city win. No one in Nashville cares if their team wins.
  10. I agree, and I'm a younger guy myself. These clowns like to think of themselves as being hardcore drinkers/parties. In reality "good drinkers" can keep drinking all day without acting like a total moron.
  11. They certainly are. People just keep getting dumber by the day.
  12. I agree, but how many Hall of Fame QB's didn't have a type A personality? It seems like most do.
  13. Yep, Asian women can age well or poorly. Just like everyone else. I will say that many Asians probably drink less than other women. Never underestimate the ravages of alcohol on the aging process. Kim also has some money in the bank. Generally women with money tend to age better than those without. Just saying. Happy Bday Kim.
  14. I liked JP as well. Unfortunately all the traits you described seemingly never belong to successful QB's. The best QB's are usually the opposite of the guy you just described.
  15. I haven't seen the same explosiveness from Sammy that he showed at Clemson. I'm aware that he's up against NFL defenses, but something has always seemed "off". Sammy seemed to have more of a burst in college. He also didn't shy away from contact, and he competed intensely for the 50/50 balls. I'm not sure he's ever been completely healthy here. Sammy's meeting with Shazier during his rookie year was followed by a string of injury troubles.
  16. I think the idea that Sammy "never" plays just proves how it's a "what have you done lately" league in the eyes of fans. In reality the story of Sammy's career has yet to be written. If he is sidelined for a majority of the upcoming season then the injury prone label won't be inaccurate. If he stays on the field this season and is productive the label should fade.
  17. I hate to give the easy answer, but I think they are equal. You are probably going to get about the same from both guys. The only downside with Decker is his wife. That trashy princess won't want to come here.
  18. Wish this were posted on the Bills forum. The real question would be, guess what Bills players most likely owned Affliction shirts? Incognito has to be a sure thing.
  19. I agree with your point. I've just heard enough from Bono to believe that the guy just likes to hear himself speak. He is full of contradicting points, and bs imo. The guy has been begging governments and individuals to donate money for years. Will we ever see the U2 100% profits go to charity tour? I doubt it. A guy with a net worth of 700 million could certainly afford it, or take the easier path and just close his mouth. I digress. I somewhat like U2, but I don't think quite enough to attend the concert.
  20. I agree. I'll never trust a man who preaches world equality while pedaling $100 + concert tickets.
  21. I agree. It's difficult to know what kind of career he would have had elsewhere. The Pats win with or without Gronk. Gronk is spared the wrath of fans for being injury prone because the Pats don't lose without him. If he were a needed part of another team I believe he be viewed differently. People don't want guys who rarely play. The Pats are afforded the luxury of treating him like an added bonus.
  22. They wouldn't be wrong though. The Pats have won titles without Gronk on the field. He is unstoppable when he's on the field, but lets say he played for Buffalo. Would he help us win playoff games? Probably not because he'd be on the sideline. Playing on the Pats earns a lot of guys a free pass for their shortcomings.
  23. I agree. I have nothing against the guy, but his shtick has worn a bit old. I'm not particularly amused by anything he does. Especially considering the fact that it's all highly calculated to begin with.
  24. Yeah, no matter where you are they will stick it to you for refusing a breathalyzer test. That is if the judge isn't a clown. As I mentioned I've seen refusing the breathalyzer work. I just wouldn't count on it. Ultimately refusing to submit to a breathalyzer test is a big gamble. It could work out great, or fail miserably.
  25. Absolutely. The problem is drunk people remembering that they are being stupid by submitting to the test. People who really are drunk have difficulty using soild reasoning skills. There are also issues with refusing a breathalyzer test though. It really depends upon who the judge is. In NY you can lose your license up to a year for refusal. This penalty is often worse than a first DWI. You are probably screwed either way. It just depends on what punish you prefer. Then again you can always get lucky, and find a strange judge. I saw a guy get a month of weekends in jail for refusing a breathalyzer test. Yet he didn't get charged with a DWI, or lose his license. I say that was a win for him.
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