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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. Those Niner fans had a problem that we can only dream of. Young had an impossible act to follow. Montana was the GOAT, and there is nothing Young could have done to match it. In reality Young doesn't measure up to Montana whatsoever, but you have to judge his career independent of Montana to see his greatness.
  2. They haven't fallen apart without Brady, but I hate to overvalue the system too much. Matt Cassell went 11-5 with a team who went 16-0 the previous season. A five win difference would be a big loss for most teams. Had they been 12-4 with the same decline they would have gone 7-9. Brady was still good for five more wins. That Pats roster was stacked. Everyone thinks of the Pats as Brady with random guys. The 2008 Pats had a great roster. Sure, Jimmy G went 3-1, but it's such a small sample size that it's difficult to judge.
  3. I need to preface my statement by saying that I love baseball. My issue with baseball is the lack of star power. Without question there is a ton of great young talent. Somehow that hasn't translated into creating star power. Baseball does little to create excitement. I don't ever feel like I'm watching an important event, at least not one that anyone else cares about. Baseball has become a sort of niche sport followed by a select group of fans. I don't think I'll ever see anything as exciting as the Aaron Boone ALCS homer or the 2004 Red Sox ALCS win over the Yankees. It seemed like America still cared about baseball. Now Yankee Stadium has empty seats behind home plate. I love baseball. All of the great young talent make the game enjoyable to watch. Sadly some of that joy is lessened for me by the fact that baseball doesn't feel all that relevant. Water cooler baseball talk is mostly a thing of the past.
  4. Everything I refuted is in fact something you said, but arguing semantics is futile. Cardale is the real topic at hand. Personally I don't see the "switch" flipping on for Cardale. It wouldn't be fair for me to say it definitely can't. None of us know what will become of Cardale. I would just be very shocked if has any success in the NFL.
  5. That's what I thought I had heard, but I also see lots of posts saying he was a chill nice guy. That stuff makes him sound more like a jerk to me.
  6. I've always heard that he rubbed teammates the wrong way, but I often wondered what it is that actual did so.
  7. I agree. Brady has a lot more to do with winning than practicing in bad weather.
  8. The guy seems like the real deal. Considering the state of baseball will anyone care? Playing in NY there was a time when the kid would have been a household name already.
  9. I think everyone is entitled to their opinions even if I disagree. That's what makes America what it is. I can respect people with beliefs that they stand for. The problem is all the hypocrisy out there these days. Hypocrisy is commonplace on both ends of the political spectrum. Jennifer Lawrence and her private jet would definitely qualify as hypocrisy.
  10. "doctors are grinders like the rest of us" really? Do you actually think it matters more that Dareus smoked weed than a doctor doing coke? Dareus plays a game for a living. A doctor could be high on coke making life or death decisions. I do argue that it shows Dareus as being irresponsible. Drug testing is part of the league. It's something you know you must deal with. Don't make poor decisions with so much money on the line.
  11. How many events would we really get though? McCartney and the Stones only have a few years left. After that point stadium concerts are done. I don't see us getting Super Bowls or Final Fours, so I'm not really certain much would happen in a domed stadium.
  12. You just made a lot of assumptions. I never said any of the things that you assumed I believe. First of all, I was never a Fitz fan. Secondly, I never said that Peterman will be the next Tom Brady. I stated that I believe McD likes him a great deal. Peterman does have many traits that make a good NFL QB. Jones has a big arm and struggles with accuracy. Very few successful NFL QB's have that trait. No one knows what Peterman will become, I do know that I like him better than Cardale. Talking about Peterman not being able to hold Cardale's jock in college is ridiculous. College and the NFL are two different things. Tom Brady couldn't hold Tebow's jock in college either. Different skill sets are required in college compared to the pros. Raw talent wins in college. OSU had a dominant roster. Do you think that Pitt has the same talent as OSU? Everyone has talent in the NFL. Other intangibles are what separate the winners from the losers. College winners are determined by pure athletic talent. Cardale's "arm talent" doesn't matter if he can't hit the side of a barn. Bills fans may be terrible at assessing QB talent, personally I haven't liked any QB we've had since Kelly. We should all know when we see a good one. Cardale isn't it.
  13. The first two paragraphs of your post is the most accurate Cardale description I've seen here. There are a lot of OSU fans here as well. I think they hold a spot in the heart for Cardale that hurts their reasoning ability. I don't totally agree with the third paragraph. I'd prefer Yates over Cardale if Cardale doesn't improve greatly this preseason. Last summer he was hitting reporters standing forty yards out of bounds. Yates is certainly nothing special, but I think Cardale has the potential to be a special kind of awful in the NFL. I don't think there is any way Peterman is going to the PS. I get the feeling that McD is going to fall in the love with the guy.
  14. I agree. McD is a no nonsense coach. He doesn't seem like the type of coach who is going to keep a guy for his "potential". He isn't going to be impressed when Cardale hits reporters with errant throws again this training camp.
  15. No need for Decker. We drafted Zay Jones for a reason. Give the guy a chance to develop. You guys can have his wife. Typical white trashy face covered by makeup and plastic surgery imo. She'd be too good to come to Buffalo anyway.
  16. He has "potential". The issue is those aren't things you can typically "fix".
  17. I don't know how an ED commercial is going to give a guy more courage to talk to their doctor. I don't think they really need commercials either. If you have ED you should know you have an issue. I often wonder how many guys get these pills thrown at them while they slowly die of undiagnosed heart disease. How many of the commercials have guys who look like they are in their fifties? At fifty if you have ED you might want to look into other health problems.
  18. This ^ Possesing a canon for an arm is all you need in college. Devin Smith was able to run past defenders, and Cardale just threw the ball up for grabs. If you watch Cardale's college games you will see receivers making adjustments to the ball more often than not. That doesn't work in the pros. Teams are able to defend the passing game better. College teams are incredibly inept at defending the deep passing game. Teams don't see it anymore. Even Bama gets toasted by the deep passing game. Luckily for them they rarely face QB's who throw downfield. QB's need to fit the ball into smaller windows in the pros.
  19. In all fairness no one in football thought Cardale would be "ready" in his rookie year.
  20. He could have because team execs get caught up in the hoopla just like us fans. Cardale went wild leading his team to a national championship. Football fans became enamored with him. Combine that fact with how desperate teams are for QB's, and you have a first round pick. Cardale returned to school only to get benched for JT Barrett. Had he declared for the draft after the National Championship he would have gone first round. That doesn't mean he ever should have. Accuracy can't be taught. It's not something I can see him overcoming to become a good NFL QB.
  21. I've always found that entertaining. If you need a drug, you have no choice but to get it. It's not something that needs to be advertised. Now people go to the doctor saying "I want this, and I want that please".
  22. Inaccurate QB's don't succeed in the NFL. The big arm doesn't matter. That isn't a "gut feeling" it's what I see. Accuracy can't be taught. I don't know how that's a "waste of bandwidth".
  23. Fair enough. I just think that it's very difficult to miss the playoffs for 16 years in the NFL. Far too many "cute" draft picks have been made where we tried to outsmart the entire league. Sure, we are mathematically "in it" almost every year, but honestly after October isn't the season always over?
  24. He has nothing it takes to be a successful NFL QB. You can all remember this post. If he ever does anything in this league I'll eat crow. He has all the physical ability in the world. He showed what he can do during OSU's national championship run. Then he lost his job to JT freaking Barrett. Inaccurate QB's with big arms are never successful in the NFL. I don't root against him either. Sadly I think "poor man's Jamarcus Russell" is somewhat accurate.
  25. I've seen enough of Cardale to tell me what I need to know. I don't need reports from anyone to know that he is awful. Just as I wouldn't need a Wonderlic to know that he isn't the brightest crayon in the box.
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