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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. If someone "came at you" do you hurl a racial/ethnic slur at them? The answer is no for most people. You don't insult an entire group of people based on a few bad ones. This is essentially what Sammy did on social media. He insulted people as having "little jobs" because he didn't like them picking on him. That very insult could demonstrate an overall mindset and attitude that Sammy has. It extends beyond the people he was firing back at. As far as commenting on Curry. It wouldn't have been bad if he said something like "wish we'd get the kind of cash that the NBA guys do". Instead Sammy said "we gotta get paid" as if he isn't handsomely compensated now. It just doesn't resonate well in the ears of some. I respect that you view this situation differently. It's certainly not a life or death matter, and I'll agree to disagree. I am just concerned about Sammy having the proper mental makeup to achieve his full potential on the field. Sammy comes across as being mentally fragile and sometimes demonstrates poor judgement. I'm not convinced that he can be a team leader. Leadership is a quality you need from a player as talented as Sammy. I get a much better vibe from a guy like Zay Jones regarding composure and mental makeup. Moot point. Kyle Williams wouldn't have. That is why he's a fan favorite.
  2. Yes, but insulting an entire group of people to slander a select few is always inappropriate. He didn't just insult his attackers, he insulted an entire group of people. His recent "we gotta get paid more" tweet wasn't in response to anything. It just came across as a quote from an out of touch man. The Bills are a losing franchise. We are accustomed to teams of loveable losers. Prima Donna behavior doesn't mix well without the results.
  3. I think that Sammy just comes across as an out of touch prima donna imo. The "we gotta get paid more" and "little jobs" comment don't go over well with the average blue collar person.
  4. Sammy is set for life if he isn't an idiot. Give me a break with this short career business. My point is that Sammy wants more money. That he is why he made that post. It's not because he's worried about other NFL players. NBA teams have far less expenses than NFL teams. Lets not treat Sammy like he's an economic scholar.
  5. He was talking about football players because he's such a philanthropist that he's worried about everyone else? Ultimately he means that he wants more money.
  6. I agree. There is a difference between wild and dumb.
  7. He can certainly play, but he needs to stay healthy. His health concerns are not his fault. That doesn't mean that he should be talking about more money when he hasn't been healthy though. Sammy is not an asset unless he stays healthy.
  8. But they should make more money after an injury? If I'm injuried in an accident or the like I wouldn't receive my regular pay. Football players are compensated handsomely enough (especially first round picks such as Sammy) to cover the loss of money due to injury. It is their responsibility to manage their money wisely if the unforeseen occurs.
  9. I just can't comprehend why this is a concern to him right now. IMO you don't seem to see posts like this from the greats. I have no problem with him asking for more money. We are all free to express what what we want. What I don't like is his inability to prove himself on the field before running his twitter mouth. It's a reoccurring theme with Sammy.
  10. I suppose in the owners pockets like it does with every other business.
  11. Whatever. Sammy is entitled to speak his mind. Personally I'd rather have him completely focused on the upcoming season. It's not as if he needs to be worried about being able to pay the bills. When money isn't a problem one should be focused first and foremost on their job.
  12. I think you misinterpreted what I said. I never meant to say that you have "half a brain". I meant that the media doesn't need to hide details to protect the city and/or U of R. Anyone with intelligence already knows that the city isn't a nice place. I didn't say that the news media needed to get into details of the torture. I will say that it's odd they neglected to mention links to drugs through this Smith character. It's obvious to me that someone helped keep those details quiet. Secondly, I never claimed to be of superior intelligence. I was simply responding to your claim that this story was bad publicity for Rochester. Once again, anyone with a brain knows that many American inter cities aren't particularly safe places. Violence and crime are the severe problems in American cities that I was speaking of. This has been a problem for many years. I don't think that this story is going to harm Rochester a great deal. Everyone knows that nasty things happen in the city everyday. Why don't you live in the inner city?
  13. If you don't care about the story that is perfectly ok. I also greatly appreciated your well thought out response to my previous post. The issue that some of us have is with the media selectively airing the truth. The story was plastered all over Rochester media, yet many details were selectively left out. There were obvious motives for doing so. Of course it would have dragged the name U of R through the ringer, but when else does the media care about dragging names through the muck? They don't. Lastly you seemed concerned about Rochester getting a bad name. Any one with half a brain already knows that Rochester along with many other American cities have severe problems. Rochester gives itself a bad name everyday the news airs.
  14. Personally I thought it was a pretty crazy story. You make it sound like it's normal for people to be kidnapped and tortured. In reality it was a very strange story. I saw this on my local news everyday. So many of the details that I just learned were left out. No mention was ever made of ties to drug dealers being an aspect of the crime. It is disgusting how morally bankrupt these universities have all become. They claim to exist for the greater good of mankind. In reality the bottom line always comes first.
  15. I suppose that it proves the people of Toronto don't care much about an NFL team. It's just a few wealthy investors who care. Toronto is a Maple Leafs town.
  16. What does this say about the thirty people who came to watch?
  17. Vigilante justice actually has a long history in America. I simply don't see the need to interfere in redneck disputes. The guy being a scumbag, and a angry pregnant country girl isn't a good combo. No need to waste time and resources trying to send her to jail. No innocent parties were hurt by this incident. Ultimately that is all that should matter. It's like sending guys to jail for bar fights. If no one is seriously injured it should be left alone. Laws should exist to protect the helpless/innocent. Laws shouldn't interfere with adults working things out in whatever way they find appropriate.
  18. You obviously don't fully understand Appalachian culture. You mess with someone, they mess with you back. Sadly we live in a world where the government feels the need to babysit. Ps I'll drive an 18 year old vehicle if it it runs and means no car payment . I have no need to impress others.
  19. No matter who said it there is a lot wrong with that quote.
  20. Being the contrarian that I am, I never cared for Fitz as much as many other Bills fans. However, I agree with everything you stated one hundred percent. Neither Fitz or Taylor could/will bring us to the playoffs, but Fitz is still an actual QB albeit a bad one. Taylor has yet to show if he can do anything without a dynamic running game.
  21. If Taylor improves and Watkins is the team MVP I believe we are in the playoffs. Sadly I don't see either happening, although I hope I'm wrong.
  22. Same here. The only downside is that we've got a while to go. Preseason NFL football bores me in much the same manner.
  23. In ESPN's defense (something I never thought I'd say) most Americans probably don't know the difference between the NHL and CFL at this point.
  24. I don't see why he'd even want to work on Wall Street. We all know that he went to Harvard, he should be smart enough to be able to retire quite comfortably.
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