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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. Actually being a moron can be a crime. Ask the millions of people in prison verses those smart enough not to be there.
  2. I don't mean to sound like I am condemning the man. My issue is that it sounds like a case of irresponsible gun ownership. It seems quite typical of pro athlete gun ownership. I just believe that too many of these guys own firearms for the wrong reasons.
  3. Everything I read says that Washington "reached for and displayed the firearm in front of officers". I simply feel like none of us know the entire story. Imo there is probably more to the story. None of it likely flattering for Washington. Responsible firearm ownership is great. Unfortunately I think too many pro athletes are the opposite of that. Many of these guys own firearms for all the wrong reasons.
  4. On Spectrum its not included with other ESPN channels however. It's a separate sports package subscription. We used to get the network along with the other ESPN channels without additional cost. I do miss ESPN classic, but the sports package isn't worth subscribing to.
  5. They still do on ESPN classic. Of course you have to pay to subscribe to the network.
  6. I had similar experiences with some of my friends. I heard a lot of obnoxious comments like "Sucks to be a Bills fan, those guys are pathetic. Why don't you root for the Giants with me?" Giants fans seem to think they have one of the great Super Bowl era franchises. I understand that wins are wins, but they fail to understand how lucky they are. The Giants won three Super Bowls they had no business winning.
  7. It pains me to admit it but I rooted for them in both Giant Super Bowls. Living in central NY I'm surrounded by Giants fans. I have a strong disdain for the Pats, but at the time I didn't personally know any Pats fans. The Pats winning would have been much easier than hearing how great Eli and the Giants were everyday.
  8. I want to get paid more as we all do. I agree with that. However, I wouldn't get on Twitter or Facebook to compare my pay with another employer. I don't think my employer would be very pleased.
  9. I never said that he can't have a life outside of football. I used the casino example because a 20 something millionaire gambling is a recipe for disaster. People like you claim that these guys deserve more money due to short careers. A player with Sammy's salary should be set for life. Unfortunately many players don't handle their money wisely. Posting pictures of thousands of dollars in casino chips is an example of pro athlete culture. Too many of these guys are absolutely reckless with their cash. Yet they continue to demand more money as if they need it. When did Sammy even make a point about injuries? He just said "gotta get paid more". Since this is America people also have the right to bash him for it. His buddy said that he hasn't been 100% healthy since joining the Bills. If you watched him at Clemson you would see this.
  10. I absolutely agree with your statement about us not treating him like a number one. There is no question that he should be a bigger part of the game plan. I still won't take back the fact that he doesn't show the same explosiveness that he had in college. He doesn't show the same strength either. Sammy has been particularly weak fighting for contested balls. It seems as if he hasn't won any of those battles in the pros. During his time at Clemson he would come down with the majority of contested balls.
  11. He hasn't been healthy since Shazier knocked out of a preseason game in his rookie season. He doesn't show the same explosiveness that he demonstrated at Clemson. Sammy has still put up some really good numbers in the pros, but something has always seemed slightly off. Sammy was a total beast in college who frequently won battles for 50/50 balls. I have yet to see him make those type of plays here.
  12. Ironic that you tell me I'm "sticking up for billionaires" while you defend a 24 year old multi millionaire who sounds ungrateful. I'll never forget Sammy posting his 9 K worth of chips at a North Carolina casino while he was injured. I wonder how much he lost before he won? If many of these pro athletes would learn better spending habits they wouldn't have to worry about going broke.
  13. I actually understand your point. Watkins simply made a comment that was poor in taste. The root issue of the debate is whether or not he crossed the line with a distasteful comment. Anything else veers dangerously close to belonging in the PPP forum. With that said there are a lot of NFL players who have demonstrated more intelligence than some of Sammy's actions/quotes have shown.
  14. It certainly beats talking about Hogan,Gillislee, and Gilmore.
  15. I don't care how much Watkins,Di Caprio, or Led Zepplin make. The problem people have is with the words Sammy used. I would have a problem with Led Zeppelin if Robert Plant came out and said that he deserved to have as much money as Paul McCartney. Sammy is a guy who escaped a bad neighborhood as a youth. Show a little gratitude. The guy claims to be a Christian. Exactly. You get paid whatever ownership dictates. If you want more you must look elsewhere. If Sammy wants more he needs to play basketball.
  16. There are actually Giant fans on their forums who favor trading OBJ. They view him as a poor leader who doesn't have the mental fortitude to be a winner. I think some Bills fans feel similar about Sammy.
  17. Well, OBJ's Giants certainly haven't won anything either.
  18. This ^. The tweet served no purpose. Now if you google Buffalo Bills you get Sammy saying "We gotta get paid more".
  19. I think you're in the minority on that one. I'm not going to lose sleep over it. It's just one of those things to discuss on the board for the sake of conversations. I find it to be a poor choice of words. In reality it's not a big deal. We agree on that.
  20. I don't think most reasonable people are going to hate on athletes,musicians, and actors for making money. It's simply the way it works. The problem occurs when these people make out of touch statements. Some actors,musicians,and athletes are wise enough to admit that they are blessed. Others make statements such as Sammy's "we gotta get paid more". NFL players likely will get paid more anyway.
  21. Exactly. Why didn't he say that school teachers should be paid more if he wasn't thinking of himself.
  22. I don't understand why you are so butt hurt over an insult that wasn't even meant to be aimed in your direction. You claimed that this story would be harmful to Rochester. I said anyone with limited intelligence already knows that the city has issues so I don't see why the city would need to be protected. The U of R simply wanted to protect their bottom line imo. I don't think that is far fetched.
  23. True, but ultimately the NFLPA only has so much leverage. What alternative career options do these guys have where they'll make more money?
  24. Getting "a piece of the pie" isn't what capitalism is all about though. Complaining that "We want more because Curry earns more" comes across as naivety from people who haven't experienced the real world.
  25. I see what you're getting at, but personally I would have been just as critical of him. Sammy says a lot of stupid things. Williams doesn't. It's quite simple really.
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