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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. I think that Buffalonians themselves are the only ones who ever consider Buffalo part of the Midwest. It seems to be a way to identify with a group that we prefer to be part of.
  2. These regional definitions are crazy. Too many problems occur with whether or not you should define a region by geography or cultural commonalities. Some people don't even think of Kansas as being part of the Midwest. Isn't Kansas the very definition of that term? Places like Western PA and Buffalo are very difficult to claim as the Midwest from a geographic standpoint. Yet they are easier to claim as the Midwest from a cultural standpoint. Personally I wouldn't even consider Buffalo part of the Midwest.
  3. There is also no reason to believe that any back would struggle running behind that line.
  4. The idea that NYC doesn't have "working class" people is one of the greatest misnomers that Buffalonians have about New Yorkers. I think that many Buffalonians see all of New York as Manhattan. With the shift away from industry the blue collar aspect of Buffalo is actually vastly overrated these days.
  5. I think that says it all. I've never minded NY'ers because at least you know where you stand with them. I'd rather have someone who doesn't like me have the guts to tell it to my face. I agree that Western NY'ers and upstate NY'ers in general mind their own business. People are also less likely to be super outgoing. They are also less likely to insult you to your face. I've actually found it easier to make friends with NY'ers as they are more outgoing. Western NY'ers are nicer as a whole on the surface. They are also just as likely as anyone to talk trash behind your back. People are people everywhere. There are good people and not so good people. It's the public persona that people have which differs from place to place. Some of us interact with certain public persona types better than others. Personally I don't mind the in your face NY personality. For every person who is a loud mouthed jerk there is another person who uses their loud mouth to be kind. Western NY'ers are more reserved (unless they are drinking), and you are less likely to encounter rudeness. By the same token the percentage of jerks in NYC are probably the same as Buffalo. The jerks of NYC are just more likely to verbalize their thoughts.
  6. Fair points, but you incite that he had a gun because he is engaging in drug sales. That may or may not be true. However, whether or not one agrees with the law it's incredibly stupid to do this kind of crap with a seven figure salary on the line. Some of these guys are unbelievable.
  7. There are a few guys from the 70's teams whose careers were ruined by being a part of the Bills. How many guys during this recent playoff drought would have been hall of famers elsewhere? Honestly I believe that many of these guys have been overrated as a result of being on such bad teams. Guys like Aaron Schobel would have been really good NFL players anywhere. They wouldn't have been hall of fame level guys though.
  8. He was very good, but he didn't achieve greatness. I'm not sure that Moulds would have been a hall of famer under any circumstances. He had very good seasons, but he isn't the type of player who people will be discussing for years to come. I think that Calvin Johnson is in the latter category.
  9. If those were the best three, I guess you could actually say that we haven't wasted that much talent.
  10. At least Francesca doesn't get paid by any of the franchises he talks about. He shows an obvious negative bias towards the Mets and Jets, but he will criticize the Yankees and Giants when necessary.
  11. I'm not going to bash Johnson for his decision to retire. I just think that some guys are wired to love the game too much to walk away. It's hard to walk away from something you love, no matter how harmful it may be to oneself.
  12. I understand. I just know that a lot of hall of famers played on losing teams their entire careers. Of course every competitive athlete wants to win, but some guys love the game too much to quit. Johnson must be wired differently than some.
  13. I always loved how much he hated the Jets and Mets. There is nothing like listening to Mike pile on the cities two pro sport jokes.
  14. Football players don't have to live in the city where they play during the offseason. Johnson made enough money to get out of Detroit any chance he wanted. It's not as if Detroit doesn't have wealthy suburbs either.
  15. I didn't know that anyone friend or foe cared about the Pats before the Brady era.
  16. Well isn't Calvin Johnson a great role model. When life doesn't go your way, just quit.
  17. I'm sure the clan would be very accepting of some of my family members. You my friend are being a moron. The fact that people scream racism destroys threads. I'm sure this one is about to be closed again. Nothing racist was mentioned until you had to drag it in.
  18. Exactly. Gun ownership and constitutional rights have little to do with this issue. It's simply stupid to flash a gun around in the presence of a police officer. Everyone is lucky that it turned out as well as it did.
  19. I'm not sure about the numbers, but I do know that 12 NFL have been shot since 2006. Countless more have been charged with gun related offenses. This is a higher number than many other sports. That's why I cringe when I read a story about an NFL player being irresponsible with a gun.
  20. More like too bad the political establishment can't be financially literate themselves.
  21. Some gun owners are hunters, some gun owners feel the need to protect their family. I know many gun owners who fall into both categories. There is another set of people who carry guns because they treat it like a toy that's part of a lifestyle. I will admit that the conversation probably belongs in PPP, but I think a lot of NFL players probably fit into that category. Sadly, clowns like you have to scream racism at everything. I suppose if I were to talk about urban gun violence and culture that would be racist too.
  22. Good post. I was wondering the same thing. Why are the cops "clearing a crowd" out of a water park at 10 pm? The crowd also just happened to include Washington.
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