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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. An additional second round pick with the third from the Eagles gives us a lot of flexibility. Players could always be included in draft day trades as well. Maybe we could use those picks to move into the top 5 (if we don't pick there anyway) or we could even end up with three first round draft picks using the picks we gained. You are correct, there had to be "event reasons" it was a big one. You also have your own bias being unable to admit that we'd never know if he wanted to be here. Neither one of us know. It's just ridiculous that so many people claim to know. I will admit that Beane admitting to that is not a good look for him. Beane doesn't seem like the type of GM a player would want to sign on with.
  2. If Cousins has a down year I wouldn't want him. I think he would be a soild QB. Questions remain if he's a championship caliber QB. Personally I have doubts about his ability reach that level. A down season from Cousins would only increase those doubts.
  3. Fair enough. My only issue is how can we know that Sammy wanted to be here? Everyone makes the assumption that he was all in. Not a single one of us knows what happens in the locker room. Sammy telling the media that he wanted to be in Buffalo means very little. Sammy pushing himself out isn't a possibility I'm willing to discount.
  4. No I'll agree to disagree. It would have been a huge story anywhere. Yes, I do fit that description. I have a little job that I will work the rest of my life, just like Sammy said. You don't insult an entire group of people just because someone you don't like someone belongs to that group. Sammy is a somewhat arrogant person. He could have just called them losers who are unhappy with lives taking their anger out on others. That would be a comment I could get behind. Instead a man who has never worked a standard paying job a day in his life insults the idea of working for ones entire life.
  5. If we become a playoff team any time soon those draft picks will have something to do with it. QB's are more important than any reciever. Think of how most HOF recievers are accompanied by HOF QB's. Calvin Johnson was an all time great. He didn't help Detroit win anything.
  6. Really? If we become a playoff team and Sammy is successful we both win. What if Sammy puts up huge hall of fame numbers yet doesn't win a title? While we find a franchise QB becoming a competitive franchise?
  7. If you think Buffaloians are the only people who would have had issues with Sammy, you are mistaken. If OBJ said that as a player in NY it would have been a huge national story. New Yorkers wouldn't have appreciated it either. It's part of the grieving process. Isn't that how it works with former loves? We did get ourselves in deep with that guy. We gave up everything to get him.
  8. Great point. I got a good laugh out of that. I think LA might be "good enough" for him. I wonder how his ego will take it when he discovers LA people only care about the Kardashians and Christano Ronaldo.
  9. Team doctors might want to keep their jobs, but that still doesn't mean they always agree. The belief of what one doctor says isn't necessarily what another might say. So I will believe what I like. I'm not claiming to know anything. I'm just saying that injures probably were a concern to the Bills. I don't think it's a far fetched theory at all.
  10. This doesn't mean that the team didn't have concerns about his ability to stay healthy. Do all doctors agree on everything? It's not as if a player has never been traded only to suffer from injuries with his new team.
  11. We have no idea if Sammy is healthy, also at least we traded him to LA. Those Rams fans who are laughing in LA could all car pool together in the same Tesla car. Most non biased parties say that it wasn't a terrible trade for us. Reading this board you'd assume that everyone is saying it's terrible trade of historic proportions.
  12. This game is for all of you who think that we are the only team with a questionable backup QB situation l.
  13. I didn't mean to sound like I was questioning his character. I just find it comical how many of you would be all over that video if he was deemed a "low character" guy. Nope, just see my response above.
  14. Good post. I couldn't help but notice the contrast between Matthews and Sammy's demeanor after being traded.
  15. Sammy didn't look very upset. There is also a HUGE difference between being traded and fired. With that said, maybe it shows character that Mathews actually cared about his team in Philly. Sammy looked quite happy on the NFL Network last night.
  16. Yes that one. Before everyone attacks me, let me make things clear. Matthews is obviously not pleased to be leaving Philly. Some of our greatest players weren't initially pleased about coming to Buffalo. Matthews might become a fine player who grows fond of our city and fans. I was just entertained by him acting like a moody child after all this high character talk.
  17. I'm not a big Sammy fan, but has anyone seen the video of Matthews at the BLO Airport? That doesn't look like character or professionalism to me.
  18. If he believed in himself and cares about winning he'd just play under the tag. If I'm Sammy my biggest drive is to get to a winning franchise. I'd just be considering the Rams a stop on the path.
  19. I liked the trade, and I will stand by that belief. It doesn't mean I don't have reservations now that I've had time to think. I'm extremely confident that we aren't losing that much in W column. My biggest concern is the fact that we may have created another hole in the roster. I have criticized this franchise for years about letting players go only to fill that hole in the next draft. It would be hypocritical for me not to remember that. Boldin is not going to be here for the long haul. Jones is a rookie, we have no clue what type of player Jones will become. Zay could become a star or the next Josh Reed. I would have felt even more confident in this trade if Jones had played a year to show he can produce at the NFL level. A great deal of pressure is on Zay Jones this season. If he doesn't produce we will have another position to retool in the offseason. I still like the trade, but that doesn't mean I don't have slight reservations. Everything comes with pros and cons.
  20. Why would he want to resign with the Rams? A true competitor would bet on themselves to have a good season. A good season for Sammy would open up the market for him. Shouldn't he want to sign with a contender? Just a theory of mine. Maybe the Rams shock us all by turning into a contender.
  21. They also gave up draft picks. I think that our f.o cares more about those than the players they acquired.
  22. I will admit that I'm not a Matt Barkley expert, so some of my details could be off. I just know that he could have entered the draft following a great college football season. Instead he entered the draft after a poor season. Teams are desperate for QB's these days. It's possible imo that someone might have reached early for him coming off a good season. He opted to stay in school which exposed all of his flaws. Injuries happen as well. I'm just going to say that if I were Darnold I'd enter the draft after this season. Far too many things can happen if he stays in school.
  23. This has been our draft philosophy for a long time. It's also the reason so many fans are whining about losing Sammy. Fans love big names.
  24. Looks and economic status often go hand in hand. There is a lot of money in LA, and there are 3.9 million people in the city. Of course their are a lot of beautiful women. Choose to venture away from the tourist areas and well to do neighborhoods, you will see a different story. It's not if you are genetically superior being born in LA. LA just has a lot of doctors and women with money. I have family in the inland empire. Trust me that LA's "beauty" doesn't extend very into the desert outside of the well to do areas. No different than anywhere else imo. Just a lot of wanna be actresses. Not single.
  25. I hate to simplify things, but we will survive without Sammy. All of the Watkins fanboys will get over it. Are we Buffalo Bills fans or Sammy Watkins fans? The team comes first. We need to build a team. Team building was the purpose of this trade. No one knows whether or not we will choose the right guys to be build a winning team. That doesn't mean it's something we shouldn't try. We are not ready to be a winning team with Sammy on the roster. I don't love letting talent go, but Sammy is not going to make a huge difference in the W column. The Whaley regime was all about style over substance. I can now see why so many Bills fans loved a losing GM. Bills fans and Buffalonians are well known for their inferiority complexes. Many of us have a need for star players/big names to be on this team. Without them we feel marginalized as if we are not on par with the elite teams. The only legitimate way to be on par with the elite teams is to win games. Maybe this trade can help us build a team that does so. Big names mean nothing when the franchise isn't winning games.
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