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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. The Pegula's have made many questionable decisions as team owners. At times they seem to be in over their heads. From a fans perspective it is difficult to trust that they will make the choices. We just have to hope that McD and Bean are the right men for the job. The Pegula's lack of experience doesn't mean that the right regime can't fall into their laps. What qualifications do any NFL owners have when it comes to football? Jerrry Jones? Robert Kraft? The Pegula's are inexperienced, but I'm not sure if I'd say they are less qualified.
  2. Jerry Hughes? Don't worry a fifteen penalty on a failed forth down would extend the game, causing his team to lose the Super Bowl. I'm surprised by the results of the poll so far. The amount of negativity around here would have made me assume different results.
  3. You'lll never see one. Reminds me of the poster yesterday who claimed Watkins and Boldin got into an argument. I asked him for more information, the guy disappeared.
  4. Historically I've been a big OBD critic. I would never tell someone not to criticize OBD. Personally I just want to give the new regime a chance. Posters seem to have Bills PTSD clouding that ability. I'm not sure what I "admitted" to. We all have "bias" involved in everything we post on TBD.
  5. You seem to be obsessed with my "bias" against Sammy. I'm not even saying that he didn't want to be here. I've only said that people shouldn't try to claim they know those type of details. Go cry at your Watkins shrine this season, I'll be rooting for our team to win some games. It would be a far better conversation if you could reply to my posts with something more informative than calling out a "bias". All of us including yourself have "bias" when it comes to this topic.
  6. It would be nice to live in a world where you can 100% believe everything someone says. None of us including myself know if Sammy wanted to be here. It's a personal assumption. You can't tell people they are wrong if they claim he didn't want to be here. People also can't tell you that you are wrong if when you say he did.
  7. I'll agree with your last paragraph. It makes it even more difficult when you don't know someone personally. When we know someone personally we are able to assess our trust levels. Many people are still bad at assessing others. Some fans get emotionally hooked, they feel as if they do know these guys personally. There is an assumption in taking someone for their word. Particularly someone you don't know. You have no clue if Sammy is a man of his word. That said I have no clue that he isn't. I'm not missing the point. I simply disagree with your point.
  8. Both statements are assumptions. Just because Sammy says something doesn't make it true. So you believe that everything people say is always true? You've never met someone who says one thing but does another? Sammy also posted "going out with a bang" on Instagram when his option was declined. That could be interpreted many ways. I do not claim to know that he didn't want to be here. I have no clue. You also have no clue. We are both making an argument from ignorance. No one can win. They are nothing more than personal beliefs. I'm willing to grant your belief that Sammy wanted to be here. I have no evidence to the contrary. You also have no real undeniable evidence that he did want to be here. Its unfair to state that the other side is wrong as a fact.
  9. No sense in getting into a debate about Sammy's desire to be here. Read my previous post. It's a classic argument from ignorance scenario.
  10. Either statement would be an assumption unless said fan has a personal relationship with the player. My issue is when people say "he didn't want to be here" , and someone replies by saying "yes he did". Or the reverse when a poster says "he wanted to be here", and the reply is "no he didn't". It's fair to write a post claiming that all signs pointed to him wanting to be here. It's also fair to post that the trade was made with the consideration that he didn't want to be here. The issue is when people claim with certainty that the side they disagree with must be wrong.
  11. Over the last couple of days many posters have concluded that it's impossible. Somehow they are 100% certain that this regime will fail. I wonder how many of these posters made the same guarantees that previous regimes would succeed? That's another thing that fans are 100% percent sure of. Many posters claim there being no way that Sammy didn't want to be here. People are acting as if they hang out with the guy every Friday night. I'm not saying that's what happened. I just think it's strange to completely dismiss the possibility. In fact this article could be interpreted as hinting at that possibility.
  12. This is where I'm at. Taking this stance gets one labeled with a "Watkins Bias", but it's based firmly in reality. Sammy Watkins on the roster is akin to owning a Ferrari without being able to afford gas money. It's wonderful to say you have it, but trading it in for a Nissan might not be a bad idea. Until we get the gas money (a franchise QB) it won't be of much use to us. Julian freaking Edelman is a star because his team has a franchise QB. Does anyone believe that he'd be a star anywhere else? If we do get a franchise QB people reminiscing about Watkins will the furthest thing from our minds. We'd be too busy making plans to attend a playoff game.
  13. Rebuilding has to be demoralizing for any veteran player. Although they'd never admit to it, they had to know that their team was never a title contender to begin with.
  14. I get your point. Every team lets the mediocre guys walk. My issue with the quote was that Beane sounded somewhat opposed to paying anyone imo. It was just a matter of interpretation. It probably wasn't too difficult for the Steelers to make the Sanders decision. There is no need to overpay a receiver when you have an elite QB.
  15. The draft may be a crap shoot, but the most important is not trying to outsmart everyone else. We've been doing that for the past 17 years. I'd also make the argument that Coaching, QB, and the guys on both sides in the trenches win games.
  16. I'd think that It's really difficult to get anything more than a second for a non QB as well. I've often questioned the value of the WR position in today's NFL.
  17. " The draft is the most affordable way to pay very good players. Our job is to pay attention where we are financially". I'm a major supporter of the trades, but even I hate that quote. Fiscal responsible is great. There is obviously a major need to manage the salary cap correctly. Those facts don't negate the fact that money ball doesn't win championships. How many titles did Billy Beane with the MLB A's who was the originator of that term win? The answer is zero. Sometimes you have to pay your best players. Every team in the league has to do so. So what's the plan? Draft great players only to let them walk? That's not how you build a winner. I understood the trade because the new regime wants to start with a clean slate. They want a fresh start with an a surplus of draft picks. What a don't understand is that comment. I hope that is not our philosophy going forward. Where they dominate is by having Brady on the roster imo. It's not college football. You can't let your best players walk every four years. Teams have to pay the players who cost the most. They are the guys who are most crucial to a teams success. It's actually the lower paid role players that need to be replaced every season. Beane talks like he's unwilling to pay anyone. That would be a terrible strategy.
  18. They could be number one pick bad with Tolzien, and they wouldn't be looking for a QB. Luck missing the season could be the best thing to happen to the Bills.
  19. This ^ We are all here simply discussing our personal options that we base on our individual logic. Aside from that, I don't have much more to say on this topic.
  20. How about years ago? This franchise has gone from Curtis Painter to Scott Tolzien. That's terrible even when considering NFL backup QB's struggle.
  21. Cool. Maybe that can become the new Jack Nicklaus thing around ha.
  22. Good points, I just see it differently. It also sounds like you assume that those people really did have "lil jobs". I'm sure that none of them were brain surgeons, but I can promise you a few of them were probably college aged guys computer tough guys. Many of whom will probably go on to have decent careers. Being a jerk or an idiot doesn't necessarily disqualify one from decent employment. I just don't see it as something you'd hear from a high character guy. These kind of shenanigans don't seem to mesh with the McBean philosophy.
  23. It's just difficult for me to as upset as everyone else over Sammy. The real travesty occurred several years ago when our defense was dismantled. We were on the brink of having something great. Rex tore it apart immediately sending us into rebuild mode. We will recover from this Sammy trade. Rex is the one who will be more difficult to recover from.
  24. Here is the quote "continue working y'all little jobs for the rest of y'all lives". It wasn't about "getting a better job" as you say. It was the idea that everything is a "little job" to a guy who makes millions. I'm happy with my job so that's not the issue. Football is an escape from reality. Myself and many others probably did take it too "personally" because arrogance abounds in our society (intentional or unintentional), even in your quote "I will not be working the rest of my life". People need to get over themselves. The last thing anyone wants to hear are athletes running their mouths in such a manner. His upbringing that you assume was terrible should be all the more reason for him to know better. I'll agree to disagree. It's just one of those issues that everyone sees differently. Honestly I'm just ready to move on from Sammy. I'm as guilty as everyone for posting a ton on this topic. I've been caught up in this huge trade as much as everyone else. We are Buffalo Bills fans first and foremost. We need to get over Sammy, and watch out team win some games this season. That's all I really care about.
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