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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. They'll be able to tank just fine. They could tank with the 85 Bears defense considering the QB's they have on their roster. The same could be said for the Colts, if Luck doesn't return.
  2. McCarthy is a mess of an HC with the advantage of having an elite QB.
  3. Yes, both of these teams have major flaws. It's difficult for me to not envision Atlanta or Dallas representing the NFC.
  4. Neither one of these teams are impressing me much. I suppose that it is a defensive struggle, but it seems like whoever makes fewer mistakes will win. No one is making plays.
  5. Not so certain that Flacco, Dalton, and Bortles can blame their struggles on rust.
  6. If you don't support losing teams, I think that's the definition of a bad sports town. Everyone supports a winner. I'd rather be watching the Rams over seeing McCarthy get outcoached as usual.
  7. You must not be familiar with LA. Yes, and 50% of LA would rather Spanish soccer teams, and couldn't care less about American football.
  8. Watching Pack vs Seahawks. I forgot how much the NFL bores me outside of watching the Bills. Officiating is ruining the game.
  9. Talking about QB prospects isn't qutting on the season. If you're not TT's mom, I think you are overreacting a bit.
  10. Nothing wrong with talking about QB's, but sometimes people overreact. Darnold is far and away the best prospect. That's not going to change. The fact that Mayfield beat OSU doesn't change who is as a prospect whatsoever. It also doesn't lower the value of Darnold and Rosen. Fans get caught up in big college wins, and miss out on the skills that seperate prospects.
  11. I also don't like that I get his first name and last name crossed occasionally. I don't have that issue with any other QB.
  12. Apparently you missed my sarcasm.
  13. Why aren't people who post these things moderators? If that were the case these threads would already be merged.
  14. I agree, the problem is that I'd want nothing to do with Mayfield or Jackson.
  15. Mayfield has college superstar who doesn't transition well to the NFK written all over him imo. In a draft loaded with pro style QB's, I don't like the idea of taking a chance on Mayfield. Rosen and Darnold are pro style QB's who are adept at reading defenses from the pocket. Mayfield is a guy with a ton of physical talent. I'm just not sure how it will translate to the pro game. Beside the OSU D has been shredded by lots of high powered college offenses over the years
  16. I think it's doom and gloom to many because it's all such a hassle. The worst part is that the government has done little to nothing to help and protect its citizens. It's quite backwards that we have to pay private companies to protect and warn us to ID theft. We don't have to pay private companies to protect us from other forms of crime.
  17. I hope so, but I don't think that SU gets the type of talent it takes to win these days. If Dino does "right the ship" we're looking at .500 seasons like the Marrone days. I don't see this school competing with teams like Clemson or FSU ever again. When people actually enjoyed SU football they could beat anyone.
  18. JT Barrett is awful. Urban Meyer would be unstoppable at OSU with a real QB.
  19. The Marrone years were nothing like the glory days, but at least the program was respectable. SU football wasn't exciting by any means, but it wasn't a total joke. Prior to the arrival of Marrone, SU football was a joke. We have now returned to the status of being a complete joke.
  20. I remember growing with SU football in the late 90's. The McNabb era Orangemen never won the major bowl games, but they could beat anyone any given Saturday. SU football was relevant to college football. It was such an incredibly exciting time to be an Orange fan. The environment at the Dome was second to none. It's really sad to watch this. Attending Bills games is awesome, but I wish that an elite college team was close to home. I used to have that with SU. As someone who isn't into basketball, it disappoints me to know that SU is now a basketball only school.
  21. I agree with that. The Bills have done very poorly with evaluating talent. I take issue with the Patriot worship. They've only done so great "evaluating talent" because they have Tom Brady. In fact the Pats have mostly drafted like crap.
  22. Well, our "farm team" hasn't provided many success stories for other teams. I couldn't care less what Michaels said. I just found it lacking humor because it's not the reality. We've been a losing franchise because of bad coaching, no QB, and poor management. It's not because we let our talent go imo.
  23. This^ The entire thing just feels dirty. If someone has your info, you are screwed. There isn't much that you can do to protect yourself. What a joke that you now need to PAY for ID theft protection. We were all victimized by a company that we didn't choose to do business with. They should be paying. If that were the case I wouldn't be so skeptical. Great link. What an absolute joke. I love how the media is creating mass hysteria with this, telling us to freeze our credit. The joke that we call a media fails to mention that having ones identity allows another access to everything (including unfreezing credit).
  24. It's a smart thing to do. Just making the point that it's comical to be forced to trust a freeze, when the hacked (irresponsible) party is responsible for maintaining it.
  25. This^ So, I'm supposed to trust the very people who screwed us all over to suddenly protect us? The entire system is a joke. The chief security officer for Equifax had a degree in music composition. Credit freeze is the smart thing to do, but paranoid me still worries. How the h*** are we supposed to trust it will stay frozen. All it would take is another hack for everything to be unfrozen.
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