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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. Because no "sweet kids" ever turned bad without CTE? Generally one isn't born as a baby gangster.
  2. Yep, except that final PI call that was BS. The game was great, but I felt cheated. Refs destroy every game, and it's weakening my love of the NFL a bit.
  3. They just think a 2-1 Rams team will help avoid the empty stadium embarrassment.
  4. I'm suprised by how bad the Rams D has been. Wade has some work to do.
  5. Not really. I was hoping for a scenario where Sammy got thrown to for the win on fourth down with the game on the line.
  6. Who need a QB who can throw a football? That's why god gave us legs.
  7. Good one. Both sides win tonight.
  8. Exactly, I won't deny that we lost talent with the Sammy trade, but the big difference is a blossoming QB in Goff vs deep passer/running back TT.
  9. Sammy is obviously talented, but when you have a QB who is a better runner than passer you don't get far in this league imo.
  10. No, because excuses can rarely be made for murder. There have always been murderers, and there always will be. Nothing will stop it. Sometimes there is simply evil in the world. Study CTE all you want, but Hernandez is a unique case. The guy already had a track that spoke for itself. There is no need to explain what "made a bad guy worse". It reminds me of the 60 minute specials where they profile a murderer. They always point to something that scarred the person during their childhood. We all have these issues in our life, while some may be much worse than others, they are still no excuse. There has to be evil within someone to do such a thing imo. Much of this just comes down to personal beliefs imo.
  11. Something tells me that the LA Times couldn't care less. I think he's out of luck this time. Maybe he can tell both Rams fans.
  12. I work in health care as well., I have worked with various groups with degenerative brain diseases. There is a big difference between aggression, and being a murderer. I won't buy for a minute that a brain disorder is creating murderers. It's a convenient excuse for a violent scumbag. Do we take accountability for any of our actions in today's society? Is there any chance that violent sports might attract some people who already have violent tendencies? Also what percentage of football players and boxers are murderers? It's probably no higher than that of the general public. Therefore the CTE copout isn't necessarily reality.
  13. Read it here on other TBD posts.
  14. Greatest decoy of all time. Read it here on TBD.
  15. They don't need to. All of this offense is a result of having Sammy on the field.
  16. My problem with so many NFL coaches is their inability to be flexible. Most of us are required to be flexible workers. We can't go to work and do everything "our way". NFL coaches are often unwilling to adjust gameplans to what they have to work with. When we go to work, we work with what we are given. Why don't some NFL coaches do the same? Our game plan did nothing to play to strengths of TT. We may lack offensive weapons, but why not structure a game plan that fits the roster? Plus, how idiotic is it to use a fullback as the number two back?
  17. I think CTE is real. The issue is all of the things that we blame it for.
  18. Wonder how many times he got his head beat during street fights? Also, what's with the definitive link of CTE to murderous behavior? Why aren't people with other brain disorders such as Alzheimer's/Dementia going around committing mass crime? This doesn't add up. Every time a criminal NFL player commits a crime, it's now CTE.
  19. Yep, and Manning really struggled with it as well. TT is not going to be an elite QB, but it's beyond idiotic to refuse to do things that work best for him. NFL coaches can be dumb. This is the simple conclusion that I reached a long time ago.
  20. Yes, and Kizer actually looked pretty good against them as well. I'm not very impressed. I haven't been impressed with the Steelers since their last Super Bowl season. They always have tons of talent, but have struggled with Roethlisberger injures. They're not the Steelers of old.
  21. True, but some reports out of Denver indicated that Dennison and Kubiak shared playcalling duties last season. Sunday's play calling was pathetic, so we'll have to give it time to see what Denison is all about. I'm always impressed by NFL coaches with the inability to create game plans that suit their roster. We'll see if that improves throughout the season.
  22. Too early to tell, but Siemien does look much better this season with Dennison gone. I'm not sure if this is just Siemien's natural progression or the loss of Dennison being beneficial.
  23. Neither do I after seeing Dennison's game plan on Sunday. There has been much debate as to how much input he had with play calling in Denver. I lean towards it not being much.
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