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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. Right, who would have thought that the melody of an old British drinking song would become such a highly analyzed event.
  2. This ^ None of these teams have stadiums with a decent atmosphere. If it's not college football, no one cares.
  3. I guarantee it didn't Trump much. Stupid way to "push back".
  4. My thoughts exactly, but then it means that these players aren't the revolutionaries that many wanted to portray them as. They are just pawns in the endless political agitation that both sides continue to inflict upon the country.
  5. It would have been a full house if it were an SEC matchup.
  6. Funny how these guys all claim to have some "great cause" that they abanded after only one week. It proves that they felt as if they were in the wrong (disrespectful). People arguing in their favor have compared their acts to other civil rights greats. I'll tell you that they don't compare in the least. True agents of change who believe in themselves don't give up after one week. Just typically political agitation that both sides love to engage in these days.
  7. Atlanta is not great at anything apart from business and mass suburbs.
  8. Where are all the guys who told us we were idiots who don't appreciate Gilmore's talent?
  9. Like maybe in Buffalo?
  10. Great win. Should have never come down to the final drive. We are very lucky, but I'll take it.
  11. Letting em score if we don't stop them here.
  12. "Thou who kicketh field goals loseth thy game". Jauron 7:22.
  13. Playing not to lose is a weak way to change a culture.
  14. I've never been this mad at a coaching staff. The big bad wrestler is quite the pansy.
  15. Jauron is back. Lets party like it's 2006.
  16. We should lend Zay Jones to the Falcons for this final drive.
  17. Players don't, but the coaches do.
  18. No pressure at all. Way to coach offense so you can lose by one point.
  19. No, yet they won't throw in first down.
  20. How do you have the sack to go for the those long kicks? but not to throw the ball to put the game away?
  21. Awesome. Now we can lose by 1.
  22. How are NFL coaches so emotionally out of touch? You can tell that we need to put the game away, while we have the momentum. Instead they will be conservative until we blow it.
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