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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. Bengals are really good against the run. TT just needs to get that ball out to Thomas and we'd probably have 7. Instead he decided to practice for his next career as a traffic cop.
  2. That was one of the dumbest QB plays I've seen in a while.
  3. Bengals have always played dirty. Marvin Lewis is the ringleader of dirty hits, and signing other teams trash.
  4. Of course Zay is part of something bad.
  5. Wow, now we're really screwed.
  6. O Line doesn't block for crap, but Shady still has great moves just to pick up three and four yard gains.
  7. Good D. Sadly, a 7 point deficit seems insurmountable.
  8. It's as simple as this. This fact has been lost during the winning streak. We are still 3-1 with a lot of good things going. However, this offense has been pathetic all season. It's hard to be a playoff team in the 2017 NFL with such an offense.
  9. We're going to see them add without any decent threat at the reciever position on offense. We just got burned because the opponent actually has one.
  10. I think it's perfect. This season may end up McDoomed because McBean doesn't believe in having a legit receiver on the roster.
  11. The key phrase is "hurt relationships with his coaches and fellow teammates". It's one thing to want the ball, it's another to allow that to hurt relationships with teammates. That's a huge issue. I've seen people use comparisons to guys like Andre Reed. Sure, Reed wanted the ball all of the time as well, but did it actually hurt his reputation in the locker room? None (I think) of us are in that locker room. We have no idea how he may have rubbed people the wrong way. Comparing Watkins to other receivers doesn't prove a point. Everyone is different. He may have went about expressing his displeasure in a more negative manner than others.
  12. Winston's first half was terrible. He has made some great throws in the second half. His team would be leading without a dropped pass, and a hands to the face penalty that negated a TD. He's made some great throws in the second half.
  13. Booing Folk everytime he steps on the field must be really helpful.
  14. They'll be looking for a new kicker. Where's Carp?
  15. They just wanted to mess Winston. They know the Bucs don't have Hauschka.
  16. Pats playing dirty tonight. There's the team I know. They are back.
  17. Yes, also looks like the Pats D might be coming around.
  18. There's a lot to do for people with an interest in what Buffalo offers. Different strokes for different folks. Not much of a food scene is a joke statement imo. I've never understood people who move away, and feel the need to bash their hometown. You left, be happy where you are. Buffalo might have been boring to you, it's not boring to others. People are entitled to their opinions. I just find it unfair to state them as a fact.
  19. I don't know why this can't just be about Cam being somewhat of an arrogant dimwit, who thinks he has moves. Some people could turn taking a deuce into a political debate these days. How pathetic.
  20. This is the issue though. I agree to disagree. Making a blanket statement that "Buffalo is more boring than most other NFL cities" is subjective. It is not a fact. The definition of "boring" is a matter of personal preference. We all enjoy different things. I enjoy the large Northeastern cities. I find supposedly exciting cities such as Phoenix and Charlotte quite boring. Also remember that there are NFL teams in Cleveland, Indy, Jacksonville and Green Bay. It's all subjective. Mass numbers have Buffalonians have relocated over the years. I'm willing to bet that the majority did so to pursue better economic opportunities, not because they were looking for more excitement. Cities like Charlotte are economic powerhouses. I can understand why so many Buffalo expats life there, but you're not going to convince me that it's more exciting than Buffalo.
  21. Yes, it will be a long season for the Pats if the refs continue at this rate. The refs are the ones who can end the dynasty. All they need to do is to begin calling penalties on the Pats.
  22. I read somewhere that Richie was born in Jersey. He should feel right at home in a cesspool.
  23. Great point. I love this trend in society where we basically force people to apologize for making dumb remarks. What does a forced apology prove? It doesn't change who that person is, or what they believe. Why do people give in to public pressure to apologize? I've been known to make stupid remarks from time to time. If I were a public figure, I'm sure I'd get called out for something. The difference is that I wouldn't retract the statement. I might explain why I made the statement, and its true intent, but I wouldn't take it back. Taking ones words back proves nothing. Especially when those words are indicative of ones personality. You can't change who Cam Newton is, take it or leave it.
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