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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. True, I guess that the NFL is just brilliant at making really poor decisions.
  2. Its just brutal that KC is the cream of this seasons NFL crop. This has been an exciting Bills season, but the overall mediocrity of the league causes me to lose interest. Hopefully the 2017 Bills use that mediocrity to their advantage.
  3. In the history of this website have any of the people with sources ever told us what those sources were? Im not completely doubting the possibility, it just made me recall how sources (real or made up) always have a code of silence.
  4. Yes, but on their news ticker ESPN just said its unclear if amputation was ever an option. Im not minimizing the severity of the injury, but naturally they publish the worst case scenario as the headline.
  5. There is no way I would agree to trade him if I were the Lions. It would set a dangerous precedent.
  6. It just didnt feel like a Whaley draft imo. It didnt seem like the type of trades he would make, and players he would choose. Its simply an opinion, and personal theory, nothing more.
  7. The nature of the trades, and going with less than flashy picks. We drafted a completely different type of player in the 2017 draft, compared to previous Whaley drafts.
  8. I dont doubt the severity of the injury in the least. I also dont doubt the fact that Miller could have lost his leg. I just hate that ESPN used the words could lose his leg as click bait before the procedure was completed.
  9. You have a rep as being a guy with sources, so how can I argue against 2017 being a Whaley draft? I simply have one issue, what was Whaley smoking or not smoking that made the 2017 draft such a vast departure from his previous drafting style? This is what Ive always believed. Whaley is either bi polar, or finally saw the light if he were in charge.
  10. Humans have a need for religion. Organized religion might die but it will be replaced by something else. Mankind is predictable.
  11. Im not very concerned with what the Pats do. We need to go out and win the games that we have on our schedule. Things will work themselves out from there. The Pats are a 6-2 team, nothing more and nothing less. Ill reserve judgment until we play them.
  12. I think it has something to do with Vulcans having no emotions, they always use logic over emotions idk. The problem is in the real world human logic isnt always correct, nor do they always have a right and wrong answer. Everything on this board are nothing more than opinions.
  13. That would be true if I believed NFL officials were actually worthy of respect. Clowns like Hochuli dont deserve an ounce of respect or authority.
  14. Ngata should have been a Bill, and this post wouldnt even exist.
  15. The Cowboys were simply unbeatable. Im just unwilling to completely bash Levy for the other two losses. Parcells and Gibbs are HOF coaches who made a lot of coaches look bad. Dont forget that Parcells also had our arch nemesis, the hoodie.
  16. Im not sure if McD would be a fan of Woods dumb penalties, and occasional inability to control his temper.
  17. I agree, but there is no denying the fact that minus the four Super Bowl losses, the Bills in the Wilson were consistently one of the worst NFL franchises. That doesnt happen simply by chance. It happens through bad personal moves/meddling, intense cronyism, and a tight pocketbook. Im as thankful and appreciative of Ralphs legacy as anyone here. I feel guilty even posting these facts. After all, Wilson is the reason the city of Buffalo still has a pro football team. We couldnt be having this discussion without him. God bless Ralph, but there is no way to compare his ownership to the Rooneys. Im also hesitant to crown Pegs a better owner than Wilson as the OP did. We are 5-2 seven games into his forth season as owner. He has a long way to go before achieving what Wilson did.
  18. That must be run defense, because both of those teams are far lower in total team defense.
  19. I have the same concerns, but mine are about Shady as well.
  20. I couldnt agree more. Depending upon how you look at it, it does. However, yesterday we were able to run in situations where the D knew it was coming. That is a sign of a much improved run game.
  21. I just get a laugh out of the fact that some people still believe Fitz and Edwards Bills careers were ruined by hits. Their careers were ruined by being mediocre talents.
  22. Great stat that confirms why I find Stafford to be such a confusing player to evaluate.
  23. Yeah, only a ten yard difference when you're down 13 points with ten minutes remaining. The problem may be that it would require subtracting 25 (the touchback) from 35 (failed onside kick). Im not sure if Jack Del Rio is capable of that math.
  24. Stafford is a major waste of talent, as was Megatron.
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