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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. True. He did the Peterman head first dive today too. You love the passion from your team leader, but QB’s are too crucial to be reckless these days.
  2. Wow. This league is so QB oriented, it’s crazy. Even when you get your franchise guy, you are one injury away from not having a chance. Things are really up for grabs in in the NFC.
  3. I thought you went drinking with McD from the title.
  4. Good stop, but punt call is still awful. We begin again with Webb, while he was at midfield minutes ago. We played for a tie. Pathetic
  5. I ended my hope in this regime today.
  6. This is bad. I’d fire him tonight.
  7. I guess “the process” is playing for a tie.
  8. Why the wide runs off the side? How about the middle?
  9. It really doesn’t need matter who plays QB at this point.
  10. Talk about being able to load the box.
  11. Should have known. Didn’t he start the Pats dynasty the same way in the snow?
  12. With Joe Webb? Or since we’re doing what if’s, does Peterman not dive head first?
  13. And Peterman for diving head first.
  14. I understand that Webb is a third stringer, but it’s amazing he can get on the field in the NFL as a QB.
  15. Looked like a potential false start, but they aren’t calling fouls.
  16. Tolbert is a drop off from any RB. Because he isn’t one.
  17. You are far more confident in that than I.
  18. And why would any coaching staff give him the ball?
  19. It’s not dumb when all they do is preach safety about head trauma. Yet, QB’s in the pocket and defenseless recievers are the only guys they care about.
  20. No, but if someone hit Brady’s head in any context, it would be a penalty. I don’t doubt that for a second. I’m over not getting a penalty called. The NFL is just too inconsistent. That’s my main complaint.
  21. You of all people should want more judgement calls.
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