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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. Considering how much many of these guys waste, I doubt that this type of thriftiness enter their minds. You are thinking like a businessman, not a 23 year old football player.
  2. It does because I believe it to be true. Of course you’d know better.
  3. The Chargers game will live on as a great Bills myth. The Chargers are unstoppable when they get hot. Their problem is inconsistency. We got the good Chargers on the day we faced them. TT was not going to win a dual with Rivers. Our defense was also greatly struggling at the time. The game that might ruin our playoff hopes was the Jets game. A playoff team has to win that one.
  4. The ball security issue is what most concerns me. I’m not shocked that the Ohio State D shut him down. My concern is with his lack of ball security. This has been an ongoing issue for the entire season. Make all the excuses you want, but he has to do better with that. It’s not as if he won’t face pressure in the NFL.
  5. It tend to avoid talking about this player. According to Bills fans, he’s either a total bum, or Jerry Rice. Neither is accurate.
  6. This is why you have to draft well. The over importance of QB has led to this dilemma. Over paying a QB isn’t something that I’d worry about. It’s a necessity in today’s NFL. You just have to build with what little you have left. Only the Pats with their shady ways can avoid this situation.
  7. Saints won a Super Bowl. I don’t think they need to do anymore to prove the Brees signing as a success. How many QB mega contract free agents have there been though? It’s not common for a decent QB to be available in his prime. I don’t think it’s fair to talk about free agent signings at other positions. Cousins availability as a QB is a unique situation. Free agent history at other positions are not relevant to Cousins imo.
  8. I think that if we end up with Rudolph or Allen, fans will be wishing that we gave Cousins whatever he wanted for years to come. Rudolph and Allen would be very Losman/Manuel like imo.
  9. I truly believe that Cousins will improve once he’s out of Washington. The guy has had one foot out the door for a while. He doesn’t want to be there, and a change in scenery might be all he needs. Yes, people are just afraid of more QB disappointment. It causes them to shy away from liking the idea of Cousins. I was a major supporter of the upcoming QB draft class during the previous offseason. My opinion has changed dramatically, and I now see Cousins as the best option.
  10. Elite tight end play was supposed to be the next frontier in the league. It never happened across the league, and guys like Clay were signed to contracts that were far too big.
  11. Nice to see that this topic is finally showing the true Christmas spirit.
  12. I agree, the problem is that NFL officials are not consistent with the rules. College and even high school officials do a much better job with consistency. All of these bizarre catch rules are ridiculous, but we don’t hear about them until they are used to favor teams like the Pats. These rules are never invoked unless they involve a league favorite. Many people are simply naive by nature, and will never believe in corruption of any sort.
  13. Rosen is kind of a drama queen, so I wouldn’t trust that he’d be willing to play for the Bills. I think that any other first round QB would be fine with it.
  14. The old days are over. Gronk will never pay the price. In fact the media just got done potraying him as a harmless clown postgame. He was joking about the Pats being great since he arrived. The NFL Network guys all laughed, and commented on “how funny” Gronk is. The guy assaulted someone, but he will remain Goodell’s WCW style league version of the class clown. Gronk sells a lot of jerseys. He can do whatever he wants.
  15. The league makes the rules as they go. They choose to selectively enforce whatever they feel like. It’s like the legal system of a third world country. They are burning a lot of bridges, and the fan base will eventually dry up if things don’t change. The league needs a decent commissioner.
  16. NFL players are all one giant fraternity. There isn’t a whole lot of real animosity between teams. Modern NFL players are compensated far too well to care about this type of stuff. It’s certainly not like the old school NFL of the 60’s and 70’s
  17. Jesus took a lot of chances, and never backed down. McD could stand to learn a bit from Christianity. We certainly didn’t go Old Testament on Gronk.
  18. How true. It just frightens me that our coaching staff can’t see the same thing every Bills fan does. There are Bills fans on every continent who know this, yet our coaching staff remains clueless.
  19. If they wanted to bring him as a locker room character guy, it wouldn’t have been a bad pickup. Dennison making him a featured part of the offense is the problem. Dennison has been the worst pickup.
  20. The league themselves are the problem with the NFL. They will never open an investigation on themselves. The NFL is classified as “entertainment”, they would technically be allowed to fix games, as long as illegal gambling ties remained hidden. I’m not convinced that it is gambling either. I’m more convinced that certain owners are in Goodell’s pocket. Goodell has been a curse who slowly began destroying the league the day he took control.
  21. NFL doesn’t care. Who else is “investigating” him in that case?
  22. Maybe Gronk can try to crush more Bills skulls next season.
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