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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. Exactly, despite the occasional exception, education has absolutely nothing to do with the purpose of big time college athletics. Academia will be a much improved and more honest place once they are willing to admit this.
  2. I’m not sure where you went in Italy, but you might have had a different experience driving around Naples.
  3. Did it really take “balls” though? What’s the IOC going to do about it? They have proven to be quite the spineless organization.
  4. I just can’t get used to the idea of watching someone else sing Glen Frey’s songs either.
  5. Pittsburgh’s D without Shazier is trash. Nothing to be impressed by imo. And this is how I feel almost every time I watch a “defensive struggle” in today’s NFL.
  6. Absolutely. I just hope that they are smart enough to demand more than the Chargers did, and don’t draft a kicker in the third round.
  7. This. I have no idea what type of pro career Barkley will have, but it’s unreasonable to guarantee greatness as many are doing.
  8. This is a fair question to ask. The answer likely depends on Rosen’s motives for having an issue with potentially becoming a Brown. Was his statement based on a desire to play in New York? Or is it based on going to the Browns being a career ending curse? The Browns franchise is a train wreck that isn’t close to fielding a winner. We finally have a sense of stability, and are a playoff team. Looking at things from the standpoint of potential to win; Buffalo is finally a decent place to go. I don’t see why Rosen would have the same issue with Buffalo that he has with Cleveland. With that said, if Rosen is a prima donna, he may want to sit behind Eli while waiting to become the next big thing in NY.
  9. I’d like to see the making of Buffalo Bills Super Bowl champion rings.
  10. I don’t care what anyone tries to sell me, it’s alarming that an entire conference (Big 12) hasn’t produced a successful pro QB in years.
  11. Yes, TT likely has minimal ability to be a great teacher to a young pocket passer. Besides, the entire “grooming a starter” thing is vastly overrated imo. Very few elite QB’s have had the chance to sit behind great QB’s early in their careers. There is a reason you get drafted highly as a QB. Chances are you either get thrown into the fire, or sit behind a bum QB prior to being called upon to start. What can a mediocre QB offer to a young starter? I don’t doubt the importance of a veteran player to share their knowledge, but these guys can be found a dime a dozen. There is no need to keep a specific QB to groom the future starter. Grooming a starter is great when you have a franchise QB. The rest of us need to have our rookie QB ready to play immediately.
  12. Yeah, how many fans and media often mention the lack of discipline among NFL players? This fact adds great irony to all of the criticism this move has received.
  13. They could have given us a live broadcast of a tide pod challenge. That would have been both un PC and awesome.
  14. I’m not as obsessed with being anti Pats as some on this board are, but Collinsworth was over the top. Heaping praise on Brady with the Pats down ten at the half was absurd. There is nothing wrong with a brief mention of last years comeback, but the Eagles play deserved at least a mention. Unfortunately, Collinsworth chose to incessantly rave about the team who was trailing going into the half. As usual, Collinsworth sounded like nothing more than a Brady fanboy.
  15. Thoughtful response. I agree that Caldwell is without question mediocre. I just wouldn’t go as far as blaming the entire failure of their Super Bowl loss on him. Regardless of the head coach, the Lions are a bit of a mystery to me. Stafford desperately needs to take the next step. He has all the tools, and is capable of putting up huge numbers. Stafford just needs to be a little more consistent, and the Lions D needs a massive overhaul.
  16. Great post. I had forgotten about most of these pivotal moments. The Colts precision offense could ill afford these type of mistakes. Manning was an on field coach, and it is unfair to blame the entirety of that loss on the head coach.
  17. I agree, but the moment the rain started falling, that was it for Manning. Peyton Manning playing outdoors in inclement weather was never a recipe for success, particularly in the playoffs. It’s not to say that Caldwell doesn’t deserve blame for the loss, but I’m not willing to place the blame solely on him. When Peyton failed, the Colts failed.
  18. I’m not sure that I’d say it was “criminal” that Caldwell didn’t win it all in 09. A lot of the Colts postseason failure rests on Manning imo. I’m not convinced that any coach could have won that game with Manning bogged down by rain.
  19. This is all very true. I’m just hesitant to read too deeply into Gronk’s words from last night. It was an emotional loss, and who knows what was going through his mind when he made those remarks.
  20. It must be really concerning to him that he may someday lose all of his mental capacities.
  21. Hmm..... Gronk has the mentality of a toddler. He just lost a big game, and says he doesn’t want to play anymore. He’ll be back.
  22. That gives me an idea. Maybe Brady should just start chasing titles like Lebron. If Brady could find a team with a defense, he might have a couple more titles left in him.
  23. Agree. A history of winning doesn’t necessarily make a tough loss easier to cope with. We are forgetting that on paper the Pats should have won this game. Instead, the Pats were throughly outcoached, and had no answer for stopping Nick Foles. If I were a Pats fan, I would have already taken the day off to attend the victory parade. This was not a game they should have lost. Brady matches up well against Schwartz’s defense, and he absolutely shredded them. Shutting down Brady has historically been the key to defeating the Pats. The Eagles were unable to do so, but the Pats D simply chocked. They have good reason to be upset imo.
  24. It’s a shame that the Pats guard their secrets better than most of the world’s nations. We’ll probably never get to hear the real story.
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