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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. I've never really understood when people say that the "real fans" are being priced out of sports. If I remember correctly the old Yankke Stadium box seats were always filled by dignitaries, and men wearing suits as well. The average fan can still look on StubHub and find affordable tickets for the new Yankee Stadium. They might not be behind home base, but when was the average working class guy from the Bronx ever behind home base? Maybe I'm just young and need to be enlightened. Haven't the better seats always cost more than the nosebleeds? If this is the case, haven't people of higher economic status always had the better seats? For that matter some people can't afford $70 tickets. This doesn't mean they aren't "real fans". So as far as I'm concerned real fans are often excluded no matter what. It's not like the NFL offers special $20 seating sections, or something of the like. I just don't understand the doom and gloom of people being "priced out". Someone will always be priced out. That's one of the realities of capitalism. I don't like it either, but to complain about it brings about far bigger philosophical questions.
  2. We're used to watching pathetic football here in Buffalo. The 49ers were in the Super Bowl a couple years ago. They probably don't want to waste their Sunday going out to watch Blaine Gabbert. Here in Buffalo some of us would probably greet him as a savior.
  3. This ^ People aren't showing up because their team stinks. The Ralph is the place to be in Buffalo on Sunday regardless of the team's performance. In other cities people are going to do something else when their team is out of the running. A lot of those empty seats have already been sold, and people simply didn't show. The tickets you showed on Stubhub show that money isn't the main issue here. Sure it's more than Buffalo, but the average income in the Bay Area is much greater as well.
  4. One of the reasons I enjoyed last season so much was because it didn't give me any feelings of déjà vu. While we failed to make the playoffs again, things just felt different. This year feels just like many of the past fifteen. It seems like we could have been sitting here typing "third string QB A or B" was going to destroy us ten years ago. A guy like Kellen Moore potentially coming to the Ralph and tearing us up is the kind of thing we've seen countless times over the years. We just didn't seem to hit any of those type of pathetic lows last year. No one thought Rex was Lomardi, but it would have been difficult to imagine it being this bad.
  5. Yankee Stadium would fill right up if they were still winning World Series. In most cities fans are fickle, and don't show when their teams aren't winning. Teams like the Yankees have even higher standards. Wait until Brady retires in New England. Even if they become an average playoff team the stadium will likely fail to be full every week. A lot of these "empty seats" have already been sold and licensed out. The fans are just failing to show. The team and league get their money, they are happy either way.
  6. No question that's what the NFL has become. However the Bay Area has plenty of money. I don't think that's the problem here. It's the wealthiest area in the country. The problem is that outside of Buffalo when you lose people don't show up. Bills fans are amazing, that's what this picture means.
  7. The Colts tanked for Andrew Luck, and the Sabres tanked for Eichel or McDavid. Jared Goff, Connor Cook etc... are not those types of prospects. Tanking makes no sense. We're not going to have a top five pick anyways. So I'm not sure what we'd be tanking for.
  8. Rex is a complete fraud. This might be the first time in my life I agree with the New York media. I never understood why the New York media bashed Rex with the Jets as much as they did. Now it all makes sense.
  9. Exactly. There are three types of coaches: good, average, and bad. Personality really doesn't have a lot to do with it. The NFL is about X's and O's more than pep talks. There is so much talent in this league that strategy plays a bigger role than psychology imo. That why I laugh whenever people always want Belichick style coaches. Anyone can have that personality, but lack the ability.
  10. You proved my point. They blasted guys on their FORMER team. They were showing respect to players on their current team. I never said McCoy didn't like TT. It's just funny that he hates Chip Kelly, yet says that a current teammate would "kill it" in Kelly's offense. Sanders and Smith were praising current teammates, and threw old teamates under the bus. What McCoy is saying gives props to his former teams offensive system. Those guys didn't give their former team props. McCoy did, whether he know it or not.
  11. Nice analogy. Fans definitly overreact, there's is no question there. However, Bills are fans are probably more entitled to do so than any other fans. The issue is that we haven't been coming home with a C average. We've been coming home with D's and F's for 15 years. So people just want to do something about it. Even when it's not the most sane or rational method.
  12. I like TT and his potential, but I highly doubt that. Not too many people would think a QB on a 6-7 team is "killing it". If some of you would like to think it that's fine. Taylor came up because I posted an article where McCoy said TT would "kill it" in Phillys offense. You all want to say that I'm reaching, but to me it showed where his head is at. Therfore confirming what Sully had to say. I don't ever remember a player saying that a current teammate would be great on their former team. Although I've heard players move on to new teams and say that ex-teamates would be a perfect fit on their new team. Winners don't say things like that. Winners just go out and win games. This is typical Bills loser mentality. Fans of winning teams don't hear this type of stuff from players. You don't hear guys going to Carolina and saying "Cam would really kill it with team A or B". That's because they win games. We lose, so even players start to wonder how poorly coached they may be etc..
  13. Like it or not we're all in on Rex. He's not going anywhere. I'm not remotely pleased with him, but he wouldn't be the first to go. Another bad season next year is more likely to cost Whaley his job imo. I know Whaley's often considered a saint around here for his ability to create teams that hover around .500 but GM's don't stick around with those types of resumes. Second year coaches do.
  14. I agree, but I do think Pegula can change that. I also don't believe the players can. The players we have on the roster now are what they are. We need to do a better job drafting players that fit your description. That is a change that can be made from the top down. We draft tons of talent, but never create a complete cohesive team. We lack direction, and attempt to stockpile talent with no regard to how the parts fit together. We don't keep a system long enough to build around it. We need players who are smart with a strong drive to succeed. Not simply a collection of former big time college players.
  15. It's far from a "pathetic reach". Maybe I didn't state my point well. What I meant is that it means he doesn't think too highly of our offense. If TT could "kill it" in Philly, why isn't our coaching staff putting him in a postion to do the same here? I think it shows that some people aren't buying into Roman's offense.
  16. We take another talented wide out without selling the farm to do it. We could have still gotten a WR without losing future picks. That's where my QB arguement comes into play. We need a complete team. Obviously we don't have that. The results of this season proved that. We were in no position to lose draft picks. If you have Tom Brady etc. you can afford that. We don't have that so we needed to build a complete team. Losing picks for a WR in a deep draft class was absurb. I never said we should stop "trying to get good players". I didn't like the Sammy trade for that very reason. It meant that we got fewer good players. Also Sammy got his 10 targets last week. Tyrod locked in on him, and it was detrimental to the offense.
  17. Arguing about Sammy's ability or value is pointless. The real issue at hand is the fact that you never give up what we did for a WR. Nothing will ever change that. Only a prized QB would be worth it. It set us back. We could still have gotten a great WR. No matter how much you love Sammy, it made no sense. The arguement that OBJ is in a better situation because he has Manning confuses me as well. That means you're saying we have no QB. If we had no QB, what business did we have trading away the future for a WR? Think about it. This isn't about Sammy. It's about the lack of foresight from our front office.
  18. What did we win with Fred? Nothing. This Fredex madness needs to stop. That being said we do lack leadership. I really don't think Eric Wood fits the bill. Would you consider Barney Fife a leader? I just don't think Fred was the answer anyway. Our defense has been horrible. Even if Fred was on the roster, we need a leader on defense as well. Who is the leader on defense?
  19. I have two years of college education, and I believe curses aren't possible. With the exception of the 60's and 90's this franchise being bad is the rule not the exception. Western New York isn't cursed either. I think the decline of American manufacturing/industry might have had something to do with the luck of this area.
  20. I agree on Mario. Sometimes there's a reason why immensely talented players like him retire having never been in a playoff game. He has amazing talent, but doesn't always show up. He seems to compile stats in a few games each year, and then has other games where he's completly quiet. Imo he's a great player but not a game changer. That's what this team sorely lacks. Hopefully that's a role a guy like Sammy can fill.
  21. Thanks. That brings back a lot of memories. It just seems to me that the Jim Kelly I got to see from 94-96 was no where close to the Kelly people got to see from 88-93. I remember the first Bills game I attended was against the Panthers in 1995. I think Kelly only completed four passes. I just feel like the offense was a shell of their former selves by 1994. I remember our defense being quite good most years from 95-99.
  22. I agree he hasn't been. I just believe that is the sole point here. Laughing after the game isn't the issue. The issue is his play on the field.
  23. Boohoo. All teams have injuries. We don't need to sit here inventing reasons why the Bills have more injuries than other teams. We are not good enough. That's why there are no playoffs this year, and that's why we can't overcome our injuries. It has nothing to do with a poor training program. What poster's have such inside access that they know for a fact our conditioning program is to blame? That's just plain ridiculous.
  24. Guys laugh on the field with opponents after losses all the time. That's the NFL these days. It's not solely a Buffalo Bills or Robert Woods thing. Wins or losses probably matter more to some guys than others. I won't deny that. However, everyone gets paid regardless. The post game happiness doesn't bother me. It's part of the game. It's just something we have to deal with. I don't really care for it either. That being said, Woods has just been awful this year.
  25. Check out this link. Not very informative with many quotes from Shady, but I think his one line says a lot. More proof that Shady is still obsessed with Philly. It also doesn't say much for what one of our star players think about our offense. http://www.nj.com/eagles/index.ssf/2015/12/lesean_mccoy_says_tyrod_taylor_would_kill_it_in_th.html
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