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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. The average police officers salary in Mississippi is 30K. So you're saying the state shouldn't have any police? That's their poor choice although in reality they should earn more. Therefore only someone with poor decision making abilities would take the job? It's not because it's something they might be skilled at, while say sitting in front of a computer isn't their talent. Certain skill sets earn more money, end of story. It's the way it is. Not everyone has the same talents. You need to tell me what careers guarantee at least $17 an hour in Mississippi. That what you need to earn 35K. Stats don't always tell the story. I'm going to leave it a this, why have candidates in Trump and Clinton who differing ideas on our economy. Clinton wants a higher minimum wage, and Trump advocates the return of American manufacturing. BOTH candidates acknowledge the fact that American people are losing in our new economy. Trump goes as far as to blame a lack of jobs for the number of alienated Americans. IMO this proves that good hard working educated people can still lose out today. If you are doing great I'm happy for you, but to simplify everything into being personal choice seems a little extreme to be. Especially at a time in our history when this issue has come to forefront with both the presidential candidates.
  2. Fair enough. You did not call anyone a "loser", but you still did falsley state that I claimed to be "entitled" to more. I guess I just think deeper into this than some people may. My point is that not everyone can pursue a high salary, and achieve that. If everyone pursues the same careers, they won't have openings. How many college graduates think they are pursuing the money, and find out they can't get a job? The answer is a lot of them. It's all over the news. Just because it may have worked out for you doesn't mean it works out that way for everyone. I don't know where you live. The economy varies greatly regionally in this country. Good luck finding any good paying jobs where I live. However, I know it's MY fault I don't want to leave my family. You would be right, but I'm not the only one. This entire post is about 2/3 of Americans struggling to cover a 1K crisis. Think about some of the economic situations in rural America, and certain states. Maybe many of those people have reasons for not leaving their home, but they're not going to earn much staying. Since you mentioned jobs and market value why didn't you choose to be an NFL player? My point is that we also all have different skill sets. Maybe some of us are great at a career that doesn't pay well. Maybe others excel at computers. and end up making millions. You do fail to take that into account as well. That might explain why some people enter into lower paying careers. If making good money is such a guarantee please do tell me a some careers that guarantee it? I'm not being remotely sarcastic. I would just like you to tell me since you say you can guarantee it with the right effort.
  3. Yes but my problem with you is that you're putting words in my mouth. I never said I was entitled to more. I said that there are plenty of people who make in the 20-30K who don't have $1K laying around. That's not necessarily their fault. Someone has to fill all the positions in a capitalist society. If everyone went to school topursue the same good paying careers, there would be no open positions. Therefore people would be forced to take lower paying jobs. Not everyone can have a good paying job, the ebb and flow of capitalism depend on that fact. There is no need for socio economic Marxist conflict. I was just making the point that not everyone in lower pay ranges are worthless losers. I guess in your world everyone would be "smart" so we would have no nurses, policemen, or teachers. My dialect began with you when I responded to you saying " if you don't get pregnant, graduate high school, and hold a job you can't be poor in America". My response was that the definition of poor is relative. I think plenty of people probably feel they are close to being poor, even in careers those may have choose. I NEVER said I was entitled to more. You incited that. That's why I became confrontational towards your comments.
  4. You're insufferable. I can't argue with you anymore. You are right, but my original goal was to help people and I do make enough to survive. That's all I care about. I was just making the point that their are plenty of people who are not compensated "fairly" yet they are not "lazy" or losers. Plus before you throw stones you have no idea about anyone's life situation. I'm not here to whine, and it's not you're business. People like you are everything I dislike about this forum. At least be respectful. I don't need a lecture from the wise old 39 year old.
  5. Without a degree those better paying jobs don't always come though. That's what older people fail to understand. I have an associates degree, and work as a case manager for those with mental illnesses. I love my career, but 25-30K is the highest potential. I don't want to move on to a new career, but I need to go back to school for a masters in counseling to make real money. The only other option is look into careers such as truck driving to earn real money. I have news for you. A lot of people earn 20-35k in careers that they actually enjoy, and want to be in. I've been in the workforce for ten years, but I guess even though you don't know me they won't pay me more because according to you my work ethic sucks. BTW I love the young people talk when you're only 39. Such an old wise man.
  6. So you consider 20-25K a year good and not working poor? This's probably what you'll make without a college degree., if you don't have a specialized trade skill such as nursing, CDL license etc. I'm a young person who is considering going back to college to pursue a masters. I met all those criteria, and it hasn't served me very well. That being said I can tell this is a post I stand no chance of convincing anyone of anything I believe so I'll leave it at that. Things aren't the same as they were in you guys "day". Now days graduating high school arguably has little to no value unless it is leads to a college degree. A bachelors degeee essentially holds the same value that a high school diploma used to. Honestly the real problem with this argument is the definition of the word "poor". It's all relative.
  7. I don't even want to join this argument as these posts are ridiculous. Haven't any of you ever heard of people living paycheck to paycheck? of course $1,000 might be something a lot of people don't have. I don't understand how welfare even became part of the argument. That's not what it was about. It was about the ability to withstand a $1,000 loss. Let's says you earn 25K a year and you obviously have to pay for somewhere to live. A $1,000 emergency fund is not something you're going to have. That being said, the example of someone making 100K a year, and not having $1K is slightly flawed. It all depends were you find your population sample. The results of the poll on this post prove that posters on this forum are likely to have a higher income. It's as simple as that. The demographic of this forum is mostly conservative white men. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm not a socialist who wants a revolution to redistribute wealth, but I don't feel people's need to insult others because of what they don't have. Plenty of people truly do waste money. This applies to both the poor and well to do. There are people who make 20K a year and waste, but there's just as many who make 100K a year who are wasteful as well. The article proves.
  8. Anytime I go to an event that sells even five dollar domestic beer I'm still in awe of the markup. You can buy 24 oz domestic beers at a gas station for less than the same amount of bottled water.
  9. If this is about Lawson I'm quite sure when Lawson was drafted they knew he'd need the surgery this season. The team just didn't want to immediately sell their first round pick as a guy who might have to sit out a while. So no, I don't think we need a new medical staff.
  10. Very true. All this CTE stuff potentially ruining football may pass too. Why is everyone so convinced that helmets and other technology can never be upgraded to the point of preventing CTE? We are just at a crossroads right now. Football will either be ruined,changed dramatically, or we will find a way to increase safety and let guys play again. I guess we will all find out.
  11. I wish we could have organized that boycott before the Seahawks/Broncos Super Bowl. I would have been alright with never seeing that.
  12. All of the above is true, but honestly I wouldn't mind seeing Lebron win it all for the city of Cleveland.
  13. Bledsoe didn't have much success with Dallas after leaving Buffalo though. I think that justifies the decision to move on as being the correct one. Just because we didn't end up with anyone better doesn't mean moving on wasn't the right thing to do. We had to give a younger guy a chance at that point. We knew what Bledsoe was, and he wasn't going to take us anywhere.
  14. That would totally be our luck as Bills fans. Hopefully they offer a few games that we haven't all seen a thousand times. I love the comeback game, but I've seen it enough. I was too young to remember the no punt game. I would love to see that in its entirety.
  15. Looking back on that it's actually quite depressing. If I remember correctly it seemed like we constantly had good field position, yet our offense was so epically bad we could never take advantage.
  16. What a horrible team we had back in those years. I complain as much as anyone these days, but those teams were bad. There actually had to be about seven guys who could have made a block, yet all they all decided to be worthless. We really only had a couple decent players. McGee was one of them. The sad part is that I remember Losman playing so poorly that when the return didn't score I already knew we had lost.
  17. I love how our team was possibly moving just over a year ago, and now a bunch of you on this forum are in favor of the Raider move to Vegas. As a Bills fan I can't support any relocation in good conscience. Aside from Jerry Jones there are few owners I respect less than the Davis family.
  18. Time is rarely cheated, but Brady and Belichick cheat. I guess we'll all find out who wins that battle. None of those other QBs you mentioned had the opportunity to eavesdrop on their opponents radio communications either.
  19. I can't believe all the love Bledsoe is getting on this post. He sucked with the only exception as another poster mentioned being the first half of the 2002 season. It's amazing how name recognition can make people see you in a different light. Exclude the first half of 2002, and he was no better than any of our other post Kelly QBs. Please someone tell me why I'm wrong.
  20. Actually I don't think too many 20 somethings worth millions are probably able to control their impulses. I wouldn't have in that situation. There really wouldn't be any "stats" out there to back these things up. If it doesn't involve an arrest there's not going to be a statistic. Plenty of guys are out there partying and going crazy every night, yet they don't get in trouble. Therefore there is no way to quantify the impulse control of young athletes. I would say it's low. I'm not saying there aren't guys who are different, but I do believe it's the minority. With that being said, there is trouble to be found in every city. I don't see Vegas as being a bigger problem than New York or LA as far as trouble for players. You can stay out all night in a lot of cities. It won't scare the NFL away from Vegas. Especially if there is money to be made. That's all they care about. I don't think the NFL is worried about players being hung over.
  21. Now what we have to do is find a way to beat teams other than just the Jets and Dolphins. We've been doing great at beating divisional opponents that we should beat. What we've been doing wrong is losing to non divisional opponents we should beat. We also need to take at least a game from the Pats *. If we don't beat them without Brady I think it tell us what kind of season it's going to be early on.
  22. That's what Rex may call it, but from what I saw last year it was far from a ground and pound. Yes we did call more run plays than your average passing team, but a lot of our runs were out of a spread offense. It's not like we lineup up running out of the I formation on a consistent basis. That is actually what Rex did during the Sanchez AFC title game runs though.
  23. That's why I said "average at best". I do believe that during the 2015 season Fitz was an average QB. I really thought it was his best season, and because of that I find it highly unlikely he'll repeat it.
  24. And still some people don't care for him because he can't block. That's really not the role of the TE position any more. The game has changed. No one builds their team around "ground and pound" anymore.
  25. Why not? I'm not claiming he's better than Clay, I'm just saying that the guy is a decent player. He'd put up decent numbers in any offense.
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