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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. All great points. I think you could have left out 94 though. You just named three legendary Bills, and one guy who quit on the team. I doubt anyone around is nostalgic over the number 94. Great talent? Yes. Great Buffalo Bill? No. Freddie is a far greater Bill than 94.
  2. Hopkins was out with a groin injury his rookie season, and Carp came in and did a great job. At the time it made sense to hold on to Carp and release Hopkins the following season. With that being said, I agree that we only need one good kicker. It would be ridiculous to keep a kickoff specialist for a place kicker that was the worst in the league on PAT's last season. I don't understand why we didn't release Gay to keep Morgan around longer. We could have at least gave him a look in preseason game action. At least we would have known if Morgan could cut it as our kicker. If not, we could have picked up a kicker when cuts happen. Keeping Gay on the roster should not even be a possibility. If Carp can't kickoff he needs to go. He doesn't have enough value as a place kicker to consume two roster spots.
  3. That is exactly my issue with proposed rule changes such as this. They want to put kickers in a position to fail, whereas they would never do the same with quarterbacks. Quarterbacks sell tickets and merchandise. The league obviously needs and wants them to succeed. Kickers don't sell merchandise or tickets, therefore the league wants to sacrifice them for more overall entertainment. However, I do not find the idea of kickers deciding the outcome of more games remotely entertaining.
  4. I want to know who sits around thinking "what we really need is for kicking to determine the outcome of more games".
  5. Awesome. I wish I would have gotten the chance to see him when he came to Buffalo. Definitely a bucket list type of concert, and you never how many more chances we'll have to see him. I also have a great appreciation for guys who are willing to play three hour shows. There are an incredible amount of bands that go on tour with several opening acts and only play about 75 minutes. This practice has really turned me off of attending a lot of the summer shed shows. It's good to see some guys who actually put in a little effort. I know he's compensated nicely, but all the big acts make big money. However, the effort isn't always there.
  6. Good point. After last years Jacksonville game I don't really want EJ on the field under any circumstances.
  7. I know a lot of Bills fans feel the same as you do, and understandably so. My only issue with the Music City Miracle is the fact that it was only a wild card game while wide right was the Super Bowl. It doesn't get any bigger than wide right. The Music City loss itself is not what sent this franchise down the tubes. It was a brutal loss, but everything that followed had already been in motion. We had Flutie and Johnson under center, neither of whom were going to be long term solutions. Wade Phillips was essentially being chased out of town by Ralph. Even if we had gone on to the Super Bowl it seems that the two had an unhealthy working relationship that was bound to fail. Jimmy Johnson was chased out of Dallas after two Lombardi trophies, so it isn't unheard of. It was a time in the history of the franchise when Ralph was trying to call too many of the shots. Whether or not we win that game we were becoming a poorly mangaged team with bad ownership.
  8. Isn't the decline of ESPN's quality all a result of the Internet age though? As someone who grew up with ESPN in the 90's I constantly catch my self turning it to Sportscenter with the expectation of catching some highlights, only to be reminded it's simply become a bunch of talking heads ala Fox News. Sportscenter really made ESPN because at one time it was the only outlet to catch highlights of sports everyday. Now all you have to do is hop on the Internet. This means they have rebranded themselves into a talk format. They are trying desperately albeit poorly to do whatever it takes to stay relevant. We live in an age were networks think they need to be bombastic to be noticed. That's why the network is filled with guys like Bayless and Stephen A. They love the controversies because it keeps their network in the limelight.
  9. From everything I know about the 70s Bills though I wasn't around to see them, what he did was amazing. The team seemed to have nothing other than OJ. Had he been on the Steelers or Cowboys in the 70s I can only imagine how NFL fans would remember him as a legend. My only point about the crimes is the fact that now every soccer mom even knows he is. He is part of pop culture that few athletes become, regardless of on field accomplishments.
  10. I'm too young to have had the chance to see OJ play so I'll take your word for it. However, the sad truth is that guys who become the biggest legends aren't always based on their individual merits. Playing on winning teams often plays just as big of a role as individual accomplishments. That's one thing OJ didn't have going for him. I think that really made him slip on many rankings of all time great NFL backs. Had he won a Super Bowl or played in a big market I think he'd rank much higher. None of what I mentioned are my personal beliefs. I'm just stating why I think he's often ranked lower by the average NFL fan compared to the average Bills fan. Now he has a level of fame that is far greater than he would have had otherwise.
  11. Especially sad considering the fact that we never beat them. It might be a healthy rivalry, and a good joke if we beat them once in a while. Instead it feels like a troubled relationship where one party is obsessed with the other who couldn't care less. We as Bills fans also do a good job of setting ourselves up for failure. I don't want to be anywhere near this place if we find a way to lose to a Garroppolo Patriots team. The sky would definitely be falling.
  12. I stated my point poorly. He was an all time great, but still wouldn't be remembered like athletes such as Jordan or Ruth. Now he's every bit as famous as those guys for all the wrong reasons. Without the murders he'd still be overshadowed by backs like Sayers,Payton,Smith, and Brown in the eyes of many NFL fans. Now everyone on the street knows who the guy is.
  13. Yeah. I'm sick of all this renewed interest in everything OJ. Who cares? We've all heard the story a million times. The guy is a murderer, there's nothing much more to the story. The strange twist is that all of it has made him more immortal than he would have ever been had he not committed the crimes. OJ would have likely been remembered for a great career at USC, and not a lot more outside of Bills fans. As an NFL all time great there are plenty of other running backs that seem to overshadow him. Now combine his college and NFL careers with the murders and the guy lives in infamy. He also lives on with a whole new generation due to the recent television series.
  14. I think that's a very fine arguement as well. My only issue with people that say it wasn't horrible parenting is based on one simple fact. The fact that millions of little brats with horrible parents visit zoos every year. How often does this happen? To me that's why this takes the cake as an example of horrible parenting. Just my little bit. Maybe my biggest issue is because I'm slightly biased when it comes to people who have four kids, and claim oops when something happens. Don't have that many kids that you likely can't afford if you can't watch them. The woman works at a daycare for crying out loud. There is no way someone who supposedly cares for children for a living should have her own end up in a gorilla exhibit.
  15. When it comes to the fate of the gorilla there is plenty of controversy, and differing opinions. When it comes to parenting skills I don't understand how there can be differing opinions. The arguements on here are making me laugh. There is NO way anyway can argue that this wasn't horrible parenting. I don't get how anyway can argue otherwise. The irony is that on my local news just after the gorilla story they showed a guy who was arrested for sitting in the house while his child crossed the road. What's the difference? No one would say a kid wandering the expressway is good parenting. How are people trying to say it the gorilla incident was a simple mistake? The whole thing is sad and pathetic. Why do people feel the need to have more children than they can handle.
  16. That's the sad part of it all. The story says a lot about where we are as a society. A rare gorilla who had no role in his being placed in captivity dies because a mother has more children than she's capable of watching. I believe I read an article saying she was at the zoo with three other children including the one who fell in with the gorilla. Not sure if this means she has four children, but it wouldn't surprise me. I see examples of this problem everyday. Rare animals and our earth continue to suffer while some people continue to procreate at ridiculous rates. Usually those who are the least capable as well. That being said she might be a really nice person who made a mistake. I understand that part as well. I just wish people didn't have more children than they can care for. It's irresponsible to say the least. PS I feel it might have helped the situation if they would have cleared all the screaming spectators out of the exhibit too.
  17. All of them at the most Fitz like moments as well. One in the red zone, and another on a potential game winning late drive. All very poor decisions too. Fitz drove me crazy with that kind of play for us. I don't understand how anyone could miss this guy.
  18. I'd love to see him reunite with the Jets, and try to incorporate an unsuccessful copy of what they did with Baylor. I think if they have to fire up the Petty machine they will start Free Fallin' quickly.
  19. Everyone who doesn't make good money is a loser who didn't try hard. You guys are right. I give up. It's all an OPINON we have different beliefs. I'm not necessarily right and you're not necessarily wrong. You are all very insecure people if you need recognition that you worked hard to get where you're at. I'm sure you have, but not everyone succeeds. Not everyone can. I NEVER blamed anyone for any situations either. I've been up and down too. Don't try to act like you know me. I don't have a lot to learn. I just don't agree with you all. BTW some sort of education is crucial. Try making much over minimum wage with just a high school diploma. It's a fact.
  20. Yes of course I did. I'm not as smart as any of guys who like to humble brag about how succesful you are. Actually I know people who lost both parents and missed the opportunity to go to college. Without college they will never earn what it takes to live. Just my opinion. Why are you guys all so miserable when you say you are all so well to do? The lack of class is amazing. I guess none of guys have any chance of ever losing your job either. Even a doctor can lose it in hearbeat from something like a frivolous lawsuit, but in your sugar coated worlds that doesn't happen.
  21. BIll Romanowski is definitely a guy that came to my mind first.
  22. Just go to the typical tough guy fu style response to justify your manhood, and lack of ability to debate anything. That's fine, sometimes I don't expect any better on this forum You were just debating the merits of people who can't save 1K for an emergency. You responded by saying where you live, and how often you go to work/school. It seemed to me you were saying that's what people should do, and if they can't they are to blame. We disagree on a heated political issue. No need for hostility. It's always easier just to insult the other sides intelligence, and resort to name calling.
  23. Double shifts six days a week? Good for you, and I have no idea how old you are but a lot of people wouldn't be able to physically withstand that. If you're saying that's what people "should" do to make it they might as well move to China and labor away all day. At least they wouldn't be wasting money on a home they never see.
  24. How do you commute to work if you are stuck in the country with your family? America is not set up like the rest of the world. BTW in a couple of generations the parents won't have the money to support the kids to live at home for eternity because they don't make enough. Greeks,and Spainards live at home with their parents. Other economically succesful 1st world country residents do not. The idea that everyone has even has parents alive, and have that kind of relationship with them lives in the same sugar coated world of those who say everyone had the opportunity to go to college.
  25. People like you are confussing stereotypes aka trailer trash with reality. There are plenty of people like that, but until you live on minimum wage and try to save $20 a week you have no clue. You can only work so much until you fail at one of your jobs. Everyone has limits. The arguement is pointless. How much do you think rent costs? Sure there are people who do waste on alcohol,drugs,phones etc but they're also SMART/HARD WORKING people who waste not yet can hardly survive. I'm glad that some of you guys are blessed with high wages, yet lack the class to be humble/thankful. Some people do lack drive and ambition. Others are dealt different cards in life. Someone has to fill low paying jobs as well. They should at least pay enough for people to survive emergencies. I was making the arguement in a previous post about the "choices" we make. A poster claimed a high school diploma with ambition and no out of wedlock children equals success. In a world where college is crucial, that is a ridiculous statement. I was told it's ones fault they don't get an education. That may be true in many cases, but to make that a blanket statement is nothing short of ignorant. Life doesn't always allow everything for everyone. It doesn't make them lazy or dumb. PS I don't understand why all of guys who claim to be successful are so bitter and angry about all the supposed failures out there. Just be happy you're doing good.
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