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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. I keep reading posters who continually mention Aaron Rodgers on this topic. I think it's an extremely outdated idea to think you can destroy a rookie QB by having him start his rookie year. It's equally as outdated to think sitting on the bench helps a QB become a better player. As previously mentioned by another poster, Rodgers was not the 1st overall pick. Late first rounders don't always take over the reigns immediately if the team has a better option. Favre was the Packers starter, and it took the team time to push him out of Green Bay. You don't just bench a guy like Favre for a rookie. That's why Rodgers didn't start immediately. I don't think anyone can definitively say that Rodgers is a better QB from riding the bench for a few years. It has been oft reported that Favre didn't do much to mentor him either. Being thrown into the starting position as a rookie certainly didn't destroy Big Ben, Cam Newton, Joe Flacco, Andy Dalton, and Russell Wilson. NFL GM's and fans alike often have outdated concepts of the game. I find the idea of siting rookie QB's when you don't have significantly better options to be one of those outdated concepts. This is why I don't see the point of the Rams not throwing Goff out there to see what they have. If he plays horrible, accept the reality that you might have a bust on your hands. I just find the whole idea of sitting a QB to be very old school, and counterproductive.
  2. The more I think about UB football I've reached the conclusion that I don't think this is solely a UB problem either. If any one doubts that I encourage you to google MAC football attendance. It's not pretty for any of the teams in the conference. People love big events such as the NFL and major conference college ball. Mid major football will probably never excite the masses.
  3. You make a great point. We are getting to the point where we want to teach elementary students calculus, yet we fail in the most important lessons of life. Isn't learning how to communicate and relate to people one of the most important skills in life? Yet schools do nothing to teach kids how to leave their comfort zone to relate with others that are different than themselves. This is especially scary considering we already have a generation of people that don't how to communicate without a phone in front of them.
  4. I enjoy college ball, and look forward to watching this evening. Best of luck to this years UB team. Although I hate to be negative, the attendance issue is something that I just don't see as being fixable. Western NY is a pro sports area, and it takes time to become part of local tradition. I think people like big events, and UB football simply isn't big enough for most people. It won't ever generate the same kind of excitement that having a competitive Big Ten or SEC team in your backyard does. Even in those conferences only the top teams have truly excellent attendance. As far as playing at New Era Field I'd rather attend games on campus. Amherst is not any more difficult for most Western NYer's to get to than Orchard Park. I find watching games at smaller stadiums to be part of the charm with mid major conference college football. Even if 50,000 people attend a New Era Field game for UB the stadium still looks empty. Another issue I think UB has is the fact that the majority of students are Long Islanders. People in the metro NY area care even less about college football than Western NYer's. They're only concerned with the Jests and the Giants. I think this really drives down attendance numbers as well. Hopefully UB can find a way to build attendance, and create a more exciting atmosphere. When UB originally joined the MAC I had hopes that they would have great success that would spur a move to a major conference. I always believed that would be the only way to get people's attention.
  5. I've just finished reading countless posts on this topic. I think this topic has really jumped the shark. The real question imo is should we expect everyone to stand for the anthem out of respect? It's as simple as that. If your answer is yes, Kaepernick was completely out of line regardless of what his political beliefs are. He should be using a different avenue to express his beliefs that don't disrespect people such as our servicemen and women. If you don't see it as disrespectful then you'd have no problem with it. I think we've gone off the rails arguing about whether or not we agree with his thoughts on race in America. The real question is the appropriateness of sitting down during the anthem. Trust me when I say that the majority to NFL players likely agree on Kaepenicks thoughts on race, they just wouldn't sit during the anthem. This is what always amazing me about sports fans. The fact that they seem completely out of touch with the reality of the human side of the guys playing the game.
  6. Because the international media (including ours) wants a romantic portrayal of what the Olympics are about. Essentially they want to convince the world that Brazil is a first rate country, and spare the nation embarrassment. In reality Brazil suffers from incredible crime rates, corruption, and everything else under the sun. The media is so hung up on globalization that they want to convince us that many nations are far ahead of where they really are. This has basically become the mission of the Olympics in recent years. Same thing with recent games in Russia and China as well as Greece. Nothing that portrays these countries in any remotely negative light seems to come out during the games. I'm sure the IOC had plenty to do with the spin that got placed on the story. The media didn't mind slandering Brazil with Zika fearmongering, but they didn't want to go as far as telling the truth that the Olympics were being held in an essentially lawless land.
  7. Once I was potty trained I knew preseason didn't count. I don't know what Tasker is talking about.
  8. I think Bills fans are quite loyal. It's Giants fans who are the opposite of that. We rip our players so often because we lose. Trust me, any two time Super Bowl winning QB in Buffalo would be held in a much higher esteem than Giants fans hold Eli Manning's legacy. Giants fans only exist when they win.
  9. The sign looks incredibly unprofessional and cheesy imo. I guess that's fitting for the Rex Ryan era. Very hokey compared to signage at every other corporate sponsored NFL stadium. The main entrance of every corporate named NFL stadium I have seen has signage that features the company logo. I find the giant pictures of the hats to be better suited for other places in the stadium that aren't the main entrance. Especially considering the fact I find the hat on the far left to be hideous looking on that "billboard". I would never guess that's the main entrance if is didn't know.
  10. Yeah I get what you mean. I'm not sure either way, but I certainly don't think that it being a lie isn't possible. My issue with it is the fact that his mother was the first person to report the robbery to the media. I have a theory that it's possible he either lied to his mom or was making a sick joke about being robbed to her. Then she reports it to the media, and it took on life of its own. This would have forced him to keep up the facade to save face. After all who wouldn't believe that he got robbed in Rio? I took as meaning that he was using the contents of the wallet. If you buy a new wallet it doesn't come with credit cards.
  11. How true. I understand that Brazil has tons of problems, and the police may not be most trustworthy. However, I find it funny that so many people want to discount the possibility that Lochte lied just because they share a common nationality with him. A lot of things didn't add up from the start with this imo. He was even reportedly using his wallet the day after he claimed it was stolen.
  12. It's "bro" guy kind of beer. Nothing wrong with it. You have to in order to make it remotely drinkable.
  13. The whole story seems kind of weird to me from some the things I've read. With that being said, Lochte is part of the "bro" culture. The guy is dumber than a box of rocks. I'm sure it didn't go down quite like he said. He's most likely just trying to make himself sound tough. He probably was more cooperative than he claims, but he's worried he wouldn't sound "cool'". It's like the kind of story you hear from a guy at the bar drinking a corona with lime. What have the three other guys who were with him had to say? I can't find anything anywhere.
  14. I just read a NY Times article where the spokesman for the IOC says the robbery didn't happen. That comment makes no sense to me at all. I'm curious for more to come out in the next few days. Ps In fact it's the same article that the previous poster just linked.
  15. There's our EJ. Doesn't even look to the left side of the field when going through his progressions. He locks in on the right side of the field, and finally decides where to go with the ball.
  16. Good completion, but EJ still goes through his progressions painfully slow. Until that changes there is never any hope for his career.
  17. Tasker wants to see EJ "play a long run of games". I certainly don't.
  18. Tasker doesn't even know how to correctly announce players names. Might be a Bills legend, but terrible announcer.
  19. All this talk of Leonidas of Rhodes makes me kind of miss Leodis of Troy.
  20. Do people actually have water cooler baseball talk anymore? I just never hear anyone talk about the game anymore. I hear people talk football, basketball, and even hockey more than I hear about baseball. At least people would be talking. Baseball has no stars anymore that are known to people who aren't diehard fans. Think about all the NFL, and NBA players with TV commercials. No baseball players are at that level anymore. I'm just of the belief that any publicly is good publicity when it comes to a sport that has an aging and disinterested fan base such as baseball.
  21. That is exactly the reason Tebow would be great for baseball. The sport has no superstars at any level that transcend into pop culture anymore. No matter what ones opinion of Tebow is, there is no question that he would give the sport some much needed publicity.
  22. I get your point, but it's just another event that makes Goodell look foolish imo. The league can micromanage players off field behavior, yet they can't oversee the condition of the field for a big event? There was nothing wrong with the field as a whole. The problem was decal on the center of the field. If someone would have had the sense to halt the painting of the decal, and simply play with a faded one the game would have gone on as planned. I wouldn't remotely blame the league if this had been cancelled more promptly.
  23. No because basically what they are doing is giving the Dallas O Line a ton of credit. They are also essentially saying that if DeMarco Murray could do what he did in 2014 there's no reason Zeke can't come close to matching that. If he does that would rank near the top as a running back.
  24. HC:Bill Belichick OC:Todd Haley DC:Wade Phillips I couldn't agree more about the apparent lack of up and coming coaching talent amongst the coordinator ranks. It made my choices for offensive coordinator in particular quite difficult.
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