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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. I'm going with Clausen. The issue is that many Notre Dame fans don't seem to understand what decade they are taking the field in. Due to this I'm certain most Kizer fans project him as more of a Montana type.
  2. Talent? Let me name our supposedly good players. Taylor (QB with no leadership skills or ability to read a defense) Watkins (he can barely walk right now) Dareus ( Getting High) Incognito (no comment) Glenn (didn't play last night) McCoy (an aging RB) Darby (good rookie year, looked awful last night) Gilmore (no heart). Those are the only guys aside from the injured rookies who can be considered big talents. I don't get it when people say we have talent. We have zero talent at the linebacker position. Journeyman special teamer Alexander is starting for crying out loud. That being said, our coaching is terrible too. I don't disagree with that.
  3. He's 28, but has a ton of mileage. No one would have been willing to pick up his salary other than us. This Oline doesn't block anyone either. We could have easily saved money, and sent anyone out there to get hit behind the line. Combine these two factors and that's why I didn't like the acquisition to begin with. At least we didn't lose anything of value in the trade.
  4. To answer your question, it looks like EJ Manuel is our short yardage back.
  5. Players get so overrated just for putting on the golden helmet that I wouldn't get anywhere near any Notre Dame QB.
  6. Am I the only one who hated how Rex kind of turned the whole Marshall comment into a joke? This guy is a clown. I would love Coughlin to come here, but you are correct that he'd never step into this mess. Coughlin is all about being close to his family in Jersey at this point as well. After the Giants fired him, he would only interview with the Eagles because being in Philly would keep him close enough to Jersey. He has no interest in coming to Buffalo for many reasons.
  7. No to Kizer. I don't think there are any QBs worth "sucking for" this season. So the idea of a miserable season morphing into a franchise QB seems like a fantasy to me.
  8. I was too young to remember the Montana to Rice connection. After watching Fitz to Marshall tonight at least I know what it was like now.
  9. I never said we can't question how they run the team. I just said we can't really talk about who we wished would have bought the team, because if that happened we'd probably have no team. I'm sure they will learn from the Rex mistake. It's not like we can find a worse coach.
  10. We are all within our rights to question how the Pegulas run this team. It needs to improve. However, I don't see how anyone could have wanted anyone else to buy the team. At least we have the Buffalo Bills, let's just hope they learn how to run it. Trust me, no one else regardless of what they said would have kept the team in Buffalo. In reality it's a poor business decision.
  11. They really should. We're not going anywhere, and his limp was quite noticeable. If he can hardly run, he can't be productive anyway. Considering the way he looked out there tonight, we'd be better off with another WR on the field. He's not able to help us, and playing will only jeopardize his future. There is no point in keeping him on the field.
  12. Sammy I guess. The issue that people don't realize is he has never been 100% healthy since he's been here. I truly believe that injures have made him half the player he could be. Even when we thought he was "healthy". We haven't come close to seeing the guy who played in college. The guy looks like he needs crutches now, so I don't think one could say we do have a legit WR.
  13. Our coaching is awful, but I have no clue what makes people think this team has talent. Is it because these guys were good in college? Isn't that the case with every roster. They have done nothing to show it. Guys like McCoy don't count either. He's done great things in the past, but ultimately he's a 28 year old running back with a lot of miles on him. What is the talent people speak of? I honestly would like to know.
  14. I agree with your points, aside from those regarding TT and the WRs. TT played tonight much like he did last year. He showed signs of great things, while struggling with some simple throws. What we needed was for him to progress, and he hasn't. The WRs specifically Sammy are underutilized, but it's obvious Sammy is hurt. There is no way he's going to live up to his potential no matter who game plans this year. Just the thought of Kizer or Watson petrifies me.
  15. I agree urn the coaching assesment. However, how can we conclude that the talent is good enough? Because they were all good in college? I'm not sure it is. Sammy can barely walk, so I don't know where the talent is.
  16. I could actually point out a few guys that look completely disinterested, but I won't call them out. Gillislee is obviously not one of them.
  17. I totally agree with all of the above. The problem is that Rex is the head idiot.
  18. Probably wouldn't be as easy as you'd think the way he's limping.
  19. we'd still lose if Rex was running our D. Unless we could average 70 points a game. Ps offense was a problem when Gailey was here. We just had a few games where we lit up the scoreboard. Kind of like what Gailey did tonight .
  20. You have to coach the players you have, and tonight we were against playing Fitz. A college defense could have played better against Fitz. This is embarrassing no matter who you have on the field.
  21. I really don't overreact often, but I'd fire him tomorrow. This is ridiculous.
  22. That's why he shouldn't be on the field. This is on Rex, not Ej.
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