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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. Fair enough, posters do always want the team to draft QBs. My issue was that we probably could have gotten him in the second round, and EJ did not show much in college to indicate being a successful NFL QB. As a college football fan I was never even impressed with him at FSU and shuttered when we drafted him. He basically made a living off screen passes, and having superior athletes at FSU. Player assesments are a thing of personal preference, but I could never understand what they saw in EJ to warrant the 16th pick. His college coach even said he'd be a backup before retracting his comment out of decency.
  2. The talent has not won anymore than Donahoe's talent did though. He assembled talent as well. We have no WR depth. Reached for Manuel, which was a terrible pick. I could go on and on. It won't change how anyone feels, but this league is about winning. Every NFL team has talent. These guys were all good in college.
  3. I thought football was about winning? It's nice that we have these guys who were great college players, but we haven't built a coherent team. What makes Whaley better than a guy like Donahue? I want someone to explain this to me. So all you Whaley fan boys really think the Sammy move looks like a good move in its third season? Give me a break.
  4. Other GM's have had playoff teams. That's all I need to say.
  5. I just would have loved to be a fly on the wall at that meeting. It makes me wonder what all this means about decisions like the future of Rex? I find it hard to believe that Rex will stick around if this year ends up being a losing one. It made me wonder if Coughlin was told that Rex is the coach going forward? I was just thinking about this because I cannot imagine a guy like Coughlin working with Rex.
  6. I have always been of the opinion that you never trade what we traded to get a WR. IMO it was one of the most incompetent GM moves I have ever seen. Missing on a QB is one thing, but giving up so much for a WR is insanity. I don't understand how people find it forgivable. Especially considering the fact that the guy has had nagging injuries every year of his career. Whaley's time should be up, but too many people are blinded by all the fancy shiny toys he brings in. Brining in guys who had decorated college careers, and tons of athletic potential basically fooled many of us into viewing Whaley is a good GM. People chased Donahue out of here, yet anyone who puts Whaley down is a "troll". His teams just haven't won enough games, but I guess you are supposed to like our talent.
  7. Interesting. So maybe Coughlin decided the organization was too much of a dumpster fire to be part of? I know I will catch some heat for this comment, but it's exactly how I interpret it.
  8. Incognito just acted like a dbag though, he didn't have what appears to addiction issues that aren't going away.
  9. I see some posters making this argument, and I understand it. However, considering what Sammy did in his two games this season, I really doubt BB was losing sleep over facing him anyway.
  10. Yeah either a lifetime ban or jail. The guy doesn't get it. I have a difficult time picturing him playing another NFL snap.
  11. Rex also said that the foot is a "major concern" going forward. You make a good point, it's not like he missed a couple seasons. My concern would is it becoming a long term nagging concern. If he can't play through it now, who's to say it will get better in the future? Another poster brough up a good point as well. I watch a lot of college football, and the Sammy that we've seen in Buffalo doesn't resemble the Sammy I saw at Clemson. I'm not simply talking about production either. I haven't seen the speed and explosiveness he had in college since he's been here. More games than not he has ran with a slight limp.I don't believe the guy has ever been healthy here. Who can forget Shazier leveling him his rookie year?
  12. WR is so difficult to judge in today's NFL imo due to the QB position. Wouldn't Robert Woods probably be viewed much differently if he played with Russell Wilson in a couple Super Bowls?
  13. Remove most teams top WR, and it's not pretty though. Plus tight ends practically count as WR's these days, and Charles Clay is making big bucks.
  14. This ^ He's still playing with NFL recievers. Look around at other rosters, aside from the elite WR's no one has guys who are much better than what we have. I wouldn't expect 300 yard passing games without a real number one, but I also don't think it should be impossible to pass for over 150 yards.
  15. Am I the only one who finds PFF statistical data to be a bunch bs ?
  16. I'm one of those guys with a low post count who came out of the woodwork. Yes, I watched last season. I saw a QB who could make deep throws and plays with his legs. I also saw a guy who struggled reading defenses, throwing over the middle, feeling pressure in the pocket, and going through all his progressions. I liked what I saw from him last season. I believed that if he continued to improve he would be a very good QB. My issue is that I haven't seen improvement in any of these areas over the first three games. In fact it seems like he has regressed as a passer. I simply found two games out of the three with just over 100 yards passing to be concerning. Yes, I understand that was the " game plan" but TT also did little as far as being a passer to convince me he can win games as a passer. I know some disagree, but there will be games that need to be won through the air. Throwing the deep ball with no underneath passing game is not going to work consistently either.
  17. I agree, more kids may be playing soccer than ever before, but I think that's the last thing having a negative impact on the NFL. Millions of people play soccer, but it's never translated over to good television ratings in the US. Aside from small pockets of hipsters and immigrants, very few Americans actually watch/follow soccer. It's the equivalent of playing in marching band while you're in school. You might have enjoyed you're time doing it, but do you actually listen to marching band music as an adult in your spare time? The answer is no, and it's a similar situation when it comes to people watching soccer. Despite all the hysteria high school football is popular, and very alive and well. Football is not becoming second class to soccer any time soon. College football is as big as it's ever been as well. The NFL has just really oversaturated the market. People are becoming tired of the product.
  18. I have at least one rule from a few games I've experienced. Please don't stand if you're too drunk to stand, and end up in everyone's lap consistently. Yes, I've witnessed this and it's not fun. I don't have health issues, and have no horses in this race. I just think common sense dictates that it's basically stupid to stand the entire game. As others have mentioned, stand for big plays and defensive series. Why stand when your offense has a first ten and from their own 20? I just don't get it.
  19. What have I been doing to "lower myself for the past week"? I haven't posted one comment about TT until today, so I have no clue what you're talking about. I enjoyed the win. Rex actually out coached Arians, and our defense was great. The running game was also close to being unstoppable. The game plan was created to hide TT so much that it concerned me. I thought discussions were the point of this board, but too many people get their panties in a bunch when they don't agree. Then they resort to calling the other person an idiot instead of engaging in a legit dialog. That's why I appreciate your last response, and I will comment back. First of all I do not believe that TT has been consistently accurate, aside from the deep balls. Lots of poorly placed passes that end up either high or low to the receiver not giving them a chance for yac. He also does not go through his progressions, or see the middle of the field at all. Clay is nothing more than a decoy. Sure Watkins was out, but he has never developed chemistry with TT either. It's hard to say his absence was that damaging to TT when the offense has yet to make him the go to guy. I'll admit that may change with the new OC. You are correct that TT is a great runner. That's what makes him better than our other post Bledsoe QBs. Without that ability he would look very similar to the others. The game plan involved McCoy and TT running with TT passing three yard Ins and outs, as well as a few deep shots. It's the same offense colleges run with QBs that can't read a defense. Yes we beat a supposed super bowl contender, but that doesn't mean this game plan will work every week when teams catch on. You can't consistently win in the NFL relying that heavily on the run. The QB is going to have to make plays through the air at some point. Sprinting out of the pocket and throwing deep like the Jets game is not a consistent plan either. I just worry that our QB with a wonderlic score of 14 won't be able to make plays when the defense shuts down his running, and he has to dissect the defense. Didn't we see this against Baltimore? I also don't think we need a "top 5" QB because I know they don't grow on trees. I'd just be more comfortable with a guy that can play QB as a passer, even if they weren't a top level guy. Ultimately the season is on the defense when Rex is the coach. My issue with TT is that even if the defense plays great (Baltimore game) I don't know if he can do enough as a passer to win games. That's how the Ravens won a title with Dilfer. They had a guy who could command the offense, and read a defense. He wasn't very good by any stretch of the imagination, but he did just enough when it was needed. I don't know if TT can do anything if a team stays disciplined (unlike AZ) and doesn't allow him to break containment. To answer your question regarding how I'd find a QB, I'd probably sign a vet and draft a QB if TT doesn't improve by the end of the season. I hope he proves me wrong, and there's no need to do either. I just know that when you have a QB passing for a little over 100 yards, you don't win many games. yesterday's numbers were Tebow like.
  20. I don't want to get into a back and forth arguement, and will not lower myself to ignorant comments such as calling others "dense". I'm not even going to respond with a defense of my comment. I have a logic behind what I said, but if we are going to start insulting each other instead of having a legit conversation, there's no sense in having a debate at all.
  21. Good post. I agree, I'll be all in win with a win next week. Sure, this weeks game plan was run first, but I worry that when a team unlike Arizona figures out how to shut it down it's then on TT. TT's issues as a passer this season worry me as to how well that would go. I expect the Pats to play far more disciplined to shut down the run. I think the game will be forced more on TT's shoulders. If this happens, and we win I'm in .
  22. In many ways I think next week will tell us who we are. I guarantee if we win it means we fixed many of my concerns. BB is going to force TT to play QB. If we win it will take us playing a complete game. This would be a great positive moving forward.
  23. I just hoped to see something from him. If you count his ability to run middle of the pack might be fine. As far as being a real QB, he's bottom third. I don't think he is "good enough" to even be a playoff QB. Defenses will catch on to our run only offense, and stuff it. He can't read a defense, throw over the middle, or pass accurately. Many QBs that are middle of the pack struggle, but still have the ability to do those things better than TT. I enjoyed the win, so I don't need a new hobby. I just think it changes who we are until TT shows something. Praise any element of this team you want to. They all deserve it today, including TT's ability to run fast. I just don't understand people seeing something in TT from this win. The same concerns I had about TT the first two games still exist.
  24. That's how I feel. So many posters thought at 0-2 we were going to be 0-16 and now we'll be in the playoffs. I saw us as an 8-8 team then and now.
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