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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. Good point, but at 1-1 I don't think anyone would have been fired. An 0-2 start was unacceptable, and someone had to be made the sacrificial lamb. It certainly wasn't going to be Rex or Rob. The good part for us is that it's worked out great so far. After the 0-2 start our defense has played more like the defense we saw in Baltimore than the one we saw against the Jets. Our offense has looked vastly improved, and we've gone on a winning streak. Many times the sacrificial lamb style firing doesn't work out well, but it's worked great for us. IMO Roman was simply a casualty of a team trying to make a statement. In the middle of it all we've learned that he actually was more of a problem than many thought.
  2. I haven't understood that side of the arguement from the start. So we're saying he's brother can't take care of himself? His brother's teammates don't have his back either? I don't get it. Seems like it was all more about Chad getting his kicks than helping his brother. An SEC QB who can intimidate western NY high school football players, I guess that makes Chad a real tough guy.
  3. I get your point, but can you imagine Luck, Flacco, Brees, Manning, or Rodgers doing the same when they were in college? I sure can't, the situation could have easily spiraled further out of control. It could have been much worse. That's why you don't do what Kelly did. I don't think many successful NFL QBs have acted like that as college students. You are right, he's not be a thug, he just tries to be one. That's what I find scary. P.S he threatened to kill people, and trespassed onto a field he didn't belong on. Actually he did break the law. If it didn't occur in Buffalo with the name Kelly he probably would be a "criminal", therefore meeting your definition of thug.
  4. Sure some people love to pick on Buffalo, but plenty of American cities are loaded with people that have Buffalo roots. There were at least 20,000 Bills fans at the LA game. This team is plenty marketable across the US if they started winning. They are a much bigger draw on the road than a team like the Bengals.
  5. Actually it's not difficult to know what the political beliefs are of most companies products I consume. I just choose to not let it bother me, just like people shouldn't be so obsessed with what Kap thinks. It's like when I listen to music. I like all kinds of music, and musicians are known to get political. I don't dislike a musician because they are liberal or conservative. It's their belief, I'm not going to get all twisted about it. It doesn't matter what they want to think, it's a free country. I also don't give a crap if someone writes "Race Together" or "Keep God in our schools" on my coffee. It doesn't matter to me if the sentiment is conservative or liberal. What matters to me is how each side wants the other to close their mouth. That's why I hate this entire situation. The political situation in our country is toxic. Liberal minded people won't let conservative minded speak, and conservative minded people won't let liberal minded people speak. Every word that is spoken creates an uprising these days, and both sides are to blame.
  6. Football fans really crack me up sometimes. America's enthusiasm for the NFL has made millionaires out of thousands of young black men in a league that's nearly 70 percent black. Yet a good number of football fans come to forums like this to basically whine about problems with black society (as if they really know). I just find it quite ironic. I'm sure most of our team shares Kaps beliefs too. I guess these guys are just here for your entertainment, as long as they don't talk we're happy.
  7. So if I got this right we are mad at Kap for disrespecting our anthem? That is correct right? So our plan is to use it in a disrespectful manner. Sure makes a lot sense.
  8. I miss watching football without be reminded of all the BS in our world. It just seems like we live is such a toxic enviroment these days, and it gets quite obnoxious imo.
  9. Never under estimate the Buffalo diaspora all over the country. If we ever started to win the media would be stupid not to respond. There are far more Bills fans across this country than Bengals fans. The Bills as winner would be quite "marketable".
  10. I don't necessarily disagree with any of your statements. With that said, if Rex can continue to win games against "poorer coaching" and against teams who "beat themselves" we will be in the playoffs. There aren't many great coaches and teams. The difference between being a playoff or non playoff team depends on winning all your games against those lesser opponents. That's something that hasn't happened here in a long time, and it's the difference between being a good team and a bad team. We can technically afford loses to teams like Seattle, New England, and Pittsburgh. We just have to continue beating the lesser opponents. We can beat teams like Cleveland, Jacksonville, SF, Miami, the Jets, and steal one or two from teams like the Bengals and Raiders. Now if Rex made it to the playoffs he'd be against better coaching, that's when we generally see Rex exposed. Rex being out coached in the playoffs would be a good problem to have though. We'll cross that bridge if we ever get to it.
  11. Just a couple weeks I was making the arguement that we could get by with our current receivers. After seeing Woods as our number one I have completely changed my mind. I'm also not seeing the improvements out of TT that I wanted to see this year. With that being said, Whaley really put us in a though spot this season. Going into the season with this group of wideouts and losing Sammy makes it very difficult to assess Rex and TT fairly. Goodwin is an awful one trick player, and he's our number two. It was inexcusable, and if the defense continues play well it will be hard to blame this season on Rex if it goes downhill.
  12. I was one of his biggest fans, but this is the final straw for me. All you'd have to do is look back a few posts to see me supporting him, but this changes it all. I thought that he might have turned things around. It's not like what happened was that terrible, but it shows he just doesn't get it. He has way too much on the line to be making dumb decisions at a freaking high school football game. Anyone else would be arrested for running on the field to get involved in the scuffle. If this is what he does with the camera on, what's he going to do when it's off? It also seem like Chad Kelly and Buffalo do equal trouble. I thought it was in the past, but Kelly in Buffalo doesn't seem like a good idea. He'll turn into Manziel. As far as the frontal lobe goes, I'm not sure he's getting it together at 25 either. IMO it's funny how the "underdeveloped frontal lobe" seems to create more problems in modern society than ever before in world history. 25 used to be middle age, and people led the world before the age of 25. Being a punk is never going to change with this guy.
  13. I have been one of this boards bigger TT critics. I want to see him improve in areas that are crucial. With that said, I'd still take him over plenty of other QBs, and Fitz is one of them. Here's how I look at it. You said our QB takes care of the ball, but Fitz "might" be better than him. If might is the word being used, it indicates a lack of certainty. If one is not certain that Fitz is far better than TT, add the turnovers to the equation. Doing so automatically makes TT the guy i'd rather have. I'm so glad we moved on from Fitz. Regardless of what happens with TT, you definitely know you cannot win with a guy that has meltdowns has bad as Fitz. With TT we can hope he improves, and even if he struggles we can root for our defense. At least our defense has a chance when you don't have a guy who throws 6 picks in a game.
  14. Loved the Jerry Jones video. I was disappointed thought. The article said "football helmet hits Jones in the head" in reality it look like it landed on his shoulder. It made it slightly less humorous than I expected.
  15. I can believe that, almost every large place with an upscale reputation has poverty too. I was just responding to a poster who said Westerchester isn't as "homogenous" 'as many assume. I thought that kind of insinuated that these guys were the "rough and poor" residents. After looking at their mugshots, and reading an article about them I already knew they were simply middle class meatheads. It's wasn't a case like out in Oakland where gang members assault each other, and sometimes fans at games. So my point was the fact that Westchester has a "rough and poor" section that many are unaware of, had nothing to do with this crime.
  16. Not quite sure what that comment means. I don't want to analyze it, and wrongly put words in your mouth. I do feel compelled to say that I found a page with their mugshots, and they appear to be the typical middle class football fan. In fact the one guy is a firefighter. This is just what happens when drunken idiots want to play tough guy for a night and take it too far. This could probably easily happen with a lot stupid fans. They certainly aren't from "the wrong side of the tracks"' if that's what people are thinking. Westchester certainly may not all be rich as many assume, but these guys are still clearly middle class.
  17. And your name is Richie Incognito, you have to know better.
  18. Me too, and I've been one of his harshest critics regarding this season. He seems more comfortable than he has in previous games. This is the TT I was hoping we'd get this season. A guy who keeps improving and building upon what he did last season.
  19. Well said, and so many fans love him because of the aforementioned "shiny toys". It's like his entire plan as GM is to excite the fanbase rather than building a solid all around team. In many ways Sammy never stood a chance here against the expectations that were created by how much he cost. Anything less then being the next Jerry Rice was bound to be a disappointment.
  20. True, but if you believe that then you have to ask yourself who runs this team? Doesn't that mean Rex is the GM then? If Rex isn't, and Whaley had to disassemble what he built for Rex, then Whaley made a bad hire.
  21. Personally I think the guy is thinking about his future. It's difficult not to wonder if he doesn't think that his future is brighter than the present. It wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't picture himself on a contender with an established QB. Is Whaley gone too? IMO there is no way a GM gives up what he did for Sammy only to let him go in season four. It would be a awful look.
  22. I think that enables us to evaluate Whaley though. The crazy thing is I can guarantee that Whaley fans will use this as a reason why he gets a free pass this season.
  23. It still doesn't justify what we gave up. He would need to be twice as good as the rest of those guys. He's not.
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