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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. I understand that Murph has to be a corporate man. The issue I have is how it comes across as him thinking the fans are idiots. Many of the callers are idiots, but he seems to dismiss any criticism of the team and players as the fan being uninformed. I don't mind him trying to avoid criticizing players himself. What I do mind is him dismissing every negative thought the fans have. I think it makes him sound condescending, and arrogant. Even if that isn't the intent.
  2. While we're at it can we also wish that Rex and Rob can grow a brain?
  3. Buffalo will gets its championship "eventually" but I'd go with the Sabres first as well. It looks like the Bills could get to 108 years without the playoffs at this rate.
  4. Interesting fact that I didn't know. I get the feeling that a lot of other people would have felt that Shaun Hill isn't that much of a downgrade from what you'd get from Bradford.
  5. I for one am very disappointed with the way the Vikes have played recently. I was really hoping to see some legit challenger to the Cowboys. In reality it should have been expected because it looks like Sam Bradford is back to playinglike Sam Bradford. The Vikings O line being subpar with a guy like Bradford at QB is an awful recipe for success. I really can't blame this on Turner. Bradford has never been a good QB, and without the AP of old the Vikings don't have much on offense.
  6. He'd probably get hurt in one game anyway. It's worth a try, and I don't hate the move. Harvin makes sense, but Whaley stockpiling IR receivers is almost comical.
  7. So Tyrod isn't turning out to be what we hoped, so now EJ is the man? Is that the overall idea here?
  8. Might not be a blowout, but something bad is bound to happen with this size audience as a previous poster pointed out. I agree about the playoffs. Prior to the Miami were complaining in other posts about how we stunk because we hadn't beaten anyone good. I said we're fine if we win all the games we're supposed too. The Miami loss means we aren't going to beat everyone we should, and with tough games coming up it's going to hurt.
  9. Not being a Pats fans it makes it easier to be a neutral observer. If Lewis were on the Bills I'd want him back asap. I would want him on the field to help us get the number one seed in the AFC. Looking at it from a neutral prospective makes it easy for me to say the Pats will be the top seed regardless. I don't think it'd be a bad idea to save him for the playoffs. With or without Lewis it looks like the Pats are getting the top seed. The playoffs will be the real test, and the time you need everyone on board.
  10. It would be very Bills like for Lewis to come back for Sunday's game and perform well only to get injured next week.
  11. I've always felt like that the guy had a bit of arrogance/swagger. I really think he'd be a better QB if he didn't have that swagger. If he didn't think he could throw into dimed sized windows, he'd be a different player. Better ball security would make him exponentially better.
  12. AW should have been aware of the offense blocker. His reckless see ball, get ball style is going to end his career early. On a team that seems to lack passion, it hurts me to knock him for it. His style of play is just too dangerous. As far as the "block" is concerned, it was quite dirty. I have a question to all of you who played football and say it was clean. Were you taught to block by leaping off your feet and giving hitting the opponent close to their head? don't think so.
  13. RW won a super bowl, he's earned the benefit of doubt. It's like comparing apples to oranges. Everyone has a right to doubt TT until he proves otherwise, whether it's sometimes unfair or not.
  14. I'd agree but I'm not so certain this isn't just horrible offense. It doesn't look like guys are even attempting to block defenders, and Palmer holds on to the ball forever.
  15. All I mean is that I'd be willing to give up EJ for AJ although they'd never make such a trade. I agree with you that EJ and TT are very similar passers. I don't think TT is a better passer than EJ. The problem with EJ is that he can't pass, and he's not an explosive runner like TT. TT is like having another playmaking running back on the field with McCoy. We are winning games because of our running game. Tyrod is a major contributor to that. Just imagine how poorly we'd be doing if TT was a pocket passer who couldn't run? That's basically what you get with EJ. So sure EJ would come in and pass for probably the same yardage as TT, but he's not going to make big plays with his feet. You also mentioned ball security. That's not somemeaningless little thing. It's huge that TT doesn't make the amount of turnovers that EJ historically has. You don't win games if you have EJ out there throwing picks. I understand that, but it'd also be rough to miss out on the playoffs this season due to lacking a playmaker at the receiver position. If the guy came in and performed I'd actually considering putting Sammy on the trading block. It would open up room to resign him. If he doesn't perform then at least you gave it try this season, and Sammy returns next season.
  16. Yeah, it has nothing do with anything else. It's just gossip, but even it is true he'd have plenty of company. Pro athletes put themselves in so many bad situations that they are used to not letting it impact on field performance.
  17. Fair enough, but hypothetically speaking there's no way I wouldn't trade him for a decent WR at this point if it could be done. I love what Lynn has done, but honestly I don't like seeing EJ on the field. I could easily live without the EJ packages. If I were an opposing DC I wouldn't be afraid of him throwing when he's in the game. You know he's in there much like Tebow in his wildcat package back in the day. Imagine the backlash against Lynn and Rex if EJ threw a damaging pick because we had him enter the game to throw one random pass. Once again I like Lynn, but I think OC's outsmart themselves with these stupid backup QB wildcat packages. If TT gets hurt the season is over.
  18. I just believe that if EJ plays we lose, or our running game is so good that game it doesn't matter who our QB is. I just don't view EJ as an asset in anyway. If EJ is our starting QB for any length of time our hopes for the playoffs can be thrown out the window imo. This is the case with most teams backup QB's. If we could really acquire a starter for a backup, it's a trade I'd take everytime. The reality of the matter is that it's not going to happen anyway.
  19. Actually Rivers should waive his no trade clause if he really cares more about football than getting a suntan. That being said, he's staying in San Diego. As far as the whole EJ trade for Jeffrey, I don't think it would be a bad idea. If McCoy is out for any period of time we would have no playmakers on offense outside of the QB position. We are running on close to empty as far as offensive playmakers go. Shady has performed at a level that has been able to hide that fact. My only concern is that in reality no one is going to give more than a late round pick for EJ. A QB of his caliber can be found anywhere. Is EJ really that much better than Barkley? I don't think so. To acquire a playmaker on offense we would to have to give up more. A previous poster mentioned offering a guy like Dareus in a trade. Trading Dareus for an offense playmaker is something that I wouldn't be opposed to. Rex has proven this season that he has the ability to scheme a quality defense without superstar players. It's something that Rex has been able to do in the past as well. Giving up a defensive player to acquire an offense player seems like a fair trade for where this team is at right now.
  20. If anyone does that they should be banned from the forum. If the Bills make the playoffs it's going to require beating some quality opponents. Even the most ardent doubters questions at this moment should be answered with a playoff appearance. We've put ourselves in the exact position we need to be in at this point of the season. That's all a team can do. Ultimately the outcome of this season is going to be dependent on the outcome of those games.
  21. My thoughts exactly. They suddenly become boring and obnoxious when they consume too much time. I want to watch football, not grown men dancing.
  22. Actually there's quite a lot of them living there these days. Plus crappy rock pretty much defines the music Nashvile puts out these days. He's just starting to look desperate for a team imo.
  23. Exactly, since so many are saying it's all good I'd like to see them try this type of stunt at canal side or somewhere of the like.
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