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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. This ^ I tend to agree with the OP's point that Lynn while well versed in the run game might not be suited to creating a potent passing attack. Some of the issues I've had with our passing game the last several years still exist. You are correct in the fact that we rarely run screens, and short timing routes. Once Sammy is playing the entire game this will infuriate me further. He's a guy who needs the ball in his hands. I don't think we've thrown a screen pass to him his entire career. We need to use the extended handoff type passes to get him the ball. When you have a guy like Sammy, you get him the ball like you would a running back. That being said, I doubt it will happen.
  2. Today Bortles=Montana Ivory=Walter Payton
  3. To all the Rex lovers. What is there to love about this defense? Offensive struggles are another story. Our defensive failures with a defensive coach is what I find his biggest ineptitude.
  4. At least Bortles is a wuss too.
  5. Great point. Manning's PR team always did a great job for him. On a past topic here I was going round and round with all these guys claiming Manning would never do such a thing. They said he was a "great guy", but Brady's a jerk so he's definitely juicing. Ultimately my point is that tons of guys are juicing in this league, but the league would rather us not give it any thought. Harrison certainly isn't the only one. The insane amount of injuries you see these days point to an increase in use imo.
  6. Wow, the Cowboys bandwagon is loaded and back on the road again.
  7. It seems like former Bills are somehow always directly involved in losses every week.
  8. I love how everything becomes about Tyrod here. This topic is about the Cowboys vs Redskins.
  9. The offensive line is quite unstoppable too. Is it possible to even have more time to throw than Dak already does?
  10. Although "You can clearly tell I've never been recruited" doesn't mean I didn't already know that colleges have different standards for athletes than the general student body. In fact that was part of the point that I was making. These universities claim to be all about education and the betterment of the world. In reality a large portion of what they are about is the same as what the rest of the world is about, money. If it wasn't about money athletes would be held to the same admission standards as the rest of the student body. The reality is that these division one universities make money from football. The American system of college is all about the money. If these universities were all such moral beacons they wouldn't lower their standards for athletes. Luck and Martin are exceptions rather than the rule. I won't be sold this bogus idea that Sherman is a genius because he attended Stanford. There are guys who played at both ND and Stanford who wouldn't have been admitted if it wasn't for football. They then proceed to take a cake major taylored to athletes. No one can ever convince me that this isn't the case. Especially when I see these guys interviewed compared to the other students who attend these schools. The examples of this at Stanford aren't as strong as those at ND, but it's really obvious at ND. PS Sorry to insult Stanford, I didn't know that institutions of higher education were sacred to the point that we can't even question any element of their operations. I didn't know if they cheat. I just said that I wouldn't completely rule it out. ND is guilty of cheating, and prior to this news plenty of people would have said that could never happen at such a fine institution.
  11. I agree. In fact I was shopping during the Bengals game. I caught the end of the game and didn't feel like I missed much. A couple years ago I would have never agreed to a shopping trip on Bills game day.
  12. Doesn't ND vacating these wins due to academic agreements prove that these schools aren't always "sink or swim" for athletes? I'm bashing ND for what just came out. I'm also bashing the people who claim this never happens at "good" schools.
  13. To the non biased football fans they are a BS team. No one wants to see them in the playoffs again. With that said, I'd love the Bills to be such a BS team.
  14. I don't follow much soccer outside of the World Cup, but I find it really difficult to get excited about this hire. US Soccer seems like it's become quite stagnant. We don't seem to be advancing beyond being satisfied with reaching the knockout stages in World Cups. The Arena hire doesn't make it feel like we are progressing.
  15. Maybe Kim is just a nice person, it doesn't mean we have to be. The article also made an incredibly obvious attempt to persuade public opinion on Dareus imo.
  16. The Chiefs are really masters of mediocry. They aren't great at anything, and never look very good. In today's NFL you don't have to be. Just play mediocre every game and you're likely a playoff team. I expect the same from them this year. Thanks for the link.
  17. I couldn't more. Stanford and ND are great schools, but people shouldn't believe for a second that the same admissions standards apply to football as the rest of the student body. If that were the case they would be in division three. Even the great academic schools bend the rules. It really doesn't matter if you are Stanford or FSU, either way you'll need to cheat to keep guys elgible.
  18. There are actually some people who make the arguement that she had a lot to with Pegs becoming a billionaire. She's a far cry from many other rich guys trophy wives in the brains department.
  19. If you have twitter as a pro athlete and are going to insult those back who insult you, you'd be home 24/7 typing.
  20. I never said I care what he said. I said the organization made him apologize. It was poor judgement. If you are going to get your feelings hurt by people on twitter, don't have twitter. That's the real story there. Plus ancient history. It's not really up for debate anymore. I used it to show that he not always sensible on twitter.
  21. That has nothing to do with it. If you are on twitter, people are going to be internet tough guys, you ignore it. He had to apologize for his comments, so obviously the organization considered it ill advised. It was not a good choice of words, even if there was truth in the statement. It never works to be offend an entire group of people because you want to attack someone who belongs to that group who hurt your feelings. Ex. People with little jobs. I just think it shows he doesn't always post smartly on Twitter.
  22. This is the same guy who tweeted "y'all little jobs" so I wouldn't put it past him to make it look like he wanted to play with an ill advised tweet.
  23. Did anyone ever consider the idea that Sammy might be just fine? That maybe he could play but has decided not to. Maybe Sammy doesn't see this team as being playoff bound, and sees no need to play through pain. He has two years left on his rookie contract, and wants to be completely healthy for those years. Is it really so difficult to believe that a pro football player might put their own finances ahead of helping a team win some likely meaningless games this season?
  24. No, I just don't find Nelson's BS touchdown or lack of defense to be entertaining. It shows two of the most fundamental flaws of the pro game today. The lack of sound fundamentals, and poor officiating with a ridiculous rule book. I'd rather watch college games these days. Just my opinion. I find Big Ten football to be far more entertaining than the NFL this year.
  25. This was my response to another poster claiming that all football players are tough. My point was that if Deion could be a dominate player who the poster said wasn't tough, then I'm sure there have been plenty of other players who aren't very tough. It proves you aren't necessarily tough just because you play football. You can get a long ways in pro sports by being fast and built soundly. That doesn't guarantee that a guy is tough.
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