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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. So some of you guys really expect Kim or Terry to tell Clay to pound salt? If that's the case you really don't understand our owners very well.
  2. Don't worry, I'm thinking Clemson will smoke OSU. Barrett is awful, and Clemson scores points. My last question is why do we play conference championship games if they only matter when you lose? Still such a flawed system.
  3. Yep, the decline of Kodak has nothing to do with digital photography, or unfair competition from Asia. The Patriots success has nothing to do with Brady and Belichick either. That's why they can just cut everyone else.
  4. Well said, I'm sure some of these guys would tell you they've never taken a sick day. I'm sure sick days are for PC losers who aren't real men. The funny part of all the whining in this post is that ultimately some fans are whining because a freaking game isn't going their way. Since we are talking about manliness that certainly doesn't rank up there very high.
  5. I'm not even sure what you're trying to say anymore. All I mean is that a married guy is going to try whatever it takes to make it if they can.
  6. Yeah, If Clemson loses this gets messy regardless.
  7. I'm a PSU fan, but how can anyone appreciate McSorley's stupid home run hit/salute when scoring a touchdown that brings them to a fourteen point deficit? It's kind of obnoxious for a QB. Then again I probably just sound like an old man lost in the past.
  8. I never said that, way to make assumptions. I was responding to that fact that a married man isn't going to miss his child's birth. Baby mama births are missed all time. That's probably the other 80% of pro athletes. My point was he's not going to miss it, and he shouldn't. That's why I said he's married he has no choice, because he doesn't. Adrian Peterson choose not to attend nor know his children. Maybe some appreciate him more.
  9. EJ's awful, he's never even been Alex Smith. He's just as bad as those other guys you listed. They didn't really "compete" for starting jobs though. They played this year because every one else ahead of them on the depth chart went down. EJ will only ever be a starter under those same circumstances. He will never go into camp competing for a starting job. He also only got 14 starts because Marrone was his coach. Maybe Rex wouldn't have pulled him. Marrone had a veteran guy in Orton who he liked and trusted. We don't have a guy like Orton on the roster right now. Under a different coach with a veteran QB on the bench maybe Tyrod would have gotten pulled this year. Who knows? That being said after his 14 starts I had seen enough. I've also seen enough of TT. There just isn't a better option right now.
  10. I agree with you, I obviously love football, but football is a game played by youth. If you get to play it as adult you are highly skilled and fortunate. It IS a kids game that some skilled adults have the fortune of playing. My point is that it's not that important in the grand scheme of things. It's entertainment. My point was that a football game isn't important enough to miss the birth of your child.
  11. The military is a hell of a lot more important than an NFL game. Missing child birth to play a child's game doesn't make sense. The fans can live without you. If you're in active combat that's obviously far more important than a freaking football game. As far as other government positions, I'm not sure what you mean. I'm pretty darn sure all of our senators get time off for the birth of their children. NFL players shouldn't morally earn more than a solider anyways, so I don't get the point.
  12. Can't the NFL just set up an infirmary at the Stadium for the birth to take place? That way if she doesn't go into labor it's all good. If she does it can happen right at the stadium. That way maybe Clay could miss only one quarter. Then you'd all be happy. The NFL is cheap.
  13. Exaclty the guy is married. It's not like he has a choice. Maybe some of you are more Antonio Cromartie, Adrian Peterson fans. They don't even know who the kids are.
  14. You've probably proven your opponents point then. I assume that what you do is probably a hell of a lot more important than a NFL game. It's just a game, if Clay misses one for a major life event it's not a big deal.
  15. I love all you tough guys who say it's "PC" to take a day off for the biggest day of ones life. To me PC means giving someone crap for saying Merry Christmas, it's not PC to take a game off for the birth of your child. Trying to be a good husband isn't "PC". I hate political correctness, but I love how many guys use being "anti PC as an excuse for pretending to be "tough". It's only a freaking game. You're only mad because your team might lose or your Daddy wasn't there. Boo hoo.
  16. I don't think blood sugar issues give a guy resting b face. It's probably his lack of desire to play football, and his ability to blame everyone but himself when he turns the ball over.
  17. The comparison to Fitz is the greatest Cutler analogy I've ever heard. I think we're save anyway, Kirsten Cavalleri or whatever her name is isn't going to come to Buffalo.
  18. Isn't Mehta the guy who said Sammy would be shut down earlier this year? and everyone said he's never right about anything.
  19. The first few years of this system worked flawlessly. There was no arguing the playoff teams. The conversation this year will be far more interesting. That being said, it probably doesn't matter. Bama will smoke anyone they play with the possible exception of Clemson.
  20. Yet he completely neglected WR depth, and has made plenty of questionable decisions. At the end of the day Whaley's results have been the same as every other GM since Polian, no playoffs. If someone likes Whaley I can't argue with them. However, I don't see how the results justify the love he receives. His results haven't been much better than Levy or Donahoe. And Rex still can't coach a defense that's even as good as the 2014 Schwartz defense. Schwartz's D had plenty of flaws and they were no 2015 Broncos, but they were a lot better than what we have now. Pouring all these resources into one side of the ball stings when the defensive genius doesn't hold up his end of the bargain.
  21. I agree. These teams meant a lot to these guys lives. You can't expect them to just go away. On another note I'm not a Fisher fan fan, but I don't think the Rams are that close to being good. Jared Goff and Case Keenum is all need I say. They need what so many other teams need, a QB. They aren't necessarily a draft away from one.
  22. I'd love to see GNR. Aren't rock bands that crap on fans really the rule rather than the exception?
  23. I was really frustrated at a game last year where they didn't stop selling beer until 3 minutes into the third quarter. I was next up, and they shut the line down. I understand the halftime rule, but why keep going a couple minutes into the second half only to shut it down on the last few people in line? It wouldn't have been annoying had they actually stopped serving at second half kickoff like they are supposed to as opposed to a couple minutes in. Things seem quite organized.
  24. I've attended September games the last few years and sat in the upper deck every time. I didn't notice the crowd becoming tamer than usual. Everyone stood up for third down plays and were as crazy as normal. I haven't attended a November or December in about ten years. Back then it seems like the crowd was more tame in later in the year as opposed to early season games. I don't know if that's still the case, but maybe that has something to do with your experience. We're at the point of the year where the weather has gotten cold, and some of the fair weather heavy drinking college aged fans stay home. We're also a five hundred team that some feel is unlikely to make a playoff run. I think if we were 10-2 facing the Pats* with the division on the line in December the place would be insane. It just seems to me like a certain level of indifference sets in the time of the season every year.
  25. Exactly. This is the game where Rex can earn his keep. The Raiders have been great on offense, and these are the games where great defensive minds show up with a game plan. That's what this game is about. It's time for Rex to put up or shut up. Not that he'll ever shut up. If our offense struggles it will probably say more about them than it does the Raiders D. Teams have been putting up points on the Raiders all season.
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