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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. Good thing he didn't throw Rob there.
  2. He could have just said I hope he comes back, I love my coach. Instead he left it open to interpretation. I doubt he did this consciously. We probably shouldn't read into Sammy quotes like he's Shakespeare or something. Who knows he meant.
  3. Fair enough, I'll give you credit. You'd think a teams fans would know best. I've just met too many ND fans who think everyone is Montana.
  4. Not a big fan, but I'm sure this post will get lit up with ND fans clamoring for Kizer.
  5. Great points. People are choosing to ignore physical gifts as well. I see Kelly and Marino being mentioned as belonging to a different era while failing to mention they both had rocket arms. Carr has incredible accuracy, and Newton has great size. Taylor has none of these traits. Add the inability to read the defense and you end up with the conversation we're having now.
  6. I agree, I just mean that we wouldn't need this test to know he can't read the defense.
  7. Exactly. Look at a players tape from college and you can see how capable they are of football intelligence . No need for a Wonderlic test to validate it.
  8. I couldn't care less about any stupid standardized intelligence test. However, I do think there is a such thing as football intelligence. Just as one can be a great mechanic,musician,furniture maker, etc without scoring high on an IQ test, I believe someone who isn't classically smart is capable of having soild knowledge of football. My concern is that Tyrod hasn't shown that he does understand what is happening on the field. This has nothing do with his Wonderlic score though. Derek Carr doesn't come across as being particularly bright, but he obviously understands football. I'm not sure TT does. This has little to do with the Wonderlic.
  9. It was supposed to be a joke. Tyrod probably could go into politics with his wonderlic score, but I don't think he can play QB. Regardless of his Wonderlic score.
  10. Stop it with the wonderlic stuff. Heath Schuler scored a 16 and he became a senator. Correct that he was congressmen. ps people really struggle with picking up sarcasm around here.
  11. Great point. Everyone points to bad luck at the QB position, but sometimes you have to make your own luck. Things don't happen if you don't even give them a chance to. Not drafting at the QB position is an example. I could however make the argument against the picks needing to be in the first round. We've hardly drafted QBs at all, even beyond the first round. In a couple drafts where QB was still a need some good ones where found in the second and third rounds as well. We drafted no one. Add the fact that Manuel was a guy with limits who we reached for, you get what we have now.
  12. Totally agree. I'll have confidence in them as owners once I have reason to be. Sometimes I honestly worry that they have their hands in too many things right now. I dislike like the czar idea as well, but with the Pegula's inexperience it may be the best.
  13. Yep, it'd be nice to have someone capable of building a roster too. Not someone who feels confident in having Bob Woods one injury away from being a number one wideout.
  14. Exactly what should happen. I'm not a Rex a fan, and I don't think we can go anywhere with him. With that said, the FO needs to go too. Everyone has played a role in this, let's not solely place this at Rex's feet.
  15. I don't really care to be honest.
  16. We need McCoy to have another snow game.
  17. Ha. I sure didn't see that coming
  18. It's all the offense's fault. This has nothing to do with the defense. Signed Rex.
  19. Schedule dependent? I'm not sure if I follow. The definition of futility is pointless or useless. That's how many of us feel the regular season is since they never lead to the playoffs. It really doesn't matter if we're 5-11 or 8-8 without the playoffs. We don't get to have a parade for reaching .500. So I guess the use of the word futility is quite subjective. Put us on the field with the current wild card contenders, and actually we don't match up. I suppose we'll find out tomorrow.
  20. I guess we can agree to disagree. These guys have been around forever, and have become the "good old boys" club. They hold a lot of sway in the organization. I remember reading a few articles regarding Marrone and Whaley's disputes with these guys. These guys likely still have power, and have been part of the problem.
  21. Brandon,Overdorf,and Berchtold remember plenty about the last 16 years regardless of what Pegs tries to tell us.
  22. I agree that we could make the playoffs with better QB play, but I think we could also make the playoffs with average QB play and a better roster. A better o line, more receiver depth, better safeties, more team discipline etc. My argument is that since the playoff drought began here are some names who started playoff games as QB: Tommy Maddox,Kelly Holcomb,Mark Sanchez,Alex Smith,Nick Foles.Tim Tebow,Jay Cutler,Rex Grossman,David Garrard,Quincy Carter, and these are just examples rather than a comprehensive list. The point is we do need to upgrade at the position, but a sixteen year drought doesn't happen if just once the roster and coaching were exceptional. They aren't. Rex was supposed to be the perfect hire as a defensive minded coach. We knew we lacked at the QB position, but a dominant defense was supposed to be in place to compensate for that. Rex has failed.
  23. Because we have an average QB and an average roster. That makes us an average team. A lot of people seem to think we have a really good roster, and I beg to differ. Teams like the Chiefs with an average QB and a really good roster can win more games. PS I forgot to mention a good coach as well.
  24. We aren't going to be a dynasty or consistent winner without a QB. With that said, sixteen straight years with no playoffs is a testament to failed coaching and questionable rosters. Countless scrub QBs have been in the playoffs since our drought began. We need a QB, but the problems over the years have ran deeper than just that. If Alex Smith was brought here I guarantee he would have been chased out of town by now. The guy isn't very good. He just doesn't turn the ball over, but he doesn't make many plays either. He has succeeded because he has a great head coach, and the Chiefs always have a soild roster. He wouldn't have that here, although many people on this board love to overrate our roster.
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