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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. Maybe, but who is our QB next season if it isn't TT? That's what you have to ask yourself.
  2. Who cares if Cardale is ready? We know what EJ is. This idea that you can damage a QBs ego doesn't make sense. If they are that fragile they will never be good anyway.
  3. So where are they magically getting a better QB? We need an upgrade, but why not keep TT around? You can still search for a new QB while keeping your best current option. The goal is to win as many games as possible.
  4. Yes, but the pool of candidates is always relatively small and these jobs open up quite frequently. Some guys would rather stay working a lesser coaching job rather than going somewhere they don't get a fair chance. No one wants to go to work everyday to be surrounded by dysfunction.
  5. I worry that a lot of candidates are going to be scared away by this organization. God help us. It's really hard to sell season tickets if we go into next season with Lynn and the same coaching staff.
  6. I understand, but we weren't even eliminated from the playoff hunt after the PIT loss. Whaley wanting to sit TT after that loss makes no sense. Unless he really likes EJ, and wants to prove he was right. I understand the contract clause, but you wouldn't even think about sitting your starter while still in the playoff race. You don't worry about an injury clause when winnng games was still the priority. So most people think that TT won't be back since they don't want to risk an injury. Many also say EJ won't be back. Who will be our starter next year in that case? That's why it's hard for me to believe that this doesn't mean Whaley wants EJ next year. It makes no sense not to keep TT or Manuel. Though I would keep TT. You can't go into next year with just Cardale and some guy off the street or one of this years weak rookie QB's. No one would want this coaching job.
  7. I agree. Everyone should know that TT was a Rex guy. Whaley still has an EJ fetish due to his own ego. It's not that complicated. If Whaley thinks he's going into next year with a new coach and EJ at the controls, he will be gone very soon.
  8. I'd think it shows the next coaching staff that the front office doesn't think TT is the guy. You're not going to see any other starting QB's benched on teams that are out of the playoff race for the final week. Unless they aren't the solidified starter.
  9. I can't believe those who think this is an effort to "tank". Isn't McCoy our offense anyway? This is Whaley wanting to be right about EJ. Now that Rex is gone he can start EJ. Shouldn't Lynn be making this decision? What a joke of an organization.
  10. If that's true Doug is an idiot who really need to go. If this happens it shows me there isn't much to look forward to with this team as long as Whaley is around.
  11. All those too 10 picks over the last 16 years have really helped this team. I'm not worried about winning Sunday. Let's just make a good draft choice with what we get.
  12. Very troublesome. Yet some wonder why things never change around here. Rex needed to go, but my hopes for the future will be modest until I see more changes made before hiring a new coach. Sadly, I don't see that happening.
  13. I agree. Rex needed to go because he's a defensive coach who had a terrible defense. He was brought here to make a really good defense become dominant. He was supposed to be the perfect guy to help this team win without an elite QB. That being said, the coaching carousel continues, No one looks in the mirror to examine why mistakes keep being made. The organization need restructured to avoid these bad hires.
  14. You're the one who just said you didn't want the owners or Brandon anywhere near the hire. I agreed that I don't want Brandon anywhere near the hire. I don't want the owners involved either. I'm equally worried about both.
  15. They won't. That's why so many of us want to see Brandon gone. Until that happens, I'm concerned.
  16. The majority of Bills fans don't follow college football. This allows many of our fans to have non biased views on many of the guys we draft. Most of our fans base their opinion of rookies solely on what the team or "draft gurus" say about the players. College fans, and people who live near major college programs seem to know more about the guys the Bills draft. These are the people who are less likely to heap constant praise on Whaley, and think too highly of our players. For example I know some are still infatuated with Manuel, and don't think he was a bad pick. Ask any FSU fan if the guy has/had a chance for NFL success, and they'll tell you there is no chance.
  17. At what point does the lack of discipline required to make tackles reflect on the coaches though? We are the first team in NFL history to allow three 200 yard rushers in one season. That would reflect a defense that has an all time low level of talent in this league. I find it hard to believe that we are that untalented. We are undisciplined, and put players in poor places to succeed imo. I don't think we are as talented as some on this board believe, but I don't think we are that bad.
  18. Great point, and this is when he got Roethlisberger. He coached for years winning games with the likes of Neil O'Donnell,Kordell Stewart,and Tommy Maddox. You can't expect Super Bowl wins with those guys. I feel the same way about Reid. Give him a future star QB at some point in his career, and he'd win a super bowl. McNabb was really good, but as someone who followed him at SU I must admit he folded in big games.
  19. You're right he's not going to "get lucky" because Alex Smith is his QB. His ability to consistently win games with a guy like Smith makes me think he's a damn good coach. Give him a guy like Roethlisberger, and I don't see any reason he wouldn't win a title.
  20. They are a lot better as long as we have the Ryan's on the sideline. They swept us this year because we can't stop Ajayi. We could never beat them with this joke of a defensive system in place.
  21. Me too. Plus there are Super Bowl winning coaches who were crap, and just stumbled on great situations. You can't judge everything on just Super Bowl wins. Reid has never had a Manning,Brady,Montana,etc kind of guy either. He did appear in one Super Bowl, and came awfully close to winning. He has done a lot often without overly impressive rosters.
  22. It's no nightmare. Miami beat us twice because they are better. As a result they'll be in the playoffs. I would have considered the idea of it being a nightmare had we lost to the Browns and then ran the table. I agree, I just mean I don't consider any of this a kicker because I wouldn't expect any better with the Ryan brothers on the sidelines. The Dolphins deserve to get in before us because our coaching staff is a joke.
  23. Even if everything goes our way I don't see it as being a "kicker". We had our chance to beat the Fish and couldn't do it. They deserve to get in because they are the better team. I think it would sting more if we lost to a bottom feeder to miss the playoffs by one loss, and then got all the help we need. It's not like the team we lost to at 7-7 aren't going to the playoffs. We may get all the help we need, but we had a chance against Miami and weren't good enough. That's what you get when your big mouthed coach doesn't have the stones to attempt a fourth and one with his career on the line.
  24. Wouldn't have happened anyway. The hoodie would have probably rested his starters next week guaranteeing a Fish victory just to stick it to Rex.
  25. I'm not a TT fan, but this proves how inaccurate it is only people claim that QB is our only problem.
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