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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. Yeah, this team has a lot going for them, but the time has come for them to seek a new answer at the QB position.
  2. What's the point of running that play? Throw it in the end zone or play it save and take a knee.
  3. That's funny. I forgot about that. Weird things happen against us. I'll never forget when we made Ryan Leaf and JaMarcus Russell look like viable NFL QB's. We've make so many random guys look like they were heading to Canton.
  4. I'm envious of Alex Smith. The guy does nothing but win. Yet he is rarely asked to throw the ball past ten yards in the air. I'm rooting for the Steelers because you need a real QB to beat the Pats in the playoffs. Smith is the perfect regular season QB for a soild team. He does what's asked of him, and the team does the rest. I just don't think it will ever be enough to get to a Super Bowl. They really try their best to hide him.
  5. The Packers would be unstoppable if their running game wasn't pathetic. When you're up 21-3 this is when having a non existent running game hurts. Even when you have Aaron Rodgers.
  6. I wish more people from the "greatest generation" were still alive. They could step in and tell the baby boomers and the millennials they are both pansies. This is the truth too.
  7. I feel like this is also a commonly recurring sentiment between generations. Plenty of lazy/entitled 20 somethings go on to be very successful. They always have, and always will. The majority of wealth/business in the world is passed down to lazy/entitled offspring. They usually grow up, mature and continue their families legacy.
  8. This is great news, it's about time the Bills have a Glorious Revolution.
  9. I wouldn't be so sure of that. These teams seem to have limitless places to threaten to move to. When you start throwing around cities like San Antonio,Boise,Austin,and Portland you know the opportunities are endless. Add the international series in London to the equation, and its never ending. Before you know it owners will be threatening moves to Kathmandu.
  10. NY state has plenty of flaws, and personally I'm not remotely a fan of it. With that said, all the mockery of the "public hearing" on this post is cracking me up. It's not like it's some sort of socialist gathering meant to decide if the restaurant can come to NY. It's a town heating meant to work out logistics. This happens everywhere, and is not unusual. That's not true. There are plenty of horrible things about NY, but people who say this are just bashing NY for the sake of it with no facts. In fact the city council in Midland TX actually didn't approve the building of Chick Fil A.
  11. Denver won a Super Bowl last year. Let's stop the Buffalo inferiority complex. It really has nothing to do with this.
  12. I knew this happen when so many posters were talking about how he'd be available. Phillip isn't the brightest crayon in the box so he probably was just running his mouth. Now he's thinking about commuting over an hour from to LA. He'll probably move closer when someone points out the fact there are southern baptist churches in LA too.
  13. I can't stand Cowherd, but Carmelo hasn't won much in the NBA. You really can call him a winner. NBA superstars can carry a team on their back. Carmelo hasn't never done so. Kudos to his run at SU, but his NBA career has been a different story.
  14. This ^ It was no different than anyone else leaving a job because the entire operation was a mess that made it an unbearable work environment. Whether or not Marrone is a jerk is beyond the point. Whether or not the Bills organization is completely dysfunctional is also beyond the point. Marrone felt that it was. He made the decision that he though was the best for himself. Now he is once again a head coach in the NFL. This would indicate that he didn't make a terrible decision. He felt that he couldn't work with things as they were in Buffalo so he left.
  15. This ^ Generational differences are more about the difference between youth and adulthood. We all get older and mature. When this happens young people seem incredibly stupid to us. It will always work this way betweeen generations. During the 60s and 70s no one would have thought the baby boomer generation would be talking trash to younger generations about responsibility,hard work,whining,and maturity. The greatest generation looked at the baby boomers as the antithesis of all those ideals. Now the baby boomers claim to be the respectable ones who don't understand the younger generations. The baby boomers created the world we live in now.
  16. Purgatory is a place where soul searching is supposed to take place that eventually leads one to the promised land. Instead Whaley thinks Purgatory means we are permanently stuck. It was a convenient term created by him to create excuses for his inability to construct a team. No matter where one picks in the draft you can't find a QB if you don't draft them. How many very successful QB's have been selected after we've made other picks over the years?The answer is a lot. Sure this hasn't all happened during Whaley's tenure, but you can still find a QB these days without having the number one overall pick. This purgatory stuff is ridiculous.
  17. Exactly. The Buffalo media bashes the on field performance of this team and its players. The NY media, especially the Post and Daily love to dig into players personal lives. The Buffalo media stays out of that stuff for the most part. "98% percent of people don't care about OBJ"? Far more than 2% of football fans certainly care about OBJ. He is on the radar to the average pro football fan far more than Watkins is this point of his career. I'm not bashing Watkins or even analyzing his performance. I'm just saying at the moment OBJ is far more relevant in the pro game than Watkins is. He's put up big number playing in NY. That's just what happens. It's not a knock against Watkins. I'm sure Sammy knows this too, and will bolt once his contract is up.
  18. I agree. I don't like any of this years QB's enough to use a first round pick, but we need to take a QB somewhere. We need to use our first round pick to fill an actual need instead of getting cute like we always do. Mike Williams blew me away last night, but do we really want to be the Matt Millen Lions? We can draft receivers from now until the end of time. It's not going to improve this team. If we had an elite QB it would be a different story. Right now we need to build a complete team. We need to win with defense,the running game, and special teams. The Chiefs do it, so why can't we? No need to try to make headlines by drafting a guy like Mike Williams.
  19. The guy seems like a loose cannon, but at least he showed some passion by going crazy post game. That's a lot more than I can say for this Bills team.
  20. Yep, he's a one read QB who is reliant on the system his team runs. Alabama plays against a bunch of conservative smash mouth SEC teams every week. The fast tempo and air attack of Clemson is something they couldn't deal with. Add Mike Williams who can dominant college defenses, and Watson has many advantages he won't have in the NFL. The idea of drafting Watson turns my stomach.
  21. I agree. All the talk that Beckham is a diva while Sammy isn't is something I don't understand. If Sammy had half the success in the NFL that OBJ has had maybe he would be a big diva too. We really can't tell because it's comparing apples to oranges. Sammy plays in Buffalo while OBJ has become a superstar playing in New York. Sammy isn't under the same spotlight that OBJ is. Sammy doesn't have to deal with the NY media either. Honestly I don't see how the trip made OBJ drop those passes either. I'm sure if the Bills had a playoff game our players would spend the entire week studying or maybe doing Hail Marys at church. Seems like much ado over nothing if you ask me. Big time receivers generally are divas.
  22. Yeah but didn't you feel like it was all over once they gave up that big third down pass?
  23. Clemsoning is one of my favorite urban dictionary terms. Have they done it again?
  24. Fair enough. I guess we'll see how he pans out. I just feel quite the opposite about Cook. He looked horrible in the CFB playoff against Alabama, and there are too many questions about his character. He is a grade A dbag which many QBs are, but he's not even remotely liked by teammates according to reports.
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