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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. I don't like that Watson is talking about money with moneybag emoticons. It's a character issue to me, and apparently one we're not allowed to have without it turning political.
  2. Very true. I forgot that it occurred so close to the draft. I incorrectly remembered the DUI early in his college career. I probably would have passed on him like so many others did had I known that. I know everyone has wants to create a bust in Canton for Prescott, but in reality the jury is still out as to the kind of career he will have. Lots of great QB's are arrogant and not always the nicest people. However, I like to avoid guys with off field drama and guys who are more concerned with being stars than playing QB.
  3. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that someone does reach for him before he gets to us. The guy who just won his fifth championship had a scouting report that said "unathletic". That is my fear with Watson. He looks great in college because he is "athletic" but the idea of Watson being our franchise doesn't fill me with confidence. The QB is the face/CEO of your franchise I'm not putting that into the hands of a guy who tweets "got that money on my mind, it's on my mental". You need leadership from the QB position in the pros. It's the same reason I wouldn't want Winston,Manziel,Chad Kelly, and anyone of that sort. Do Brady,Brees,Wilson,Ryan,or Prescott tweet money bag emojis? I read their tweets to confirm the answer and it's no.
  4. I didn't say they do. I just meant that more people in Buffalo were into watching the Super Bowl. I doubt it's because everyone elsewhere was at a theater or taking in culture. They more likely chose simply not to watch.
  5. Agreed. I greatly enjoy history, but I'm certainly not a theater guy. With that said, let's be honest do more Americans enjoy partying or visiting historical sites and theaters? The answer is clearly the former. More people enjoy drinking/partying than visiting museums, historical sites, theater etc. In no way am I insulting those things, I'm just stating a fact that most people enjoy simple activities over high brow entertainment regardless of what their city may have to offer. Lots of people move to places like NYC or hipster enclaves like Asheville NC to enjoy high brow activities. These people don't make a majority of the population though. They aren't likely to be the kind of people who'd be watching football anyway. No one woke up in Boston heavily conflicted whether they'd go see a Shakespere play or watch the Super Bowl. If they chose the play it means they don't care much about the big game. More people in Buffalo cared about the game. It's just the kind of place it is.
  6. I'm a history buff and love museums, but how many people are really hanging out at museums and historical sites on a Sunday evening who would be watching football? Boston might have "more to do" than Buffalo but how many people are actually doing those things on a Sunday evening where it prevented them from watching the Super Bowl? I'm a history buff but if you live somewhere with historical sites you don't think much about them after a while. The average person doesn't spend much time at historical sites and museums. Not enough to take away from watching the Super Bowl. As far as theater goes Buffalo has some pretty good theaters too, but once again this is a very special niche. The majority of Americans aren't into theater. The majority of Americans are into drinking and watching sports. Buffalo just happens to be better at it than anyone else.
  7. I understand, you make some good points. You're certainly correct in saying that every city is different. I know that a lot of people leave places like Buffalo for reasons like finding a better climate, but they mostly leave to find a better job market. I don't believe for one second that Buffalo has "less to do" than most other cities of a similar size. In fact I could make the argument that Buffalo offers a lot more culturally than many of the cities where former Buffalolonians live now. The majority of American city streets are dead on a Sunday at 6:30 pm. There are obviously exceptions for the mega cities and "fun in the sun" places, but people are mostly home on a Sunday evening. I just think the numbers mean that Buffalo is a great pro sports town. I don't think it's anymore complex than that. No need to make the assumption that Buffalolonians are bored out of their minds so they resort to sports.
  8. I agree. We can over analyze these numbers all we want, but you said it best. We can say Buffalo has nothing to do and go on and on but it doesn't speak to the truth. People in Buffalo enjoy drinking a beer and watching sports. People often mention all the things to do in other cities. Lets be honest, although there are exceptions to the rule your average beer drinking sports isn't going to be hanging out at an art gallery anyway. There are plenty of cultural offerings in Buffalo. Sure, there are more in bigger cities but how many people actually take advantage of those things anyway? The only exception could be places like Socal and Florida where people might rather spend a day at the beach. The average person goes home to their subdivision, goes to work, goes shopping, goes out for dinner and/or drink and occasionally goes to concerts or sporting events. This is the life of the average adult regardless of where they live. Buffalo just has more people who wanted to watch the Super Bowl. It's as simple as that. I don't think it's because the rest of the country had more exciting things to do at 6:30 on a Sunday evening.
  9. Great question when everyone who lives there seems to have the goal of getting to the continental US.
  10. Yes, I've never watched a Bills game in a bar. I know from watching other games at a bar that I'd hate it. I used to watch most Monday night games at a bar, and I'd leave feeling like I had no clue what happened. There are too many distractions, it's too loud, and I just can't pay attention to the game. The game becomes secondary to everything else. I like being able to focus on the Bills game so I know who is going to blamed on TBD.
  11. Great post. I find it amusing that so many posters think that people in Buffalo would shy away from throwing an party because our team wasn't in it. The Super Bowl is one of the biggest party days. It's not limited to the cities with the participants. I thought that this was common knowledge.
  12. The number is a percentage, so people who claim those cities populations impact it don't understand how this works. I'm sure that big parties in Atlanta and Boston did impact their numbers. I think that even they didn't have parties those wouldn't be ahead of Buffalo by a lot. Pittsburgh and Buffalo are real pro football cities. Atlanta doesn't care, and Boston discovered football existed when the Pats started winning titles. People who don't believe this don't understand the kind of cities of Atlanta and Boston are. For what it's worth Atlanta and Boston also have a far greater foreign born percentage of their population as well. Many of these people couldn't care less about the Super Bowl. Cities like Pittsburgh and Buffalo are more salt of the earth cities. This is where football thrives. This where the type of people who want to sit down and drink a beer and spend time with family live.
  13. The Seattle and Atlanta games definitely take the cake though. It's one thing for a player to make a boneheaded poor situational play, it's another for the coaches to be that dumb.
  14. I agree. The league would probably be better if half the coaches didn't get jobs based on who their father's or brother's are.
  15. Fair enough. I'll change my statement to being you can't touch him in the regular season. Exceptions seem to be made to this rule when the Pats are playing other contenders such as the Steelers or Broncos in recent seasons. I'm not questioning Brady's greatness. I'm just saying he is definitely protected by refs. I've felt like never watching the NFL again after some of the penalties we've been flagged for against Brady over the years.
  16. Pats still win this seasons Super Bowl even if they didn't have Hogan. End of story.
  17. On the flip side you have Brady on your opponents sideline. The Falcons showed no signs of be able to stop him at that point. Everyone on earth knew if the Pats got the ball back they would likely score. The Pats also still needed to convert a two point conversion. At that point I'm not thinking it makes a difference if the Pats start at their own 10 or around the 43 if you miss a field goal. Make the field goal and the game is over. NFL coaches do a terrible job of feeling the momentum of games.
  18. I know, this board is quite sickening right now. I can't dispute the Pats results either. I'm just personally not in any mood to write about how amazing the Pats franchise is. Apparently not everyone share my sentiment. The refs always do in the Super Bowl. Remember the Giants games? It's just the other 18 games he plays you're not allowed to breathe on him. Do you remember some of the insane roughing the passer penalties we've been charged with against Brady over the years?
  19. The myth of his "diet" keeping him from obtaining injuries at an advanced football age is one of the biggest crocks of pseudo science I've ever heard. A great diet can help with overall health and staying youthful, but it's not going to always prevent injury from high impact collisions. Brady gets rid of the ball so fast, and refs protect him like a baby. That's the secret, at least all of it that we know.
  20. I think this proves the poster's point that RB is almost obsolete because who is James White? The guy was probably only getting carries in overtime because Blount was in the doghouse for his fumble and Lewis got hurt. James White is JAG. He could have been anyone who played RB in the NFL plugged into that role.
  21. So are elite number one receivers. This Bills franchise seems lost in the past.
  22. He is married to Giselle and has a love child with Bridget Moynihan so it seems like he does have a life outside football. He even finds time to make bad commercials. It's not like he's the football version of Gahndi. He's just a great player of the likes that may never be seen again. As a Bills fan If you think there's anything fun about the Pats* winning I can't help but question your fanhood.
  23. I must bud in. Great analogy but not many QB's go through "incubation" anymore. They play right away, and often times succeed. For all the QB's who failed you can't necessarily blame it on them playing too soon. For the guys like Rodgers who sat, you can't say that's the reason they succeeded. He'd probably still be Aaron Rodgers even if he played as a rookie. You say "incubation usually results in a successful hatching" but this analogy is simply untrue pertaining to football. QB's who sit on the bench don't "usually" go on to success anymore than guys who play as rookies. This is an old fashion mind set that isn't true in todays game.
  24. If the AFC is such a joke than the NFC is a bigger joke because an AFC team just won the Super Bowl.
  25. Yeah those two should be able to mourn together.
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