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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. A couple months ago I was very much against drafting a WR. The more thought I have given it has led me to change my mind. I was concerned that it would be like Millens Lions teams. When we have so many missing pieces what is a WR going to help? The answer is probably not a lot, but the issue is that we have zero depth. We also have no idea how much Watkins will be on the field. I don't dislike your idea at all anymore. We have gotten to the point where we desperately need some insurance for Watkins. Corey Davis or Mike Williams might be the insurance we need.
  2. Does Marshall really have that much leverage at this point in his career? If the price is right I don't see him necessarily turning it down.
  3. Definitely worth a look. It would really depend on the price tag. We do desperately need help at the WR position, and it's not easy for young WR's to step in immediately.
  4. I'd take him if he falls to the second round. I like Mahomes the best out of the QB's in a class I otherwise dislike. I'm just unwilling to go as far as calling him a sure thing like a lot of posters here seem to think.
  5. Maybe the Bills slogan this year can be "No team for old people".
  6. I agree. I like his upside better than Watson or Trubisky. You're right in the fact that he's just really difficult to project. The Big 12 style of play and the subsequent lack of quality pro QB's from that conference complicates the issue further. The defense in that conference is one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen on a football field.
  7. I like him a lot better than Watson and Trubisky. I'm not bashing the guy. I'm just not sure if I'm ready to compare him to Rodgers and Favre. I got into this conversation by commenting on a poster worried the Jets might take him. I think that the Jets are so void of talent that no young QB will succeed there.
  8. Yes, there is another post discussing this news. It's rumored that if the Broncos get Romo the Bills might make a run at Siemien.
  9. I never posted on that site, but I'd gladly put on my name on calling out this organization's dysfunction. It's common knowledge to everyone in sports outside of delusional fanboys and the organization themselves.
  10. I've seen him play. I'm just numb to QB's putting up huge numbers in the Big 12. No one plays defense in that conference. I didn't say he'd be bad, I just don't see him as a franchise savior. The Jets aren't going to be the place that puts anyone in a good position to succeed.
  11. Not far fetched with the crazy Siemien rumors out there today.
  12. You're right, they don't. The problem is that QB's like Siemien actually lose games by making crucial mistakes. TT took over an average team, and he kept them average with a below average defense. Siemien took over the Super Bowl champs, and missed the playoffs.
  13. There might not be evidence, but I'm not about to sit here and say that the billionaire is stupid.
  14. Maybe, but when the team hasn't committed to TT yet and I hear talk of "acquiring" a QB, I assume it's to be starter.
  15. Wow. Close the message board and leak something this dumb in the same day. What an organization. Whaley knows a bad QB when he sees them. We are going nowhere until all the current talent evaluators are gone. If this doesn't prove it you just are a Dougie fanboy.
  16. I can hear the conversation at OBD now. If no one knows the Bills haven't made the playoffs in 17 years, have we really missed them for 17 years?
  17. Terry is very intelligent and is obviously a great businessman, but there is no doubt that he lacks PR skills.
  18. Yep. This organization constantly does things that make themselves look clueless and classless. Everything about the organization (with the exception of Terry's wallet) is second rate.
  19. This ^ and then they pull stunts like this one which only make them look worse. Sometimes it's really difficult to like this organization. Back in the 90's I never thought I'd say that.
  20. My mistake with phrasing. I do believe that he willl have a good football mind around him with Coughlin. This makes me think it's a decent situation. Of course it's the NFL, so much depends on the QB.
  21. I don't see Mahomes as a guy who is going to save a franchise. I think he could be the type of a player who at his best could help sneak a team into the playoffs. The Jets are such a joke that only a once in a lifetime type QB prospect going there would worry me. Mahomes isn't that guy. He might become a competent NFL QB, but I don't see him as a guy who can completely alter the course of a franchise. Nothing about the Jets worries me. The Jets certainly aren't going to put a young QB in a position to win.
  22. Don't hold your breath on it though. They're pretty good at pushing boundaries and hiding scandals at Bama.
  23. I didn't want to go down this road, but I simply trust and respect Coughlin more than I do anyone in this organization.
  24. I know, but he was also bad at his job because he's not an NFL QB. There's also a fine line between choosing to party because you're immature versus an addiction that forced you to go party. He just seems incredibly immature and spoiled. He may be an addict too. I'm just saying that he needs an attitude/responsibly lesson too.
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