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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. I'm sure that his little tantrum didn't sit too well with the selection committee either. He was just going to complain about seeding, and where they had to play anyway.
  2. It's been stated numerous times already by various posters. A score below 20 guarantees failure as a QB. A score above 20 means you have a chance. A chance that is equal to every other QB who scored above 20. Meaning not very great of a chance. Below 20 is a disqualifying factor imo.
  3. Yes. That was my problem with his comments. It seems like he's become the proverbial "grumpy old man". Boeheim has always been known as having a hot temper and being abrasive at times. Now it seems like he's just an aging coach who doesn't care what he says.
  4. Boeheim reminds me of a dinosaur with many outdated thoughts that don't apply to the here and now. You really don't need to do something in NYC nowadays to garner attention. Modern media has changed the world, and NYC is not necessarily the center of college basketball anymore. The tourney will generate plenty of attention anywhere. I also found the "no value" comment ironic. Apparently there's plenty of "value" in NC to the million former New Yorker's down there. IMO he just came across as uninformed and abrasive as usual. Boeheim has had a rough season both on and off the court. Whenever things don't go his way he has always felt the need to take out his angry on someone else.
  5. Trade Cousins for Jimmy Clausen.
  6. It was a different era. You're comparing apples to oranges. Offenses were nowhere near as complex as they are now.
  7. Well, let me know when there is a realistic reason to believe we are going to dominate any aspect of a matchup against the Pats. That is unless Brissett is QB.
  8. Last time I checked the Pats played good defense while Rex's D was being steam rolled by Fitzy. BB and Rex in the same sentence is a joke. I hope he doesn't hurt his foot on Gilmore's face. I just laugh when people have these types of fantasies. We always crave revenge against former players and the hated Pats. The problem is that during the last 17 years we are always the ones getting our faces stomped on. It's probably more likely that Gilmore has a pick six, and makes a tackle that injuries a key player.
  9. Reports like this make me laugh. Of course he isn't happy. It doesn't matter though. The Pats are done with him so they don't care if he's happy.
  10. This^ You need a number two who is at least capable of a big play.
  11. How quickly people get sentimental and forget him checking out of games mentally and dropping passes.
  12. Maybe he did, and that's why the bro got the scholarship? Either way I think worrying about the "legacy of Mack" is inconsequential. It doesn't look like UB football is ever going to become something many people care about anyway.
  13. BB already knows that he doesn't tackle. The Pats plan on getting big leads, and shutting down teams who are forced to pass. For what it's worth, even teams with late leads against the Pats don't apparently run the ball either.
  14. And when they actually throw him the ball. Remember the legendary KC game? More often than not this team and QB forget he's on the field (when he actually is).
  15. Kind of hard for me to stomach when we are on a fullback signing spree. Is Whaley following the advice of a five year old playing Madden franchise mode?
  16. It's a lateral move. You all will love him just as much as you did Carp when he starts missing kicks. He's nothing special.
  17. I wouldn't hold my breath on us doing much to solidify the number two receiver position. Whaley didn't seem think it mattered much last season, so I don't know if he will value it's importance any more this season.
  18. Beautifully said. My reaction was quite similar to yours. I just wanted the op to know that they are in my thoughts and prayers. Sorry for your loss.
  19. Yes, and then it trickles down to kids as something akin to taking vitamins. It's crazy to advocate the "safe legal" use through doctors. Great idea, let's hook an entire nation on steroids to make big pharma even richer. That worked real good with pain killers.
  20. I agree. I wanted to comment on this post but when I heard "they do in Mexico" I knew it wasn't even worth the time. The fewer drugs one puts into their body the better, contrary to what the pharma companies tell you. I agree for recovery from injury, but not to use them to become "faster and stronger".
  21. Right, but how many QB's from a predetermined read college offense have actually been able to do so? I don't know the answer. Personally I don't think that many have. It would be interesting to see if something is out there regarding this topic.
  22. Right, but my point is that if you don't love a QB you can't take him in the first round. I wouldn't take one in the first this year. I'd definitely take a guy in the third or forth though. I'm sure if they like a guy in the first they'll take him if available. I can't explain why this hasn't occcured in previous seasons. I agree that it's been a mistake. I wouldn't personally draft one with the tenth this year. With that said, I get the feeling that Whaley will take Watson if he's available.
  23. I understand your point, but I see it differently. Personally I'm not confident enough in any of this years QB's to use a first round pick one. I don't want to take a QB who I have plenty of doubts about. I would have no problem taking a QB in the third or forth round. This is where Dak went off the board. There is a difference in the amount of risk you should be willing to take dependent upon the round you are choosing a guy. I would take Mahomes in an instant in the third round. He's not falling to the third, and I wouldn't feel comfortable using the tenth pick on him. Our continued failure to take QB's in the mid rounds is puzzling. You don't have to be fully sold on a QB in the mid rounds as you would in the first round. I'm not sold on any this year. With that said, I'd be fine taking a guy I have concerns about in the third or forth.
  24. This is exactly my concern. The learning curve from college to the pros is already steep for any QB. It's that much more difficult for these guys. You are asking these types of QB's to learn an entirely new skill on the job. There is already so much to adjust to without having this huge disadvantage.
  25. This ^ I don't hate Mahomes either. I'm one of those awful people who actually don't like this years class at all, but I don't hate Mahomes. I'm just in awe that so many are crowning Mahomes as the next Rodgers because he has a great arm. There is so much more to do than just a great arm. Rodgers arm would mean nothing if he lacked in other areas. No one can predict what any rookie QB will become, and it seems like a lot of people are saying they are certain Mahomes will be an all time great. That's taking it a little too far imo.
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