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Everything posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. I agree. Now local and state governments need to actually do that. They can start by stopping their donations of money to billionaires to build stadiums. If the taxpayers are going to foot the bill they probably should own the team as Green Bay does. Private individuals need to own the team or the city needs to own the team. It shouldn't be a system where taxpayers contribute to the supposed private business. Most of us don't reap any benefits from our fellow taxpayers until we collect social security. Why should NFL owners?
  2. I have another point many people miss as well. Aren't taxpayer funded stadiums/teams socialist as well? The owners don't seem too opposed to socialism when it benefits them.
  3. Me too. Radio City Music Hall was a tradition. It just seemed right. There is no need to move it around. Obviously the goal is too increase revenue, but it just seems like a hassle. It certainly isn't for the fans as the league would probably claim. I'd believe that when cities like Buffalo,Cleveland,and Pittsburgh host the draft.
  4. Great point. Gronk has been a hall of fame level player when he is on the field. Of course Brady makes him better, but I think he would have been really good anywhere. The guy is a beast. With that said, Gronk wouldn't be Gronk without Brady. If Gronk played elsewhere he would be labeled an injury prone talent who isn't on the field enough to help his team win. He is given a free pass because he plays on a team that wins Super Bowls without him. Any other team would suffer from him not being on the field enough. It doesn't impact the Pats enough to stop them from winning. This allows him the luxury of showing up at Fenway Park on opening day to celebrate another title that he didn't play a big part in. This allows the fans to stay in love with him.
  5. I'll be happy without Simms. Unfortunately Romo fits the same profile. For all we know he could be an awful broadcaster as well. The guy has a business degree. I don't think playing football necessarily translates to the booth. Until networks go for substance over style the quality of broadcasting will never change.
  6. I actually thought that the dome in Houston would be a better place for Romo than Denver. Obviously it doesn't mean he saw it that way.
  7. The idea of Favre 2.0 is something I never considered. I could definitely see this happening. I posted elsewhere that Romo can't be seen as much of a competitor if he retires now. Maybe he actually isn't.
  8. I think this has actually been the one issue that haunted Romo his entire career. He always seemed to lack the extreme competitive nature required to be a championship NFL QB. The guy had all the talent in the world, but could never put it all together. He was always more interested in globetrotting with various celebrity women. Ultimately he did good for himself considering his start as an undrafted free agent. I just don't see him as having left much of a legacy behind. He very well could be walking away at the right time especially considering his health. I just can't picture many other great QB's doing the same.
  9. NO fans are important to the modern NFL. It's all about coprporate sponsors,tv deals, etc. The NFL doesn't really care if stadiums are full on Sundays. We still have a team because Pegula is dedicated to this region. The money isn't made by how many fans buy tickets. It's determined by other factors. That's why so many of us were worried about losing the team. It's not about the number of fans, it's about the corporate world.
  10. Look at the size of the average person and athlete in particular in 1930 vs now. The human race may not have "evolved" in that amount of time, but human size and health have changed quite a bit.
  11. I agree. It's only natural that Irvin isn't highly thought of on this board. He's a former Cowboy who has now been accused of sexual assault there times. He's also another one of the countless horrible television personalities with no talent whatsoever. There aren't many reasons to jump to the guy's defense. He's not a very likeable personality.
  12. I don't want to comment too much to derail this into a political discussion. As hated as social programs are they benefit the economy. This is why they exist. They don't exist because liberals are kind hearted ,and it's why conservatives have never eliminated them either. New football stadiums do little to benefit the economy. You're telling me you'll enjoy a game more at a new stadium?
  13. Medicaid and government waste have nothing to do with building football stadiums. All governments and states waste tons of money. NY is a leader in wasteful. Although in a state now devoid of industry it creates millions of jobs. That's another conversation, and one that too many people don't understand. I laugh when I hear health care workers complain about Medicaid waste, or welfare workers complain about welfare. Half of these people wouldn't have careers if the government wasn't throwing money around. I will digress no longer though, and get to the point. No one wants to donate money to billionaires to build something that is completing unnecessary. It's as simple as that. Why doesn't the government write me a check to build a house? It's no different, and in fact are homes are more important than unnecessary new football stadiums.
  14. Yeah. Human beings in the general population are bigger too, and football players especially so. In the 30's the passing game was more of a novelty. Real modern style QB play was nonexistent in that era. If you transported JP Losman to the 30's he would have been an all pro in that era. Tom Brady playing back in the 30's would be like the Back to the Future scene where McFly plays Van Halen. People would be flabbergasted.
  15. Especially as another poster pointed out this as being the third time he's been accused of such crimes. I rarely rush to judgement against someone who has been accused of a crime. However, when you get accused of the same crime three times there is probably something to it.
  16. The woman being a liar tends to always be the case when the accused is rich and/or famous. Accuse a poor guy of any of this and he's sent away without any further questions. It's actually quite simple. Great lawyers can take people a long ways in life. I have no idea if Irvin is guilty or not. Only the good lord knows. With that said, I guarantee he'll be innocent in the eye of the law. On another note I see your point about the rich and famous bring targets for theses types of accusations. That still doesn't explain the stupidity and in real cases of sexual assault the mental instability of so many pro athletes. Doesn't it just seem like these accusations "target" pro athletes more often than other rich and famous men? Think of all the chaos rock stars used to create in cities across the world. Somehow other celebs aren't accused of rape nearly as often as athletes. The culture in pro sports; and the culture many of these guys grew up in has zero respect for women. I have many thoughts on why this is the case, but my manifesto on that topic would be far to long to bore this board with.
  17. Professional baseball historically outpaced pro football in terms of popularity. Unfortunately this means that many of us know very little about the early years of football. It's always great to see footage of those early years. It's striking how the game has changed so much over the years. It's basically a different sport now. I'm still sure some would argue that the Bills offense has a lot in common in with an offense of 1939 though.
  18. The minute a team moves to London or Mexico City is the second that I give up the NFL. It's an absolute joke. The fat pig always gets slaughtered, and the NFL is close to being the fattest pig ever.
  19. Yeah, the Pack remind me of that Colts teams who went 2-14 without Manning. That is about the type of talent this Packer team has without Rodgers at QB. The NFC is always up for grabs as well. Rodgers is easily the best QB in the NFC. There is no excuse for that team underachieving.
  20. He did collect a pretty nice check though. It always seems to have that effect.
  21. That's exactly the issue with a guy like Mixon. He is now a major risk to draft. Who's to say that he doesn't get arrested or suspended? He has already proven unable to control his temper along with being stupid.
  22. I agree. I've had a similar discussions with other posters elsewhere on this forum. Too many people are anointing him as the next great one. You should never do that with any player, but especially a guy like Mahomes who like almost every other play has a few question marks. He might go on to become a great one, but there isn't anything that indicates it's a sure thing.
  23. I actually enjoy those types of celebrations. It helps add some passion to the game. There is nothing better than annoying the opposing fans. On the other hand endzone celebrations lost me when guys started twerking.
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