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Posts posted by DriveFor1Outta5

  1. On 8/12/2018 at 2:13 PM, Fadingpain said:

    He did a lot of good and a lot of bad.


    He was often late to decide what to do and throw the ball.  That led to an easy pick at one point.


    He tended to lock onto his target before throwing, again making it easy for DBs to know where the ball was going.


    Arm strength seems suspect.  Not horrible, but could be stronger.


    He showed an over-eagerness to pull the ball down and run.  Though when he did, he often ran for some nice yardage. 


    No doubt he is a scrapper and gamer type player, but I think he lacks the tools to be a good QB at the NFL level.



    Great analysis. He’s an exciting player to watch. Unfortunately, he’s the type of guy who makes one bad play for every good play. He can go from looking like Peyton Manning one play, to looking like JaMarcus Russell the next. He’s a high risk/high reward style QB. Today’s NFL isn’t particularly geared toward that style QB. The elite QB’s in today’s NFL do a remarkable job with ball security. 

  2. 22 minutes ago, Jrb1979 said:

    What is so bad about wanting better beer than GENNY LIGHT or your typical sausage or hot dog. What is so bad about wanting a bar area where you can see the game inside the stadium?


    For me its all about the experience and amenities at the stadium. If I am going to a bare bones stadium like New Era Field I might as well stay and get a better view from my tv. 


    Nothing is bad about having your own tastes. I’d be happy watching football with a Labatt Blue and hot dog in the bleachers. That doesn’t mean I’m right and you’re wrong. Everyone has different tastes, and there is nothing wrong with that. Some fans are simply worried that affordability goes out the window in a new stadium featuring luxurious amenities. There is nothing wrong with craft beer and decent food, but it’s likely they’d be accompanied by PSL’s and the like. As far as staying home for a better view on TV,  I’d apply that rule to every stadium in the league.  I agree that attending the game is more about the experience, but not everyone agrees on what constitutes a good experience. After all, that’s why this is such a frequent topic on TBD. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, Jrb1979 said:

    I disagree. If you like bare bones then its a fine stadium. I was just at Progressive field in Cleveland and the amenities there were some of the best. Between the amazing food offerings and the craft brews makes it a great place to see a game. There is even a nice bar area that you can sit at and watch the game from. That is the kind of things that is missing at New Era Field. 


    I guess people in Buffalo don't like change or state of the art amenities. 

    I think a lot of the negative reaction is a result of Buffalo’s traditional blue collar mentality. Upper middle class culture as a whole has become quite homogenous in this country (meaning it’s easy to figure out what the groups tastes are), and this is the group the NFL wants to target.  The league specifically targets this class with non-football luxuries that have nothing to do with the game. These are the people who the league can fleece for seat licenses. Many working class folks are simply concerned that they won’t have a seat at the table anymore. I can’t speak for everyone, but I think that’s one of the main concerns.

  4. 30 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:


    It's also worth noting that for all the professed love for football in the elements, December games are pretty empty. But Promo, the playoff drought! I'm old enough to remember the playoff years and December games were always a tough sell. The fact is there are more people who want to be comfortable at games, not risking pneumonia.

    I’m not in favor of a new stadium, but December games have always been a bit of an embarrassment imo. Packer fans fill up Lambeau every week, including December. Bills fans talk a tough game about the elements, but many of them seem to stay away in December. I’d like to see how December games sell if we were consistently competitive. As you mentioned, this franchise had trouble selling tickets in December during the glory years. Football’s fanbase has certainly expanded since that time. It’s possible that a competitive Bills team would sell out December games in today’s NFL. Hopefully we are given the opportunity to find out.  

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  5. 1 hour ago, Cash said:


    One of my main anti-Allen arguments pre-draft was basically, "if he's so good, why didn't he put up good numbers against bad competition, a la Flacco or Roethlisberger?" I get that his teammates were really bad or whatever, but I would hope that a top 10 QB would be capable of elevating a poor team. Especially since our team (for now) has very little talent on the offensive side of the ball. 


    I was was a big Rosen proponent before the draft, but it's over now, so I'm not following him in the preseason. Hopefully the Bills were right and I was wrong. Either way, I'm not into driving myself crazy with what ifs. 


    As for Allen's debut, that didn't change anything for me. We already knew he was capable of flashes of greatness on individual plays. We still don't know if he's capable of consistent goodness the rest of the time. There were several stinkers in there with the good throws. His first throw was an EJ Special - receiver had his man beat deep; throw was uncatchable out of bounds. EJ made some nice plays from time to time, too. 


    But obviously it's still very early, and there's plenty of time for Allen to improve. Hopefully he does!

    Agree, but I feel much more positive about Allen’s future now than I did after the draft. He has already shown the ability to learn, make quick reads, and lead his team. The more we see from Allen as a pro, the less we’ll care about his college career. His less than stellar college career has always been concerning to me as well.


    Allen did many things in his debut to silence some of my concerns. However, fans seem to be most excited about his incredible arm strength. Bills fans have instantly fallen in love after seeing his arm strength first hand. Anyone who watched him play in Wyoming wouldn’t be in such awe. Everyone knew that he possesses a cannon for an arm. Arm talent is what got him drafted so highly. Allen’s NFL future will be determined by his ability to improve accuracy, and consistently make good decisions. 


    I’m pleased that his debut wasn’t a disaster. That gives me hope he has the ability to keep improving.    I’m now cautiously optimistic about Allen. I just haven’t fallen in love because I saw his arm strength in a Bills uniform. His success will be determined by much more than arm strength. If he continues to improve, we might finally have a franchise QB. Improvement will be the key to Allen’s success. Arm strength can’t be used as an asset before learning other areas of the game. 

    22 minutes ago, JOE IN HAMPTON ROADS said:

    I think he's questioning Rosen's commitment to football.  He has certainly made it seem like he would be equally happy doing other things with his UCLA education.

    How many of us would be equally happy (or more so) working different careers? That fact isn’t exclusive to being devoted to ones current career.  I’ve never understood this anti-Rosen argument. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, Reader said:


    Out of curiosity  what makes Rodak so bad? Or should I say worse than the other guys covering the Bills? I was thinking the other day how I don't think I can tell any of the reporters apart from their tweets except that Thad Brown tends to use the word brutal/horrible/etc... when describing Allen's miscues.

    TBD doesn’t like Rodak because he’s a Pats fan from Boston. Many people seem to think he’s part of some conspiracy, and others just see him as a Bills hater due to his constant negativity (he often speaks as if this is an 0-16 team every season). In Rodak’s defense, most Buffalo Bills reporters probably weren’t Bills fans before taking their job. 

  7. 47 minutes ago, Magnetar said:

    This FO really seems to have a hard-on for Peterman.  I don't get it.


    I heard Peterman is quite "God fearing", I sure hope that isn't the main reason they like him so much.

    Nah, they’re are just giving him a fair chance. They will go with whoever gives them the best chance to win. They just aren’t fixated on the five pick game. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, Foreigner said:

    Two paragraphs from a story by AP Sports Writer Tom Withers.


    But beyond Coleman's problems on the field, he had issues outside the lines that hurt his standing with

    Coach Hue Jackson and new General Manager John Dorsey.


    Coleman was named in a police report regarding an alleged felonious assault last year.  He was also sent home

    from the Browns trip to Houston for missing curfew while he was injured.


    We are changing the culture. With Zay Jones and Coleman on the field as WRs (insert your own joke here)

    It’s nice coach speak to say you are building a “high character team”. Let’s be real, it’s impossible to field 53 guys who are truly high character. 

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  9. On 8/2/2018 at 3:28 PM, eball said:


    He handled his playoff game for Cinci well also.  I'm not saying he was "lights out" but he played a very good Pittsburgh team and should have won.

    He also had AJ Green on his team. McCarron is a decent game manager QB, but I don’t expect as much here as Cincy. This team doesn’t have the supporting cast that his Bengals team did. Supporting cast talent is of the utmost importance to a QB of McCarron’s level. McCarron’s potential in Buffalo has the ceiling of TT imo. 

  10. Whatcha talkin bout Willis? Wait, that’s Gary. On a serious note, I like the move. We needed to do something at that position. Coleman turning into a quality pro might be a long shot, but he has talent. Coleman certainly adds talent to what we went into training camp with. He definitely has more potential than most others in our receiver group. 

  11. 1 hour ago, apuszczalowski said:

    Except that he doesnt have another dimension to his personality....

    The only one looking like a 2nd grader is TO. Him and his fans are the only ones that even care that he didnt get in as a 1st balloter. No one said he didnt deserve to get in and no one is going to think any differently of him or his career cause he got in a few years later then he was eligible too. Him and has fans act like he is losing out on so much because he wasnt in 2 years ago.

    I didn’t care for his reaction to not getting in first ballot. Attending the ceremony in Canton would have given him a great platform to vent. However, I can’t comprehend the logic of not voting him first ballot. He’s right imo, I just would have appreciated a better response from him.  


    You are correct that he is in the HOF regardless, how much did he really lose out on? He didn’t lose out on much, and should have responded accordingly. I mostly take issue with sports writers setting a precedent of incorporating moral judgements into the process. Sports writers are exonerating those they took a personal liking to, and condemning those that had a rocky relationship with them. 

  12. 21 minutes ago, apuszczalowski said:

    I know exactly why he had to say it, because everything is about him and his ego, and it makes him feel greater about himself by reminding people that he was so great that he decided to go somewhere no HOFer would want to go. Makes himself sound like he is better then everyone else because he did something he felt everyone else wouldn't do. Never mind that it was because no one else wanted to give him the chance anymore because of his attitude and how he was always about himself. Even if he had been a 1st balloted, he problem still would have thrown  temper tantrum and not showed up because he would have had to share the ceremony with others, or because his bust wouldn't have been given it's own wing in the hall, or they didnt rename the HOF after him. Now he is in but doesnt get all those perks that only the 1st balloters are given for the rest of their life...

    He could have delivered a speech in Canton that showed a different dimension of his personality. That would have been the best way to stick it to his detractors. Instead, he chose to further cement the media image of him as one of football’s greatest diva’s. 

  13. 21 minutes ago, Elite Poster said:

    Our beloved QB LITERALLY refused to come here for a year forgoing his life long dream of playing in the NFL. Once again, drop the sensitivities and accept reality. Of course, when you actually give us a chance, you'll love us.


    If we stop crying at every mention of the city maybe people will look at us differently...

    I agree, there is no reason to be overly sensitive to this type of thing. The drought era Buffalo Bills were the NFL’s version of Siberia.


    With that said, I have no idea why he felt the need to make that statement in his “HOF induction speech”. Had the statement been followed by tales of many years as a great Bill, it would have been an endearing way to begin his speech. Instead, it was just a meaningless comment during shoutouts to his former teams. Ironically, TO’s statement may have been correct, but remember that TO was only here because no one else wanted him. He only played in Buffalo for the same reason he wasn’t a first ballot Hall of Famer, because he alienated so many people. 

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