When exactly have we struggled this pre-season? When Manuel had 3 batted passes this board went buck wild. Other than that our team has looked solid. The Bears D looks like a joke.
Not that it matters but..... Stayin!
Mike Williams really seems like his heart is in it. Honestly, he kind of reminds me of Stevie in his love for Buffalo and swagger.
Billsberryd @Billsberryd 1m
@mikerodak for those of you keeping score that's a 77% completion percentage.Enough for the #1 completion percentage in the league last year
4:56 PM - 14 Aug 2014 · Details
I asked the AP guy covering the team if Bills looked bad.
I asked the AP guy covering the team if the bills looked bad: "@WillGravesAP: not really. It's hard to tell but they were hardly an embarrassment. Watkins looks like the real deal." @yoloinohio
"Here's a thread for laughs: http://boards.buffalobills.com/showt...-Wins-Week-One"
You're going to get crushed and i'm going to visit your message board.